The Face Of Courage: The World Should Note The 75th Anniversary Of The Execution of Sophia and Hans Scholl

440px-Sophie_SchollThis week was the 75th anniversary of a sad but inspiring moment.  On this day, Sophia Magdalena Scholl and her brother Hans Scholl were executed by the Nazi regime on February 22, 1943.  These young people were part of the White Rose movement of Germans who resisted Adolph Hitler.  They put their lives at risk to oppose Hitler and, in giving their lives, stood for those Germans who refused to yield to madness of the Nazis.

They were the children of liberal Nazi critic Robert Scholl,  mayor of Forchtenberg am Kocher in northern Baden-Württemberg.  He was also arrested for his views but survived the war.

Sophia and Hans were arrested with Willi GrafChristoph Probst and Alexander Schmorell.   Sophia’s brother tried to protect her from knowledge of the group’s activities but she found out and insisted on joining their struggle.  They passed out pamphlets to oppose Hitler at the University of Munich and were eventually convicted of high treason.   They were executed by guillotine.

She was 21 years old.

Her story has always moved me.  She would not be protected from the group’s activities and went to the guillotine as the face of those German who refused to yield to the hatred of the Nazis.  The bravery of her work and the others in the White Rose movement remains inspirational.

40 thoughts on “The Face Of Courage: The World Should Note The 75th Anniversary Of The Execution of Sophia and Hans Scholl”

  1. Heather Heyer, who was run down and killed in Virginia by a neo-Nazi, deserved a posted eulogy, didn’t she, Prof. Turley?
    You have no condemnation for the rich political conservatives who foment the current American reich?

    1. Linda – this is JT’s sandbox, we just get to play in it. Be careful of biting the hand that feeds you. BTW, as a rock-rib conservative, I am far from being a Nazi or a neo-Nazi. I am for free speech more than your progressive snowflake friends. I am sorry the young lady was run down, but I know nothing about it. Would you like to link an article so the rest of us are up to date?

  2. Zeev Sternhell says Israel is a Nazi state: He is absolutely correct.

    “Zeev Sternhell is a Polish-born Israeli historian, political scientist, commentator on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and writer. He is one of the world’s leading experts on fascism. Sternhell headed the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.”

    1. The Satanic Terrorist state of Israel, Zionist Jews have hijacked the American Media & Political System.
      Because the Zionists control the media most all Americans are ignorant of our situation.

      As the U.S. / Israeli invasions are War Crimes, the U.S. and Israel have Zionist Nazi Governments
      The U.S. and Israel have committed the same crimes as the Nazis – Wars of Aggression, War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity.

    2. Robert
      February 25, 2018 at 2:40 AM
      Dumb Anti-Semites ,your fate will be worst ,when the ISIS took care of you, just look up the video that the Israeli correspondent ,Zvi Yehezkely, that infiltrate the Muslim brother, that your banana eating president brought to your country, because they put the Muslim Hussein in the white house , and you will understand how dumb the Americans are, to allow this to happen. Good LUCK !

  3. The Europeans and the Americans fate will be worst ,when the ISIS will complete their secret plan, THE WORLD, A MUSLIM CALIFHATE, WITH THE CAPITAL, WASHINGTON, WHERE THE SHARIA WILL BE THE LAW, just look up the video, that the Israeli correspondent ,Zvi Yehezkely, who has infiltrate the Muslim brotherhood, and endangered his life to prove this, that your banana eating president brought to your country, because they put, the Muslim Hussein, in the White House , and you will understand how dumb the Americans and Europeans are, to allow this to happen in their countries . The Americans still have some chance with President Trump, so it will not be easy at all, to correct what the predecessor did. The Europeans are already finished, with 8 million Muslim Brother In France alone, and more to come. Good LUCK TO ALL !

  4. Whose going to save us from the darkness of the bloody genocidal Jewish Ideology of International Socialism?

    Before there was Sophia Magdalena Scholl and her brother Hans Scholl , there was the Russian Czar and his family—-shot to death by the Jewish led firing squad, the genocide of the Russian Royal Family!

    What about the numerous Catholic clergy shot by commies and anarchists in the Spanish Civil War?

