Cultural Appropriation Is The Scariest Part Of Halloween This Year

vintage-halloween-costumes-2Below is my column in The Hill newspaper on the now annual controversy over Halloween costumes and objections over cultural appropriation.  This week universities mounted campaigns against offensive costumes while commentators lashed out at cultural appropriation.  For example, students at Michigan State University this week were given warnings that a costume of a giant taco was not offensive but becomes offensive if the student puts on a sombrero.  Other colleges threatened discipline for costumes that are culturally appropriating or inappropriate.  These campaigns seem to grow each year even though we have never had a serious debate over the meaning and application of cultural appropriation charges over costumes.

Here is the column:

Halloween is again upon us. Across the United States, the prospect of frightening images have some pledging to skip the holiday or closely shield their children. It is not the scary decorations or costumes but “cultural appropriation” that has triggered a tradition of recrimination and anger. Colleges and universities have warned students not to dress as Indian chiefs or Mexican bandits, while parents have publicly debated whether they can allow their children to dress as the Black Panther or Moana without being accused of cultural appropriation or racism.

“Cultural appropriation” has become a common term on campuses and is receiving broader meaning with each passing year. In Utah, a high school student was denounced for wearing a Chinese dress to her prom. White students wearing hoop earrings or dreadlocks have been denounced, while there have been protests over serving sushi at Oberlin College, holding yoga classes at the University of Ottawa or having a “Mexican food night” at Clemson University. The reason behind such limitless forms of cultural appropriation is its limitless meaning. Fordham University law professor Susan Scafidi has defined the term as encompassing the “unauthorized use of another culture’s dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols” and more.

That makes Halloween a nightmarish orgy of cultural appropriation. Colleges and universities now post warnings not to dress as Native Americans, geishas, samurai, or other images. Syracuse University even threatened a few years ago to have its campus police force students to remove “offensive” costumes. There is remarkably little debate over such directives because many faculty members fear being labeled as racist or insensitive. What is increasingly rare is any dialogue or willingness to accept that people can hold good faith views on both sides.

CNN political analyst Kirsten Powers dismissed the concerns of white people who object to being labeled racist over Halloween costumes, tweeting, “Dear white people who are upset that you can’t dress up as another race or culture for Halloween: your feelings don’t matter.” She went on to add that the only feelings that matter are of those who feel disrespected or mocked by appropriating their culture. Similarly, in an Everyday Feminism article a few years ago, Kat Lazo advised that people who do not see the inherent racism or cultural appropriation in costumes are “very privileged” individuals who “never had the misfortune of experiencing or witnessing acts of racism.” That of course is a common conversation stopper if someone says any objection to cultural appropriation means you are ignorant and likely a racist in denial.

There is another possibility that reasonable people can disagree. There are clearly racist costumes that most of us join in denouncing, such as blackface or other raw portrayals. However, the cultural appropriation movement opposes any depiction of another culture. Indeed, what constitutes a social norm can be hard to discern. A New York Times column gave a tortured account of whether parents could allow their children to dress as Black Panther. The article included advice on sitting down with kids to discuss racial implications of their choices and, as Texas Woman’s University professor Brigitte Vittrup warned, “by not mentioning it, by not talking about it, we’re essentially preserving the status quo.”

An article by Sachi Feris explored her struggle with her young daughter who wanted to dress like Moana or Elsa last year. She wrote, “I had some reservations regarding both costume choices” and about cultural appropriation, noting the “power” and “privilege” carried by “whiteness” and the standards of beauty that go along with it. Elsa did not reflect cultural appropriation but rather discomfort over how her character “sends the message that you have to be a certain way” to look “beautiful” or to be a “princess” and that you have to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Feris disliked the message. Moana was portrayed as a perfect nightmare for a white girl to adopt, since she told her daughter she is white like Elsa. She instead encouraged her daughter to be Mickey Mouse because this way she would not be “making fun of anyone or dressing up as a culture different from our own because Mickey Mouse is a pretend mouse!”

Ironically, under the standard definition, Halloween itself could be denounced as a raw cultural appropriation. The precursors to Halloween can be traced to the old Celtic tradition of Samhain that explores the line between the living and the dead. However, there has long been a fantasy tradition around the world of using Halloween festivities to pretend you are someone else, as shown by the British tradition of “fancy dress” balls.

