The Chihuahua Did It: California Man Charged After Pet Tests Positive For Meth

la-dog-methamphetamines-20160711Isaiah Nathaniel Sais appears to be the latest hapless man undone by the “erratic behavior” of Jack Sparrow. In this case, Jack Sparrow is a Chihuahua who was exhibiting strange behavior so his owner Sais took him to the veterinarian. Jack Sparrow tested positive for methamphetamine and the police were alerted and Sais eventually was arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty.

To his credit, Sais told the Inland Valley Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Center that he thought Jack Sparrow has ingested meth. A urine sample confirmed the suspicion and the vet observed convulsions and seizures. The vet staff was concerned for the dog’s life but Sais took the dog home. Animal control officers were notified and they went to Sais’ home. They said that dog was still exhibiting the condition of the drug ingestion and “other signs of neglect.” The dog was removed and Sais charged.

Jack_Sparrow_In_Pirates_of_the_Caribbean-_At_World's_EndNotably, Jack Sparrow (like his movie alter ego) remains “twitchy” in foster care. Notably, however, Sais’ action in seeking medical care for the dog can be used in defense of the charges. Dogs are known to consume medication, household cleaning supplies, and other dangerous items. Sais is not being charged with the possession of the meth, so the question (absent additional grounds for abuse) is whether he failed to protect the dog from access to the drug or gave him the drug intentionally. Presumably, without additional charges, the court will instruct any jury that the question is not the illegality of the drugs but the handling or storage of the drug. There is also the possible allegation that, in removing Jack Sparrow from the vet, Sais acted in a cruel fashion. Indeed, Jack Sparrow once supplied a possible jury instruction: “The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can’t do.”

5 thoughts on “The Chihuahua Did It: California Man Charged After Pet Tests Positive For Meth”

  1. Feeding meth to a bat-eared, bug-eyed, barking rat should not be considered animal cruelty. Those creatures are already so whacked-out that the effects of the meth would hardly be noticeable in them. And if it was, the result would probably be an improvement in their behavior. I don’t know why anyone would bother to domesticate and breed them, except that there apparently is big money in selling them these days. There isn’t a more insecure, noisy, and annoying pet in existence.

  2. Dogs will drink radiator coolant that spills on the driveway. It can be fatal.

  3. I don’t see how they can make a case here. The dog could have gotten the meth while it was doing its daily walkies.

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