Florida Man Reportedly Admits To Possession Of Child Porn But Insists He Didn’t Know Any Of The Children

Ronald-Lynn-jpgRonald A. Lynn, 52, reportedly has a curious defense in the making for his trial on child pornography charges: he really did not know any of the children personally.

The Daytona Beach man reportedly admitted to police that he has a weakness for child porn and that he downloaded and viewed child pornography on numerous occasions and that he shared those files with other users on peer-to-peer file-sharing. Police say that found an estimated 150 suspected videos of child pornography in their search of his home and computers. As Lynn was being escorted through the police department, he is quoted as saying “The child porn I was downloading was only of kids I didn’t know. None of them are real. I don’t make my own videos, I promise. Maybe we can work this out since they are not local girls.”

What is interesting is that Lynn was charged with not just 18 counts of possession of photos of sexual performance by a child but two counts of promotion of sexual performance by a child. It is not clear what the basis for the first two charges are. The statute stated “A person is guilty of promoting a sexual performance by a child when, knowing the character and content thereof, he or she produces, directs, or promotes any performance which includes sexual conduct by a child less than 18 years of age.” The news accounts speak only of sharing and possessing such pornographic material.

His bond was set at $210,000.

Source: Orlando

11 thoughts on “Florida Man Reportedly Admits To Possession Of Child Porn But Insists He Didn’t Know Any Of The Children”

  1. People on Planet Earth need to address sex offenders a little more directly. A male with no testicles is less likely to abuse children, young women, women or men or boys who dont consent who are of the age of consent. You could hire that doctor on the previous article who is going to prison for too many operations. While he is in the joint he could do the testicle removals. Shorten the penis on some perps just for punishment alone not for cure.

  2. What a creepy wanker! Another Porn Disciple. I wonder how he justified it to himself?

    Kinda off topic, but here is an epic rant about how screwed up America has become, and this POS fits right in there: The whole rant is great, and worth the read, but here are some fun excerpts:

    Moron Madness
    by Jim Quinn

    I can’t help it that I’m an observer. I observe businesses, vehicles, street signs, clothing choices, and the people wandering the vast swaths of ‘Murrica. Liberals, progressives, Obama lovers, and control freaks have a problem with my observations because they don’t believe any behavior, clothing choice, or life choice should be judged, scorned or ridiculed. What we have here is a failure to communicate. I see ignorant, stupid, obese people who make bad life choices every day. They reveal themselves by their actions and their appearance. They stand out like a sore obese thumb in Wildwood. As I’ve noted earlier, there are many normal people in Wildwood, but it appears abnormalcy is winning. The dichotomy is most apparent on the weekends and holidays.

    The reason for this is quite simple. It costs $1,500 to $2,500 to rent a condo for a week in Wildwood. Only families with one or two working parents can afford to spend a week in Wildwood. This virtually eliminates black people. First off, there are few black two parent families. Secondly, there are even fewer black families with parents that work for a living. Therefore, you only see middle aged white parents and their kids strolling the streets and boardwalk during the week. When the weekend arrives Wildwood is inundated by day tripper white and black trash. Wildwood is the only free beach below Atlantic City. Stone Harbor, Sea Isle, Avalon, and Ocean City charge $5 or $6 per day per person to access their beaches. The Free Shit Army doesn’t like to pay, so they gravitate to Wildwood. Luckily, SNAP cards are not accepted at the food joints on the boardwalk, or Wildwood would look like West Philly.

    Idiots abound during the weekends in Wildwood. Moron madness sums it up nicely. The proliferation of tattoos amongst the ignorant is astounding. I certainly can understand soldiers getting a tattoo on their arm representing their unit or service as a form of comradeship. I understand motorcycle club members identifying themselves by a distinct common tattoo. But young girls with multiple tattoos on their legs, arms, necks, and backs is revolting and stupid. We saw an attractive young girl at the Shamrock bar with a full leg tattoo. When my wife saw it close up while in the restroom, she noticed it was faces of ghouls and vampires. What happened in her childhood to lead her to deform herself in such a manner? It reminds me of cattle being branded by farmers, except the cattle are human beings being herded and corralled by their government keepers and they brand themselves.

