How to Clean Your Cat In 30 Seconds Or Less

This cat appears to love a good vacuuming — though we recommend the shag carpeting setting. The ultimate example of multitasking for the busy pet owner.

If you add carpet freshener, your cat comes out Pine Fresh . . .

It is funny how dogs and cats react differently to vacuums. I am not a cat owner but I have heard of cats who like vacuums. Every dog I have owned has hated vacuums and barks at the device or hides from it.

21 thoughts on “How to Clean Your Cat In 30 Seconds Or Less”

  1. I stand with David in admiration and thankfulness.

    Thats why I stop or even draw attention to myself on the street to express admiration and love for every child less than three. Especially to the mothers and babies experiencing their FIRST summer together.

    Mostly all respond with a glow by that special look on their faces when I show my admiration, my shared happiness, and my wonder at it all—-and of course my admiration for their courage to produce a new generation and take upon themselves the burden of nurture.

    It gives a lift to my life, practically every time I take a walk each day.

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