Texas Judge Accused of Failure to Pay Legal Costs in Daughter’s Manslaughter Case

judgeTexas Judge Pat Shelton has already attracted a great deal of controversy over his role in the defense of his daughter, Elizabeth Shelton, who was convicted of drunk driving that led to the death of her boyfriend, Matthew McNiece. Not only did Shelton sue the car that she hit but Judge Shelton attacked the man who is credited with saving his daughter. Now, Judge Shelton is accused of not paying his legal bills in the case.

Defense attorney George “Mac” Secrest represented Shelton at a discounted rate. Presumably this was a standard discount and not a favor to a sitting judge. Now a defense expert has sued Secrest for outstanding fees and Secrest in turn has blamed Judge Shelton for his failure to pay the fees. The expert traffic reconstructionist is reported owed over $25,000. The lawyers have insisted that “This is clearly Shelton’s responsibility . . . (Shelton’s) attitude seems to be ‘I’m a judge, leave me alone.’”

Allegations of discounted rates and failure to pay bills could well add to the problems of Judge Sheldon with the bar and courts.

For the full story, click here.

4 thoughts on “Texas Judge Accused of Failure to Pay Legal Costs in Daughter’s Manslaughter Case”

  1. This judge is a very respected and proffessional Judge who does great credit to the Texas Justice system

  2. Hey, hey, hey! There are quite a few of us Texans who work hard to get judges like this impeached – and we’ve had some success with it over the years. At least we haven’t had to impeach a lunatic governor lately.

  3. Another Texan enforcing the “law” but not abiding it?

    Maybe we should just give them back to Mexico since they insist on acting like Mexico.

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