12 thoughts on “Throw It, I Dare Ya”

  1. joel, Exactly. Cats and dogs complement each other. And, I’m heartened to hear your take on politics. You are spot on!

  2. Bron, It has been beautiful. Some cry “drought” and I say let it rain when I leave.

  3. Hey, Nick. I am a complete softie for animals of every type. Grew up with dogs and cats, love them both equally. I live in a condo in DC, and while I know many that own dogs in the same situation, I like the indoor-only ease of our cats (only one fetches… heh). I admit to being an over-the-top sports fan who loves to defend his team (if they deserve it), but never gloats if/when they win. Okay, I don’t gloat anymore. With age comes wisdom. But I am with you 100% on the politics front. Name calling and fear mongering of “the other” has dominated our political speech. It used to be the backwater of hyperbole. Now it’s how you attract voters. I will never understand that, or how we got to that place. It’s not just negative. It’s terrifying.

  4. There are folks that are still hopeful that cats can be trained…. But… If you stop and think…. Pets train us….

  5. joel, I’m a rare person who love both cats and dogs. so much of our culture has been diminished to “either one or the other,” in politics, sports, food, drink. Hell, if you want a spirited debate just throw out “Coke or Pepsi” as a topic. It’s myopic and negative.

  6. Our cat does fetch! Not sticks, and certainly not from a stream, but I shoot rubber bands (big ones so she doesn’t try to eat them!), across the room and she’ll go grab it and bring it back so she can chase it again. She loves it! And I didn’t train her. It was all very natural. Cats are amazing too. Just sayin’. =)

  7. funny ! – my instant reaction to this picture was to find myself bracing for the shower of water from the pooch clearing water from his coat – happy memories of our lab (:>).

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