    How about Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that called for the genocide of reactionaries in 1849. (q.v. “Genocide when necessary” )

    Let’s think of this “If there was NO International Socialism—There wouldn’t have been National Socialism”.

    Are we going to remember the victims of International Socialism?

    1. Jewish ideology? Speak to Jews, who fled from the former Soviet Union, and you will learn just just how easy and comfortable life was for them under Communism as Jews. There was nothing JEWISH in the practice of Communism, as those, believing in the mere concept of God, were painted as insane or mentally ill. Passports and documents were stamped, JEWISH, regardless of how many generations that an individual could trace back to living and born onto Russian soil. Those same papers, branded, JEWISH, prevented them from attaining various positions and attending certain schools. There was nothing JEWISH about their existence or their daily practice, as a trip to the synagogue, monitored by the KGB, would result in immediate termination from whatever jobs that they held. Karl Marxist may have, in fact, been born into a Jewish family; however, that doesn’t make his beliefs Jewish, by any account, as he was merely Jewish by birth. The Nazis were Socialists, weren’t they? Would your demented and curdled brain blame their ideology on Christianity, as the culprits, leaders and followers, including the soldiers, were all fine, Christian beings? Do you cast blame upon all Christians, blaming Christianity, as a whole, for the beliefs and deeds of the Nazis? If that is so, and you are Christian, then, by association, you must be a Nazi, as well. Actually, in your case, I don’t think that I am so far off the mark.

      Washington, DC is an ‘Israeli occupied territory’

      The Satanic Terrorist state of Israel, Zionist Jews have hijacked the American Media & Political System.
      Because the Zionists control the media most all Americans are ignorant of our situation.

      As the U.S. / Israeli invasions are War Crimes, the U.S. and Israel have Zionist Nazi Governments.
      The U.S. and Israel have committed the same crimes as the Nazis – Wars of Aggression, War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity.

      1. Dumb Anti-Semites ,your fate will be worst ,when the ISIS took care of you, just look up the video that the Israeli correspondent ,Zvi Yehezkely, that infiltrate the Muslim brother, that your banana eating president brought to your country, because they put the Muslim Hussein in the white house , and you will understand how dumb the Americans are, to allow this to happen. Good LUCK !

      2. Robert
        February 25, 2018 at 2:40 AM
        Dumb Anti-Semites ,your fate will be worst ,when the ISIS took care of you, just look up the video that the Israeli correspondent ,Zvi Yehezkely, that infiltrate the Muslim brother, that your banana eating president brought to your country, because they put the Muslim Hussein in the white house , and you will understand how dumb the Americans are, to allow this to happen. Good LUCK !

  5. Freedom of Speech, Thought, Belief, Religion, Assembly, Press, Enterprise and every other conceivable natural and God-given right and freedom per the 9th Amendment applied to 1930’s Germany by an effective and objective German Supreme Court would have made Nazis impossible.

    Oh and The Right To Keep And Bear Arms “…being necessary to the security of a free State,…”; arms sufficient to effectively oppose a tyrannical and oppressive government such as the Nazis, would have made the “resistance” formidable.

    What brilliant foresight by the American Founders.

    2nd Amendment –

    “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    1. From the linked article, above:

      “The story of the White Rose did make it to the front, where it inspired soldiers who were opposed to the regime. But the hope that its members had of inspiring their fellow citizens was not fulfilled. Their call was ignored.

      ““They did not seek martyrdom in the name of any extraordinary idea,” Inge Scholl recalled in her memoir of her siblings and White Rose comrades. “They wanted to make it possible for people like you and me to live in a humane society.” We are far from the darkness of fascism, but we do ourselves a service by remembering the sad but noble story of these beautiful souls on the anniversary of their tragic sacrifice.”

        1. No. Wait. That came out wrong. I am not celebrating our proximity to “the darkness of fascism.” I’m just celebrating the return of anonymous.

    1. Yes. And, both he and the Scholls were devout Christians.

      “Sophie was an avid reader and developed an interest in philosophy and theology. She developed a strong Christian faith which emphasised the underlying dignity of every human being. This religious faith proved an important cornerstone of her opposition to the increasingly all-pervading Nazi ideology of German society.”

