A Hole In One On Mars


This huge hole on Mars has baffled scientists who received the image from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NRO).  It is hundreds of feet across and surrounded by frozen carbon dioxide, is located on the south pole of Mars.There is speculation ranging from a meteorites  to a lava tube.  However, I prefer the 18th hole of God’s ultimate golf course.

14 thoughts on “A Hole In One On Mars”

  1. In 1866, the American poet Edward Rowland Sill (1841-1887) wrote a long poem “The Hermitage,” in which he predicted that mankind would eventually “tread the desolate moon,” fulfilled by American astronauts in 1969. That poem also predicted that mankind would eventually “mingle with neighbor folk of Mars.” A selection of Sill’s poems, including the portion of “The Hermitage” predicting space exploration, is at: http://www.angelfire.com/ks/landzastanza/ers.html

  2. I’m thinking meteorite, because there does not seem to be any change in the nearby topography that would coincide with a lava tube. However, I don’t know the scale. This hole could be the size of Wisconsin, and perhaps such changes wouldn’t show up on that scale.

    But that’s my best guess.

  3. There’s a hole in your bucket Dear Lizza, Dear Lizza…
    There’s a hole in your bucket Dear Lizza a hole!

    Then fix it dear Georgie, Dear Georgie Dear Georgie
    Then fix it Dear Georgie Dear Georgie Fix IT!

  4. Meantime on another planet, Dr. Smith & the robot are at again. This is where politicians get their one liners…At 3:30 mark, “you deplorable dummy”. The insults continue.

  5. That is not a picture from Mars! That looks just like the scalp of most liberals.

    1. Nope, but here is how it was done.

      From Wired:

      President Nixon placed countless phone calls from the Oval Office, but there was one he called the most historic call ever made from the White House: His phone call to the moon.

      When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, millions watched on television as they climbed from their spacecraft, bounded across the lunar surface, and planted an American flag. They also saw the Apollo 11 astronauts take a long-distance call–a very long distance call–from the president.

      “This certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made from the White House,” Nixon told them. “Because of what you have done, the heavens have become a part of man’s world, and as you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to earth.”

      ‘This certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made from the White House.’
      — President Nixon

      In the video below, you can watch the call in all its grainy, low-def glory. It was routed from Washington to Mission Control in Houston, and from there, it bounced to Manned Space Flight Network dish antennas scattered around Earth, traveled 238,000 miles to the Apollo Lunar Module, and finally hopped to its ultimate destination: antennas attached to the backpacks carried by Armstrong and Aldrin. Armstrong’s response was then transmitted back to the Oval Office.

      It all went relatively smoothly–if you can forgive the low-grade audiovisuals. “For all its historic importance, it was basically an engineering test mission. Hence the ghostly, somewhat jumpy black and white images and the often crackly audio from the moon,” says WIRED Science blogger David S. F. Portree, a space exploration historian at the U.S. Geological Survey.

      The call used technology developed by the Air Force, USGS, and several corporate contractors, including AT&T’s BellComm, one of the smallest subsidiaries of the Bell System. BellComm, formed at NASA’s request in 1962, employed scientists plucked from the legendary Bell Labs. “It was a huge team effort, with nearly half a million people across the United States involved at its height,” Portee says, referring to the Apollo project as a whole. “To me, that’s one of the really inspiring things about it. Americans came together and accomplished amazing things.”

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