Transgender Texas Wrestling Star Raises Difficult Questions Over Competition Rules For Students On Steriods

167 thoughts on “Transgender Texas Wrestling Star Raises Difficult Questions Over Competition Rules For Students On Steriods”

  1. it would naturally be an act of invidious discrimination to deny any person of equal testosterone levels [which is the issue at hand] regardless of gender the choice to wrestle with those of the female sex . . . . In that those of the male sex are denied is all the evidence needed to show such discrimination which allows some but not all with testosterone in their system.

  2. I am curious markkernes, do you think Beggs (the transgender in the post) should be allowed to compete against other females while she is taking drugs that give her an unfair advantage over the others? And if so, is that not completely unfair?

    1. I’m of two minds on this. Apparently, Beggs needs to take the hormones to aid in his transition, but generally speaking, using testosterone to build muscle mass is a no-no for competitors in sporting events. I think I’d have to go with not allowing Beggs to compete “as a girl,” though I’m not sure how I’d respond if he were competing as a boy—but I’d certainly be interested in what the courts have to say on the issue.

  3. Well, I might as well offer up an Irish Poem to the Tranny in question:

    Beggs: The Question???
    An Irish Poem by Squeeky Fromm

    There once was a tranny named Mack,
    Unfortunately, born with a crack!
    Thinking something was wrong,
    Her doc sewed on a schlong,
    Now “she” is a “he”. . . ain’t that whack???

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

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