6 thoughts on “Criminal Complaint against Craig Released”

  1. No, Steve. The liberal media says yer gay if you ‘want’ a guy to give you a blowjob. Typical non sequitur right-winged question.

  2. “but since when is it illegal to use your hand or foot to “signal” (something inherently rife with ambiguity) anyone about anything, unless there’s a specific, premeditated, illegal conspiracy?”

    Probably when you’re signaling that what you want is illegal, and you’re signaling to a cop.

    “I don’t like entrapment, but it was a public toilet, and there apparently had been complaints about lewd behavior.”

    Exactly. It’s called a sting operation, mounted to eliminate a public nuisance. The “entrapment” charge is a red herring.

  3. so now… the liberal media says yer gay just cause a guy wants to give a blowjob? whatsup???

  4. I have to agree with a point Mr. Turley made on “Randi Rhodes” a few minutes ago.

    I have no doubt that Senator Larry Craig is a bucket of warm hypocritical spit, but since when is it illegal to use your hand or foot to “signal” (something inherently rife with ambiguity) anyone about anything, unless there’s a specific, premeditated, illegal conspiracy?

    I can even see Craig being arrested for being a Peeping Tom, but shouldn’t that have happened even before he entered the stall?

  5. I don’t feel pity for any of these ultra-conservative, right-wing Republicans who are actually closeted homosexuals, yet preach hatred of others like themselves. You and I know that he opposed gay unions to cover his secret life, and he knows it as well. The hypocrisy of these people makes me sick to my stomach. He deserves whatever legal action is brought against him, not because he is a closeted gay man, but because he’s a two-faced bigot who uses his power as a Senator to keep gays from having equal rights. He should be removed from Congress.

  6. Hi: I found Larry Craig’s arrest to be a sad and pitiful thing… I don’t like entrapment, but it was a public toilet, and there apparently had been complaints about lewd behavior.

    I guess Craig belongs to the generation that had to find sex in public toilets… Liberation of gays came too late for him.

    I would say that his staunch opposition to gay unions was a cover for his own sexual preferences.

    Elizabeth Nichols

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