Despite the dismissal by Kirsten Powers, there are legitimate concerns on both sides and legitimate questions of whether common cultural images should be viewed as owned or controlled by a group. There also is the debate over who decides in limiting such free expression. Last week, Aulii Cravalho, the actress who played Moana in the Disney movie, declared it “absolutely appropriate” for kids to dress up as the Polynesian princess if it is “done in the spirit of love” and “for the little ones who just want to dress up as their favorite heroine.” Is it enough for a native Hawaiian teenager, with a financial interest in the Disney movie, saying it is okay?

Cultural foods and images are shared in society and the arts, particularly in a pluralistic nation like the United States. Adopting a cuisine or a costume is not “appropriating” a culture. Those are part of the mosaic of shared influences and images in a diverse free society. Dressing as a bandit from the movie “Treasure of Sierra Nevada” is not appropriating the Mexican culture. It is mimicking the character of Alfonso Bedoya.

Notably, motivation or message seems irrelevant to the definition of cultural appropriation. It does not matter if such symbols were viewed as celebrating the purity or bravery of a group. Certainly, many costumes incorporate cultural images that have exaggerated or oversimplified elements. But when children dress up as princesses, they are fantasizing, just as they do in dressing as cowboys or soldiers or samurai. They often are portraying positive elements like courage or grace in wearing those cultural images. Is it necessary to dump all our adult anxieties on our children or draw connections to our existing social problems?

The alternative is that we accept that cultural icons like Moana are shared and become part of a broader cultural tradition and dialogue. That little girl in the Indian outfit just might be a little girl who wants to be like Pocahontas, a heroine who is strong and unafraid, nothing more. By the way, it is pretty cool to see kids still pretending and dressing up without having to carry all of our problems, from rapes to racism, as they file down our streets on Halloween. We somehow forget how to do that along the way to adulthood. Maybe, just maybe, we have something to learn from that samurai or princess who comes knocking on our door on Halloween.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can follow him on Twitter @JonathanTurley.

68 thoughts on “Cultural Appropriation Is The Scariest Part Of Halloween This Year”

  1. It’s not Marxism that has infected academia it’s post modernism. These two PhDs have made it their mission to prank the system by submitting absurd topics for publication to academic journals. They call their field “grievance studies” Hilarious and enlightening interview with Joe Rogan:

  2. “ Kat Lazo advised that people who do not see the inherent racism or cultural appropriation in costumes are “very privileged” individuals who “never had the misfortune of experiencing or witnessing acts of racism.””

    What a bunch of hogwash. I assume more than just one on this blog have faced the most severe forms of racism and are considered ‘very priviledged’. All cultures use items from other cultures whether they are the losers or the victors. Is it cultural appropriation that Christians in addition to the New Testament use the Old Testament?

  3. “Cultural appropriation” is just another distraction to keep silly white people away from the reality of what is wrong with black people. Like white privilege, institutionalized racism, racial injustice, white nationalism, etc.

    You see what is mostly wrong with Black America is caused by Black America itself. Black kids screwing around in school instead of doing their homework and studying (aka “acting white”, and a 77% illegitimate birth rate. But the Democrats aren’t going to wrack up any votes telling black people they need to git their sh*t together and quit blaming white people for their own screwed up choices.

    Sooo, here comes the distractions to keep us all away from reality. OH LOOK! Isn’t that a fine suit the Emperor is wearing!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  4. What a stupid time to be alive.

    I wish everyone would rebel against these ninnies who want to lecture everyone on what to wear, say, eat, believe, support, etc. and just say “NO – You Are Not The Boss of Me!!!!!!!!!!”

    1. FoxTrot……in a funny way, your excellent statement about those who want us a certain way NOT being our bosses, put me in mind of this number from L’il Abner! Actually, this story/musical had a more profound philosophy than most seasoned politicians, which was the point! LOL

  5. We did not vote for Trump and we detest what he represents.
    However, we detest moreso what the Democrats represent which is lawlessness. So it is with some degree of satisfaction that we see Trump spearing the left in ways we all desired decades ago. Thanks Trump for doing what Republicans failed to do starting with the LBJ years and following. Now if only the Republicans could grow a pair so that we no longer need the likes of Trump.

    Bob & Jim

    1. Bob & Jim – I think Trump is really still a New York Democrat who changed his registration to Republican. More NeverTrumpers are getting behind him now as they see how popular he is getting. In the major swing states his popularity is at or over 50% according to Rasmussen yesterday.

