Chicago Lawyer Faces Suspension Over Calling Other Attorney “Gay Scum” and “Child Molester”

I have seen a few angry lawyers in court, but Chicago Thomas Guadagno, 66, may take the cake. Guadagno has agreed to a month suspension of his license after calling opposing counsel “gay scum” and a “child molester,” among other bizarre statements.

In one cited incident, he told a client not to hire an attorney because the man had a “sexual torture chamber in his basement.”

Guadagno was charged with disorderly conduct after a sheriff deputy said he was yelling that another attorney was “gay,” a “scumbag” and a “homosexual” and would not stop when told to do so by the deputy. He was sentenced to six months of court supervision and ordered to take an anger management class.

He primarily handles traffic cases, according to the article below.

Such sanctions are not unique. In 2008, an attorney was suspended in part for using such comments as “Louisiana Department of Injustice,” “spear chucker,” “human scum,” “goon squad” and “vermin.”

Source: Chicago Tribune as first seen on ABA Journal

17 thoughts on “Chicago Lawyer Faces Suspension Over Calling Other Attorney “Gay Scum” and “Child Molester””

  1. pete1, October 11, 2011 at 10:03 pm

    mustnotgothere mustnotgothere AARRGGHH

    isn’t a homosexual a “packer fan”?

    oh the angst! you funny……


    you funny….?

  2. When I was sued for defamation, opposing counsel immediately sent a settlement offer to my insurance agent. Three pages praised the plaintiff and asked for money. The other five pages called me a liar 12 times.

    The problem? I’d hired a lawyer and DID NOT HAVE liability insurance – just home and auto.

  3. doesn’t this show a distinct bias by the judge? If the deputy tattler snitched that said lawyer called someone “gay scum” does that mean it’s an insult and disorderly? Ever hear of gay pride? Positive. And the scum of metal smelting always rises to the top, like cream. Positive. So what’s the deal with the penalty? Unfair when a differing explanation of the events explains the evidence. Now if the lawyer called someone a Packer fan I would understand the insulting nature of the invective.

  4. OS,
    That was an interesting clip. I must have slept through this case,because this is the first I have heard of it.

  5. In one cited incident, he told a client not to hire an attorney because the man had a “sexual torture chamber in his basement.”
    and I sure hope that *somebody* is looking into this………. 😉

  6. Jo1, October 11, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    In all walks of society it has become that the authoritarian type has started to believe he/she has the right to say whatever abusive thing he/she wants.
    As opposed to the overly invested type that will say way too much in an effort to prevent harm?

    ….damm, if I could be sure of the intentions that lead to certain behaviors my life would look sooooooooooooooooo……. nifty……..

  7. In all walks of society it has become that the authoritarian type has started to believe he/she has the right to say whatever abusive thing he/she wants. I blame right wing radio and TV shows where they hurl invectives right and left at anyone who doesn’t believe as they do. Those weak minded fools who watch begin to believe they have the right to do the same.

  8. The LA was suspended after Katrina and here is the guts…

    “In a decree issued Friday, the judges of U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana said Ashton O’Dwyer disregarded repeated warnings to stop behaving unprofessionally. Among other misdeeds, he filed frivolous and unsupported claims, used abusive language to challenge the court’s authority and misrepresented the conduct of opposing attorneys, the court said.” and only suspended for 5 Years in Fed Court….

    I think the main character in the Thread is a little loosely wired…..

  9. Doesn’t surprise me a bit … I read this blog and, well, get an attorney riled up over something he feels strongly about …

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