    I’m baffled as to why so many people feel the need to mutilate their bodies. These are lower class people with limited financial resources. Some of them have thousands of dollars worth of ink deforming their bodies. The combination of ignorance, illiteracy, mathematical incompetence, and no self respect is a toxic mixture destined to keep these people trapped in poverty and unemployable. I have a theory about why the poor feel the need to tattoo themselves. We live in an egocentric facebook culture where everyone is competing to be noticed. People are desperate for attention. The rich don’t get tattoos. They drive BMWs. They wear Rolex watches. They wear Armani suits. They live in McMansions. The poor can’t afford bling, real estate, or luxury cars. But they can finance tattoos with their credit card. The easily led, ignorant, lemming like masses are just following the lead of the other ignorant masses. You can’t teach stupid.

    There is nothing particularly wrong with the people enjoying themselves on the Wildwood boardwalk. They aren’t bad people. They aren’t committing crimes. They are spending money and keeping the economy going. But, I can pretty much guarantee you that not one of these people has ever visited The Burning Platform or would even understand the issues we debate every day. They are willfully ignorant. They don’t want to think about hard stuff. They have been dumbed down by our public education system. They have become obese by eating the toxic frankenfood peddled by mega-corporations. I noticed one heifer with one of those ugly Apple iWatches on her immense wrist. Where do these supposedly poor people find $500 to waste on an egocentric useless bauble. Ignorant Americans are addicted to status symbols because their lives are so shallow and their intellects are deficient. True self worth comes from within, not from what you wear, drive, or paint on your body.

    They have been brainwashed by their government with decades worth of propaganda that has sedated them, made them fearful of phantom terrorists, and supportive of blowing up people in foreign countries without a declaration of war. They actually believe the armed police forces roaming our streets kept us safe from a terrorist attack on the 4th of July. Their pea sized brains are unable to process the fact that more people have died in bathtub accidents since 9/11 then have died at the hands of terrorists. They don’t question, think or care about future generations. They don’t understand the long term financial implications of a country with $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities. They don’t even understand the term liability. It’s almost enough to make a man go to the Boardwalk Chapel and pray for the souls of the ignorant masses.

    Some boardwalk stores actually provide some hope. Teaching the masses on the boardwalk to disobey might take more than a shirt. I would estimate that 75% of the people strolling along the Wildwood boardwalk have never heard of Edward Snowden, let alone what he did. And of those who have heard of him, most buy the government storyline that he is a traitor. But 99.9% of these morons know the courageous story of Bruce Jenner’s transformation into a freak called Caitlyn. They are oblivious to the military industrial surveillance state they occupy. The militarization of local police forces doesn’t reach their radar screens. Miley Cyrus twerking videos are more important.

    They have no worries about the fact that Obama and the captured corrupt politician snakes slithering around the halls of Congress have added $7.6 trillion to the national debt since 2009, a 75% increase in six years. They care not that their president uses drones to murder people in foreign countries. They think having troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and dozens of other countries around the world is keeping them safe. They are happily unaware that the American empire overthrows governments on a regular basis if they don’t do what we tell them to do.

    It seems that everyone on the Wildwood boardwalk embraces the surveillance state. They all have tracking devices attached to their hands. Vacation used to mean leaving the office, disconnecting, relaxing, and recharging your batteries. With the proliferation of iGadgets, the masses have been trained by the Bernaysian propagandists to have the attention span of gnats. Rather than enjoying themselves on vacation, they have to prove to the world they are having fun. They “need” to check-in on Facebook. They must post selfies from the bar. They have to take a picture of their meal and tweet it to the world. The vacuous multitude are gloriously distracted from reality by their technological chains. The State is ecstatic, as the plebs wallow in bread and circuses (funnel cake & roller-coaster rides), and provide an electronic tracking signal for the NSA to exploit when necessary. The willfully ignorant masses will not disobey en-mass until they are no longer getting monthly government transfers, ATM machines stop spitting out $20 bills, and their credit cards come back declined.

