It’s Official: New York Times Says it is Ruth Bader Ginsburg Not Ginsberg

The New York Times has misspelled her name over a dozen times since 2001 but it is finally stating publicly that, for the future, it will be Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and not Ginsberg. However, starting today it will be John Paul Stephens.

Ok, I made the last part up. Here is the correction:

An article in some editions on Wednesday about Fordham University’s plan to give an ethics prize to Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer misspelled the surname of another Supreme Court justice who received the award in 2001. She is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, not Ginsberg. The Times has misspelled her name at least two dozen times since 1980; this is the first correction the paper has published.

If she is ever confused, Justice Ginsburg can find the correct spelling at here.

One thought on “It’s Official: New York Times Says it is Ruth Bader Ginsburg Not Ginsberg”

  1. The “paper of record” can’t be wrong, can they? After they voluntarily delayed important stories at the behest of lies from the Bush regime, the least they could is spell some names correctly!

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