Deputy Prosecutor Alleged To Have Sent Bikini Photo And Texts To Inmate

Submitted by Darren Smith, Weekend Contributor

Matthew Baumrucker
Matthew Baumrucker

This might be a face only a Deputy Prosecutor could love. Reportedly so much that Spokane County Deputy Prosecutor Marriya Wright is now facing charges of Rendering Criminal Assistance in the First Degree and having a curious incident where she is alleged to have passed to a jail inmate a picture of herself posing in a bikini.

Convicted felon Matthew Baumrucker described in a letter to KREM News as a “Cinderella Story” of a relationship between a couple from the opposite side of the tracks and the law.

During the time when Matthew was a fugitive from justice, having an outstanding arrest warrant, Spokane Police Detectives allege that Marriya and Matthew exchanged over 1,200 text messages after they pinged his cell phone in an attempt to locate and apprehend him on an arrest warrant for drug possession and for investigation in an assault case.

An unsealed document revealed that during the time that Matthew was wanted, witnesses stated he contacted Marriya asking for help in avoiding arrest. KREM reported security video showed two, who investigators believe is Marriya and Matthew in her red SUV during the time he was wanted by authorities. Records showed she gave Matthew and one of his friends a ride to a trailer in the Spokane Valley during the time he was on the run. Witnesses told detectives they heard Marriya tell Matthew to “take care of his warrants,” but they say Marriya never made an attempt to turn him over to police according to court documents.

Marriya Wright
Marriya Wright

Once authorities located and arrested Matthew, Marriya seemed to not be able to resist staying in touch.

Jail staff became suspicious when Marriya visited Matthew ten times within a month. It was highly unusual for a Deputy Prosecutor to visit an inmate this many times. She listed the reason for the visit as “Professional” and staff provided her access to an attorney-client cell where documents could be passed between them.

The tryst culminated with a corrections officer allegedly witnessing Marriya provide Matthew with a photograph of her in a bikini. A search warrant located the photograph.

Marriya is on administrative leave. Her duties with the prosecutor’s office formerly included prosecution of property crimes not public representation of criminal defendants. Reportedly the FBI is also investigating the incident.

This Cinderella story obviously will not have a happy ending.

By Darren Smith


KHQ – Photo Credit

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64 thoughts on “Deputy Prosecutor Alleged To Have Sent Bikini Photo And Texts To Inmate”

  1. I actually knew her and she is married to a handsome, fit, super nice man.She had no reasons to stray except she had a mental break. My heart breaks for him. She has a good heart, but things in life went terribly wrong and now it will never be the same. It sad.

  2. PCS, Which begs the question, why would anyone show respect for Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Fareed Zarkaria, et al., who have defrauded?

    What happened to the “moral turpitude” clause?

    Even more to the point, why do the media and their political benefactors impose notorious frauds on the public?

    They have an agenda.

    The media forces damaged goods onto the market because they meet the needs of the liberal/collectivist/progressive/socialist/democrat agenda and serve the cause.

    The ends justify the means, right out of the communist handbook.

    Manipulation of the vote.


    Isn’t that anathema to the American thesis?

    The liberal collectivists incriminate themselves daily.

    In a perfect world, votes, the same as justice, would be blind.

    Liberals put the “heroes,” who are actually liars, out there to live with the liars as liars lying to the voters to influence and persuade the voters to vote for the liars. Can you say Bill Clinton.

    Is it any wonder why California is a one-party state, right out of the communist handbook?

    The American republic should have maintained its ideological discipline and advanced the logical, rational and coherent restricted vote.

    American can’t even prosecute or ostracize its notorious frauds, including the financial frauds who have burdened this country with $18T in unpayable debt.

    There is something fundamentally wrong with America.

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”

    Edmund Burke

  3. Famous quote: “Stealing from one is plagiarism, stealing from many is research.”

  4. John:

    I remember Helen Keller’s plagiarism. She was devastated to learn that one of her first stories was actually one that had been “spelled” to her years ago, as a young child. She was writing from memory, thinking that it was original. It appeared to have been an honest mistake, that devastated her, and made her much more careful.

    I did not know MLK, Jr plagiarized! How disappointing. He is one of my favorite historical figures. I know about his infidelity. Sounds like he was eminently admirable in some parts of his life, but not in others.

