Truck Driver In Massive Salmon Spill Claims “Auto-Brewery Syndrome”

salmon2n-2-webWe recently discussed the case of the New York teacher who was found to suffer from “auto-brewery syndrome” in the dismissal of a DUI offense. The rare intestinal disorder is caused by a saturation of yeast in the system of some people (which is why it is also called “gut fermentation syndrome”). Now, truck driver Ray Lewis is claiming that he also suffers from the condition after his conviction for drunk driving. Lewis not only crashed his truck near Eugene Oregon but spilled some 11,000 salmon across the highway.

Lewis, 45, is an employee of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and registered at .29 blood alcohol concentration after the crash. That is three times above the legal limit.

Lewis said he has a meeting with the department later this month. He says he expects to be fired.

salmon2n-1-webLewis was part of an effort to transport more than 200,000 salmon inside 10 trucks to the Row River after a dam malfunction in the McKenzie River caused water levels to drop – endangering the fish population. Unfortunately, this shipment of salmon ended up spilled over a highway.

It is not clear whether there is any documentation for Lewis to support his claim of “auto-brewery syndrome.” Even if this condition is documented, however, there remains the question of whether such people should be given licenses if they cannot detect a “flare” of the syndrome. After all, if he would be very negligent if he knew that he had this condition and decided to work as a truck driver. If he was not previously diagnosed, he would have had no reason to know. In such a case, he would need some compelling evidence in the form of medical treatment and tests.

Source: KIMATV

13 thoughts on “Truck Driver In Massive Salmon Spill Claims “Auto-Brewery Syndrome””

  1. Mr. Lewis was diagnosed after the crash. The medical testing he submitted to was extensive is medically relevant. Ironically, the Ass. DA in the case referred to the medical diagnosis as “bunk”. For that claim, I would think that he is either a practicing physician specializing in digestive syndromes, or has weathered the battery of tests used to determine problem. I am guessing neither. He probably just wants to win the case…

  2. beakie, Personal responsibility went out the window when attorneys started advertising on TV. We are rewatching Breaking Bad. So many great characters, but Saul is classic.

    1. Nick – just starting watching the first season of Better Call Saul. Must see, TV!!!

    2. You are sooooo right! You better believe my children and grandchildren are being raised to take responsibility. Three daughters, five grandchildren and the daughter with two divorces…… Her son is a bum. The other two each have two kids, raised right! My ex had too much influence with daughter #1👎🏻, daughter#2 was raised by me 👍🏻, daughter#3 with my wonderful husband 👍🏻👍🏻! I agree with you about the lawyers but so much advertising is offensive now. My daddy would freak out.

  3. If he has it, he’ll be able to prove it, even if they have to perform challenge testing.

    I share the concern about when he was diagnosed, before or after the accident. Had he been having symptoms but did not know the syndrome existed? Since he obviously had a major flareup, it’s not controlled. If it is caused by a yeast flareup from improper diet, then he clearly has not resolved his condition yet.

    I agree that as a safety precaution, those diagnosed should have breathalyzers installed in their cars. I know I would want one if it was me. Alcohol impairs your ability to make rational decisions, whether your body produced the alcohol itself or you consumed it.

  4. I’m highly skeptical. The guy is 45; he drives a truck for a living, and this is the first time he became aware of this condition? Something’s fishy….

  5. Can anybody take responsibility for their actions anymore? No wonder the Dumocrat party will probably choose someone like their morally corrupt front runner. Our society is becoming a shell of the America where I grew up. Parents don’t parent, kids don’t learn, teachers can’t teach because they have to parent and we have advertising on tv daily for men to improve their sex life. But maybe North Korea and Iran with together destroy most of the trash with their missles and we can start over.

  6. At that BA it is surprising he did so little damage. If he can prove he has/had the condition then let him off. If not, the usual punishments.

  7. Justice,
    Medication is not necessary as a long-term solution. Removing starchy carbs from the diet and treating the yeast overgrowth in the short term should end the issue, so long as the person does not go back to the standard American diet which promotes gut dysbiosis.

  8. This is the second time I have read about this “syndrome” and I have to say it would seem that people who have this syndrome should not be permitted to have a driver’s license until and unless it can be controlled by medication.

  9. No mention in the article regarding whether or not he had consumed any alcoholic beverages prior to the accident. Also, no mention regarding when this condition was allegedly diagnosed. Prior to or after the accident? Perhaps problems such as this could be avoided if those diagnosed with this rare disorder are required, as a condition of maintaining a valid driver’s license, to install machinery in their vehicles which would only allow said vehicles to start once the driver had submitted an acceptable breathalyzer? The technology already exists and is in use across the country. Seems like an easy fix for those already on notice about this condition.

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