Chickens Coming Home To Roost and Rumble? Rooster Kills Man Before Cockfight

As with the recent case of the man shot by a fox he was beating to death, it is hard to work up sympathy for the late Jose Luis Ochoa, 35, who died from a cut from one of the chickens he was training for illegal cockfighting.

In Lamont, Calif., one of the chicken cut Ochoa on the right calf after he attached razors for fighting. It cut a major artery.

Ochoa paid $370 in fines last year after pleading no contest to one count of owning or training an animal for fighting.

Obviously, no one celebrates the death of a man for his own unlawful act. However, Ochoa clearly would not be deterred from harming birds and engaging in the blood sport that ultimately claimed his own life. Satisfying? No. Ironic? Yes.

Source: NY Post

36 thoughts on “Chickens Coming Home To Roost and Rumble? Rooster Kills Man Before Cockfight”

  1. Touche Capon 🙂

    As I’m a Net Luddite, may I also suggest “Free Range” by The Fall as an associated music video.

  2. “In Lamont, Calif., one of the chicken cut Ochoa on the right calf after he attached razors for fighting. It cut a major artery. ”

    Maybe he was too busy running around in a panic to think to put a tourniquet…..or maybe being the sort that indulges in blood sport precludes thinking atall…..

  3. Capon.

    It really doesn’t interest me as much as it seems to interest you. Perhaps I could put you in touch with my brother in law?

  4. Major arteries don’t lie near the surface, except in the arm pit where the muscles of the shoulder and the humerus normally protect them.

    It is possible the rooster dug the spur into the groin area and some how buried it deeply enough and twisted it eought to rip the femoral artery, but even in that case heavy pressure or a tightly strapped padding like a wadded up shirt and a belt would have stopped or slowed that bleeding.

    It would be interesting to know exactly where and how deep the cut was. Or maybe the man had a clotting deficiency of some kind.

  5. Maaaarrghk:

    Maybe you should take lessons from your brother in law and then you to will know how to discriminate between a good cock and a bad cock.

    What kind of cock does your brother in law like? What kind of cock is the hardest to beat? What is the best size of cock? Does a cock use it’s pecker during an engagement or just it’s spurs? Can a cock be used over again or is it only good for one time?

  6. It’s big money in the Philippines – they say that the national sport there is basketball. It isn’t.

    Mrs M!’s godfather indulges and showed me the spurs that they use – razor sharp.

    One night a week it’s televised and really is quite brutal to watch, being always a fight to the death, even after it is quite clear which rooster has won. Sometimes the “winner” dies of its injuries after the fight.

    Part of the culture there I’m afraid and not something a few interfering foriegners is going to put a stop to for many decades to come.

    My brother in law sometimes sneeks off down the local cock-pit for a flutter and usually comes home with more money than he left with. I just find it difficult coping with having a brother in law who has an eye for a healthy young cock. Fnurk!

  7. karma’s a bitch

    mike vick and that canadien sled co. owner better watch their asses around chihuahuas.

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