    1. Karen – if you or I had plagiarized our dissertation, they would have stripped us of our Ph.D. Has happened several times. But MLK? No way, Jose!

  5. Eric Holder just announced the DOJ is conducting a full scale civil rights investigation on the St. Louis Rams cutting gay player, Michael Sam. Holder announced he will double the DOJ staff already in St. Louis already there for the Ferguson shooting.

    1. squeeky – to say that Sylvia Plath had problems is to understate the issues.

  6. PCS,

    How do they retain credibility sufficient to remain in the media?

    Jessie Jackson kept a concubine and love child at a cost of thousands per month and remained a public figure and reverend…I said reverend!

    They fill a slot in an agenda and the liberal/collectivists have no scruples or standards.

    The ends justify the means.

    1. John – When Clinton was having his Monica problems Jesse Jackson arrived with pregnant mistress in tow to counsel him. The irony is overwhelming.



    “There is no excuse for this inappropriate behavior. Self-control is expected of all professionals, no matter how lonely or vulnerable. Persons who will not or cannot exercise self-control need to be removed from the profession.”

    Permit me a brief departure.

    A few minutes ago, Fareed Zakaria appeared on CNN. He was exposed in the media last week as a plagiarist. Doris Kearns Goodwin and Martin Luther King did the same, according to reports.

    How do these allegedly notorious experts/leaders/celebrities retain any credibility and persist in public positions after being impeached and embarrassed?


    Legal Zoom
    “Although plagiarism is not a criminal or civil offense, plagiarism is illegal if it infringes an author’s intellectual property rights, including copyright or trademark. For example, the owner of a copyright can sue a plagiarizer in federal court for copyright violation. The plagiarist in turn may have to pay the copyright owner of the plagiarized works the amount he or she actually lost because of the infringement, in addition to paying attorney’s fees.

    Yet, plagiarism does occur and may likely continue to occur. Many famous icons have been proven to have plagiarized…Helen Keller was accused of plagiarism during her school years, as was Martin Luther King, Jr., when a Boston University investigation revealed he had in fact plagiarized approximately one third of a chapter of his doctoral thesis.

    Best-selling historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and Stephen Ambrose were accused of stealing from other writers.”

    1. John – a whole section of Roots was plagiarized. Alex Haley stole the work on another author on his African roots. Just today there is word that another major author has plagiarized and fabricated his way through everything he wrote.

  8. I will probably get in a lot of trouble for this, but what the hell. People get angry at me sometimes for no reason, so I might as well give them a reason.

    There is a serious, albeit unacknowledged, problem in the legal community with female attorneys falling in love with their criminal clients. Before anyone gets too riled up, I appreciate that the occasional male attorney might have sexual relations with his prostitute client. I also appreciate that lawyers of both genders sometimes date their civil, domestic and business clients. However, while unacceptable, that is much different than falling in love with a felon.

    Becoming intimate with one’s client, especially a criminal client, impairs counsel’s professional judgment, leads to unprofessional, often illegal, conduct, and generally reflects badly on the legal profession. Examples abound: a Maryland judge living with her felon/lover with an outstanding warrant; a lawyer passing sealed information to her client/lover; a lawyer using her professional credentials to have sex with her client/lover in penal institutions.

    The fact that, in this case, the attorney was a prosecutor only compounds the problem. A prosecutor has access to information which, in the wrong hands, might negatively affect the safety of the community. I wonder (parenthetically) how District Attorney Wright even met her felon. Prosecutors don’t often communicate with criminal clients outside the presence of defense lawyers and/or police officers. To do otherwise is bad form. Whatever.

    The criminal class is a manipulative one. The successful criminal senses the mark and makes his move. Conversely, a mature individual will be able to sense when someone is attempting to manipulate them. Perhaps the most appalling thing about D.A. Wright’s situation is that a prosecutor could be so gullible. She was not able to understand that she was being played.

    There is no excuse for this inappropriate behavior. Self-control is expected of all professionals, no matter how lonely or vulnerable. Persons who will not or cannot exercise self-control need to be removed from the profession.

  9. Most of the low life DAs I am familiar with F each other or cops. This is a twist that provides insight into their often sick, but immunized minds.

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