      BTW, Project Veritas just did a video drop on candidate Gillum. Sinema is dropping points in Arizona, McCaskil is probably done.

    2. “Now if only the Republicans could grow a pair so that we no longer need the likes of Trump.”

      Sometimes one needs to set the record straight and sometimes the person needed to accomplish that task is one that some might find unappealing. Some might find General Patton to be similar in many ways to Trump but had he been placed in Montgomery’s position and Montgomery in his, the war might have ended a year or so sooner and the cold war might have started quite differently.

  6. Some of my favorite movie scenes are cultural appropriation farces. For example the Wayans brothers playing White Chicks. Or, in Silver Streak where Gene Wilder puts on his ghetto black strut. American comedy at its best.

    1. pbinca – and where do we put the new Jumanji where we have a female inhabit the body of Jack Black, who then teaches the other female character how to be seductive.

  7. We are told to be color blind and then we are told cultural appropriation. It’s one or the other libtards.

        1. Anonymous, it is well known you are able to throw insults. Are you equally able to debate what you think the nonsense is?

  8. Evidently nobody cares anymore what the bloody teuchters did to The Scots, or The Geals, or The Highlanders, or The Jacobites, or whatever else you might want to call them, during the clearances. Did you know that The English did it to their own people first? They called it the inclosures back then. And it was one of the several precipitating causes of The English Civil War.

    In any case, once upon a time, not all that long ago, there used to be “White” cultures that oppressed other “White” cultures. And neither the oppressors nor the subjugated peoples knew at the time that they were both “White” cultures. In fact, the very concept of “Whiteness” was not fully formed until . . . well, until The English, The Scots and The Irish started forming new nations such as Canada, Australia and, of course, The United States of America.

    And even then it would be a while before that new-fangled notion of “Whiteness” made its way back to Continental Europe. Frankly, it’s still not immediately clear that Continental Europeans think of themselves as being “White” rather than, say, French, German, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish or any of the other 19 or so nations speaking 23 or so different languages on The Continent of Europe.

    How many country club golf courses are there in the Continental European countries? They are all over the place here in America. What’s it mean? What’s it mean?

    1. The Gaels were not The Geals. I don’t know who The Geals were nor even might have been. Certainly not The Gauls.

    2. “How many country club golf courses are there in the Continental European countries? They are all over the place here in America. What’s it mean? What’s it mean?”
      There are thousands of golf courses in Continental Europe. Seven hundred in Germany alone.
      What it means is that you are hysterical and research averse. What it means is that you are hysterical and research averse.

        1. L4Yoga/Annie/Inga enables David Benson, and the NPCs R. Lien and Marky Mark Mark – I think it is a year round event at your house.

          1. That makes no sense. Since Halloween comes only once a year, therefore the day after Halloween also comes just once a year. Being a year-round crazy person has no effect whatsoever on the calendar dates in any given year. Are you sure that you’re not a crazy person, too?

  9. “Cultural appropriation” is just more cultural Marxism spewing from those ivy-walled indoctrination centers and trumpeted by willing apparartchikcs in the press. Deciding what people do, say or look like is no one else’s business unless it entails criminal conduct and these self-appointed guardians of societal sensibilities typically do so to enhance their own prestige or pocketbooks. Articles like this do nothing but dignify these attempts at telling people what to do. It’s enabling left wing bullying with the veneer of scholarly discussion. Like Darren says wear want you damn well please. If others object, so be it. It’s ironic: Wear a sombrero, pi$$ off a Marxist.

    1. Doesn’t have much to do with Marxism. Has a good deal to do with rhetorical gamesmanship in the hothouse environment of higher education. Trustees could repair this problem, but they do nothing. Congress and state legislatures could take tools away from the worst elements on the faculty and in the administration, but they do nothing.

      1. “Doesn’t have much to do with Marxism”

        I think mespo was spot on. “Cultural appropriation” is just more cultural Marxism spewing from those ivy-walled indoctrination centers and trumpeted by willing apparartchikcs in the press.”

        I don’t believe cultural Marxism is Marxist doctrine rather I believe it is a method of implementing the doctrine.

    2. I don’t want any of those other cultures wearing White people’s clothes during the rest of the year. Or driving in White people’s planes, etc. McDonald’s must withdraw from all foreign countries.