  6. Thanks, Liberty2nd, for the tip. So many more stories that are now being told. Watch “Defying the Nazis: Sharps’ War” on Netflix (Tom Hanks stars as the voice of Sharp and Ken Burns is one of the producers). Excellent story of the Sharps, a Unitarian minister and his wife from MA who were active in Europe helping Jews and other refugees escape the Nazi onslaught in the late 30.

    Best to learn as much as possible about resistence to the Nazis in the 30s and WWII since anti-Semitism is rising across the Western hemisphere, particularly in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, and Poland…and the US. I agree with posters who worry about censorship. Merkel is a disaster and needs to be ousted.

  7. There was a prosecutor at the Nuremburg Trials who ended up in Saint Louis, MO afterward. His name was Whitney Harris. He has a book out called Tyranny On Trial. He goes through a recount of the various Nazis tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. He passed away several years back.

    Today in Germany it is illegal to speak up for the Nazi party or philosophy. It needs to be illegal. The Krauts are not really capable of free speech when it comes to stomping down Nazi thoughts. So they must be stomped down. Angela Merkel knows this.
    Ich mochter ein double zeiner for ein nach. But no more than one night.

    As an American of German ancestory I do not understand the Nazi thoughts. I think in terms of frugality and doing things in succinct fashion. In the town of Hermann, Missouri they have a German festival. I have not been able to attend for many years. I think it is called Strazenfest or somesuch. Third generation locals can still speak Kraut. It is a really nice place.
    Whitney Harris gave some good trial lawyer advice to a young lawyer who was about to take on a big civil rights case. He advised to find employees or agents of the defendants and get them to talk about bad things. These can be admitted over any hearsay objection as statements of an agent of a defendant. So good evidence can get in with the use of letters or depositions, and not having to call the witness to the stand. Or, call the witness to the stand and cross examine them with their prior statements about the civil rights abuses and let the judge or jury hear it all. Whitney was a good lawyer.
    His book is available on Amazon.

    1. “Today in Germany it is illegal to speak up for the Nazi party or philosophy. It needs to be illegal.“

      Exactly backward. Honoring those who died by enforcing censorship today doesn’t seem like progress.

      There are plenty of views I find abhorrent, but silencing and even punishing peaceful expression, whatever the view, is an assault on liberty, Liberty2nd.

      But I see your point. The best way to learn from history is not to change.

    2. Liberty, I had the rare and unique opportunity to actually meet Mr. Harris. . .it was purely by chance that he was going through rehab at the same location as a family member and staying at the same high-end facility, while he recovered, approximately eight or nine years ago, here in St. Louis. My family member pointed him out to me, in hushed tones, as I was clueless with regard to his identity or importance in history. I made it a point, when he wasn’t occupied with his rehab, to go over and introduce myself to him. I remember perceiving that he emanated a certain air of graciousness, dignity and integrity, which are difficult, if not impoosible, to explain or describe, but I will never forget being in his presence for those few moments.

    1. You compare that with over 10 years of the Nazi Reign of Terror? Horrific moments in American history, but hardly the same as Nazi Germany.

  8. Thanks so much for that introduction. I’m heading to Kindle to cure that now former hole in my education. Say why was everyone so down on the German skater for using the music from Schindler’s List? Damn planet needs a subte kick in the memory circuits every now and again… lest we forget. The real purpose of the statues. They can hide them away but they can’t hide their intent. l

      1. Excerpted from the article linked above:

        At his trial Huber remained loyal to the eighteenth century German philosopher Immanuel Kant’s ethical teaching, as he concluded his defense with the words of Kant’s disciple Johann Gottlieb Fichte:

        And thou shalt act as if
        On thee and on thy deed
        Depended the fate of all Germany,
        And thou alone must answer for it.

    1. I heard from one Jewish CA teen lately that they are not teaching WWII in high school any longer. Tearing down statues and removing subjects from textbooks is not helpfulto preventing the repeat of history. Even the Soviets didn’t destroy statues and palaces from the Romanov dynasty.

      1. So one comment allows you to determine that WWII is no longer taught in high school. And from this, you leap frog to destroying our national heritage by removing statues of traitors. Lucky his comment fit your view point.

    2. Good question re the skater. Katerina Witt also skated to this hauntingly beautiful score. No one cried boo hoo then.

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