Gem Trader Alleges Hooker Stole His Jewels

Kurt Kaiser has accused an unnamed prostitute in New York of stealing his stash of uncut diamonds after having sex in a hotel room. In the world’s most self-evident statement, Kaiser, 47, reported that “I woke and thought ‘I’ve been screwed.’”

The Queens gem dealer had the diamonds because of a deal that fell through that day to sell as much as half a million dollars of gems. He went to a bar to drink away his disappointment when he met the the 23-year-old Hispanic woman. He says that he may have been drugged, but realized that she was a prostitute. After getting to a hotel, Kaiser says that he put the 45 uninsured stones — 290 carats of diamonds — into a dresser to hide them. He woke up around 6 am and found both the girl and the stones gone. A video shows the prostitute leaving with Kaiser’s briefcase.

My first thought was that, if the $50,000 of diamonds were not uninsured, I would be highly suspicious of the account. It would have made for an interesting insurance claim. Going to a hotel with a prostitute and a bag of uncut diamonds would appear grossly negligent conduct. Question: if insured, would the company be able to deny coverage for grossly negligent conduct based on these facts?

Source: New York Post

12 thoughts on “Gem Trader Alleges Hooker Stole His Jewels”

  1. Men in the Navy and Coast Guard often spoke of such a support group. It was known as “screwed, blued, and tattooed.”

  2. Kurt Kaiser needs to join a support group. I suggest he call the Secret Service for recommendations.

  3. Question: if insured, would the company be able to deny coverage for grossly negligent conduct based on these facts?

    If there were safe deposit boxes, either at the hotel or near by, why wouldn’t a prudent person store them there?

    It is no doubt negligent IMO, gross negligence would probably depend on NY state law.

    A jury might not be very sympathetic to the “screwee” in this case.

  4. They went there for what he described to her as getting his rocks off. As a hispanic person her English might have not been all that good and she took him literally. And so off she went with the rocks. Dutifully/Duty free.

  5. I would think the insured would have his claim denied due to the insured’s loss occuring as a result of his criminal activity (prostitution).

    Or, laughably, the John and his business partner bound each other in a contract but one party disagreed on the consideration and attached his family jewels due to his default. Since she the injured party believed that “Rocks was an equitable trade for Rocks Off” she was within her rights to what was within his briefs, I mean, his briefcase. But, regretfully so to John, since the collateral was lost through what would be an illegal contract, and thus unenforceble, John’s out of luck on collection. And since he collateralized the basis for the insurance possibly against the insurance contract, claim denied.

  6. OS,

    You got that right….. And the screwing he’s gonna get from his tender is going to not be as pleasant……

  7. I hope the screwing he got was worth the price of the screwing he got.

    After the news of the week, I am sure there is a moral here somewhere about using the services of prostitutes.

  8. As I understand it….. Diamond dealers are the most closely watch group by thieves……

    Now if charlie Sheen had been involved….. It’d be a little more humorous…..

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