      On that note I had 2 Incredibles, one princess, one Minnie Mouse, one Count Dracula and one Ariel the Mermaid. All of my appropriators were under 10. My house is really hard to find and I am surprised I had this many. The parents held back, so I could not see their appropriation.

      1. Paul C…. you’re so lucky to have had trick or treaters…..I miss those days. Our house is in the city limits, but not a bona fide “neighborhood” …We didn’t think about that until the first Halloween we lived here…….I decorated the porch, bought a ton of candy….and zip…No kids. It was before our grandsons were born, too, so not even they could enjoy it.

  10. Does this mean non whites can’t dress like white people? This should screw up the fashion industry.

  11. “Cultural appropriation”? Without Chuck Berry (and other African American musical influences) we would not have had Elvis, the Rolling Stones, British blues, or many other enriching cultural offshoots.

    Moreover, was it “cultural appropriation” when Jimmy Hendrix recorded All Along the Watchtower? Or when black hip hop artists “sample” recordings from the ’60s, ’70’s and 80’s by white artists?

    Blacks do not “own” their contributions to culture, anymore than whites can claim exclusive use.

    And if white kids in the suburbs weren’t buying “black music”, black recording artists and producers would not be nearly as financially successful.

    A few decades ago, black artists were complaining that they got no airplay on MTV. Now they resent it?

    The only race allowed to wear “hoop earnings” is black?

    The entire concept of “cultural appropriation” – along with the current habit of imputing racial motives to ostensibly race-neutral statements and the so-called “dog-whistle” – is utter nonsense.

    1. I’m calling out Maxine Waters for stealing white hair. I demand that she stop wearing white lady hair wigs.

        1. No, Maxine wears white woman wigs all the time, as do many, many, if not the majority of black women. It is egregious cultural appropriation and must be stopped! Also, I’m offended by black people stealing Arab names! No more Jamal Washington, Kwame Jefferson, A’isha Jackson, and so forth. If they are opposed to cultural appropriation, let them be called out on their own! I also have a black co-worker named Kevin and another named Brandon. Theft of Irish names! Call the PC Police!

  12. Scary story for Halloween:

    The Neuroscience of Hate Speech
    Richard A. Friedman
    2018 Oct 31

      1. I’m reading it right now in the November 1st issue of The NYT. Dr. Benson must have read an advance copy on the webule-nettles.

  13. i am amused at those who devote themselves to the chains of false definitions from left to right but cannot say precisely where is the center or what it means. More rare is the use of the vertical deliniation and it’s center and extremely rare one that uses both vertical and horizontal not in fixed but in a moving or adjustable fashion.

    The older vertical was he with the strongest sword arm which became King by Divine Right on down in this fashion. God, King, Nobles, Educated Technicians, Soldiery, Servants, Serfs and Slaves.

    As for the horizontal one first had to know and still does where the center is precisely located before attempting to place left and right

    Earlier on we read comments which showed the ineptitude of making those attempts without understanding the words which as we know have precise meanings .but only to the literate.

    Onward. The center is defined by each ethnic culture. In the Soviet Union it was the space between Marx and Engles as defined by Lenin. Vertically the Premier, the Politbureau and other such and on down to the Citizen there name for serfs. How to center was defined by something called party membership.

    Above the horizontal that was five percent or so of the ruling class below were the Collectives. Yet they attempted to bestow equality by just pronouncing it so. Words with out real meaning. But how far left of right? National Socialism in one direction International Socialism in another and Progressive Socialism were sprinkled along the way as they developed and became at odds with each other and according to the moment the definitions slid left and right up and down.

    Back to Europe and even the far east God, King by Divine right depended on it’s horizontal placement for the type of culture and government. But in the USA a new system developed. God was still at the top of the vertical but the founders decided the wellspring of power was not divine but as in water witching was divined from the entire pool of citizens. 240 years later God has little to do with but the the rest of their vertical Citizen, Family, on down to Government reflected a new sort of aristocracy. The educated thinking self governing citizen on down to the dregs of society which all societies have in one form or another.

    So wht is the left right and up;down center in a representative Constitutional Republic. The Constitution with it’s built in limitations and permissions and ability to change. To fit that obvious model one only has to be a Constitutionalist.