    But then we had to walk back to reality. That is the dichotomy you experience in Wildwood. There is much to enjoy and savor, but it is overwhelmed by moron madness. I’ve come to believe that Aldous Huxley’s fears have been manifested on the boardwalk of Wildwood and across our entire nation. The masses don’t read books. We are inundated with so much useless information, we have been reduced to passivity and egotism. The truth is buried in a sea of irrelevance and our culture is based upon triviality. Our almost infinite desire for distractions and pleasure have produced a profoundly abnormal society. The ignorant masses are acting normally only in the context of living in a sick, demented, abnormal society.

    “The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” ? Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited.


    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  3. Reposted because I put into the wrong thread.

    Possession of Child Pornography is illegal. Just because he doesn’t personally know the children or know the “exact” source of the filming is immaterial. He is in possession of items that he KNOWS is illegal to have or distribute.

    Just like being in possession of stolen goods. If I buy what I know to have been stolen, say some guns, and I know it is illegal to possess those guns because 1) they have not been registered, 2) the serial numbers may be filed off or 3) they are registered to someone else (the legal owner)….it doesn’t matter if I don’t know who the guns belonged to or where they came from or how the guns came to be stolen. They are illegal and I would be prosecuted because I knowingly bought, possess, obtained something of which II should not be in possession.

  4. I think I remember reading that anime porn is not porn so child anime porn is not child porn. Again this may be a case of over charging hoping to get a plea to the lessors.

  5. It’s unclear what he meant by his statement, “they’re not real.” Could the videos be of some kind of computer animation? Would that make a difference? Then he goes on to say that “they’re not local girls.” Of course, that’s not going to matter under the federal statutes. Even if the videos were made in a foreign country, it is likely illegal to download them in the U.S. I believe the theory is that by downloading and/or sharing the porn, that the defendant is creating a market. It seems to be a bit of a stretch, for example if he downloaded and viewed a porn film that was made in Japan in 1950, before he was born, how would he be contributing any exploitation? But I suppose it’s no more of a legal stretch than using the Commerce Clause against some hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Georgia that didn’t want to sell a hamburger to a black person, or convicting someone under both state and federal law for the same act. If it is an unpopular defendant, and a “just cause” to punish the bad behavior, then the courts are more willing to engage in legal contortions to get to what they consider the socially correct result. But then the downside is that the judges are increasingly viewed as little more than political appointees who are expected to enforce a political agenda, not interpret the law.

  6. Is is porn of little males or of little females? Is the guy Catholic? Was he ever a Priest? Perhaps there is a defense here.

  7. This is just a guess of course, but this stuff isn’t made in a studio. While it does say “P2P sharing”, its a little unlike trading mp3 and mp4 files; these guys are part of a secret ring of criminals who are manufacturing these videos themselves. Possibly the charge comes from him knowing one of the people who made some video that he is in possession of. Or he requested it from this person. Maybe they are just putting pressure on him so he will give up as many names as he possibly can.

    Perhaps its something like this:


  8. Somewhere in this mix children are being abused. If a person is part of it in any way, they are part of the industry which means that they contribute to child abuse. It’s a two part problem. The guy is broken somewhere and children are being abused or worse. If he’s guilty he needs to be dealt with under the existing laws, jail and monitoring. As a deterrent, perhaps other non participants/but contributors might be pushed to seek some help.

  9. I read Jared from Subway is under investigation for child porn.

  10. As he was sharing the files – i.e., letting others download them off his system via P2P, it could be argued that he was promoting them through distribution.

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