    To the left are the citizens who want and approve of more government to the right those who want less. To the left one finds more emphasis on one party rule, in the center the representative government chosen by the citizens and to the right those who pine for less eventully no government. and finally hermits of various sorts.

    To the right the extremist is an anarchist if they actively oppose any and all forms of government. To the left the remnants of the old divine right theology but in this case the divine right means chosen by a very few in a strictly limited ruling class.

    The vertical then can be moved left or right so we have one group that chooses the soviet model of between Mark/Engels and Lenin. the Left and to the right they place a breakaway called national socialism large Fascists although both extremes are fascist in nature.

    To define; the hallowed sacred ground formerly occupied by the Kings and tzars they do something a bit curious. Most they ignore but for those who don’t agree with them they use a catchall name no matter how invalid all are lumped in their minds together.

    Thus the idea of the right being all Nazified was born even though to thinking citizens it only means to the right OF the left as they are kith and kin in whatever definition national, international or progressive

    Side note. Progressive think of themselves as Platos ruler philosophers although there is previous little thinking but they can make themseves believe anything.

    To a Constitutionalist . the right but close to the center are the self governing citizens who replaced the area once containing the throne as they assumed that power center to slightly left they place those chosen to conduct day to day governing.

    That whole ideas came about from the first French Assembly as the Kings representative sat to the right of the …..moderator…. or elected leader.

    So today we once again face a choice. Philosophiclaly it’s Platonic to the left although Plato himself was first to reject his own theory of government. Today it’s Socialist Autocracy to the left with very little connection to the true center having rejected it. .

    In the Center and the area immediately surrounding is the notion of a representative government (the remnants of Democracy) as stated in a Constitution (a social contract) and is a Republic in form or government res publica that comes from and represents the citizens; Of, by and for. The Declaration of Independence is of course the mission statement.

    A couple pages more would trace what went wrong but it only takes becoming an independent self governing Constitutional Centrist to know what is needed to correct those errors.

    But to conclude. Spewing words such as left or right willy nilly without rhyme nor reason or two others Conservative and Liberal using the definitions provided by an extremist philosophy itself in whole far removed from that of our Representative Constitutional Republics true nature is somewhat amusing, wholly ludicrous and completely unacceptable to the offspring of those who found our great experiment.

    Right then! What’s next. Rebuke and refuse the unacceptable. And continue the great experiment which states Individual Citizens CAN govern themselves. Even more so if they are provided a suiitable education and reared in a tradition of thinking and reasoning.

  14. Professor Turley…..I really appreciate this post. I especially appreciate the last paragraph.
    When our family lived in Oklahoma in the late 40’s to mid 50’s, there were still Indians in native some places…we would see them on Exchange Ave in Oklahoma City where the big market area was. Some sold paintings There were pow wows all over the state. There still are. . And there was always talk that Geronimo was still walking the streets of Lawton, even though he was quite dead.
    We would go home from downtown and play cowboys and Indians. All of these experiences endeared the Indians to us. Squaw dresses were very popular for women in the early 50’s. Everybody’s mother wore one.
    If news people or politicians had told us we couldn’t dress like Indians at play time or Halloween it would have broken our hearts, because we felt a connection to them.
    My brother married a wonderful, beautiful Okiahoma girl….We love her dearly. She’s half Cherokee, half Creek.

    1. Cindy from that perspective doesn’t the notion of cultural assimilation itself become nothing more than another control mechanism by outsiders? Ask your sister in law which side is the appropriator? The Creek or the Cherokee. And which is the most inappropriate when guided by an outsider who are without doubt the most ludicrous.

      They can’t get their own place in the scheme of things figured out. So who would listen to them harp about others?

      1. Michael……..I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but huh?
        I didn’t understand anything you just said. I’m just an old Granny/ please put it in lay terms so I can respond. Thank you!

        1. Ms. Bragg, Michael is often inscrutable. Nevertheless, I have reason to believe that he is agreeing with you.

          FWIW, cultural assimilation is when the people of one culture are made to stop practicing their culture and adopt the culture of a more dominant group of people. For instance, in The Egyptians Act of 1554, The Roma (a.k.a. Gypsies) were allowed to remain in England if they gave up their nomadic way of life, settled down and more or less pretended to be Englishmen.

          1. L4Yoga/Annie/Inga enables David Benson, and the NPCs R. Lien and Marky Mark Mark – but the Roma didn’t, so they aren’t English. I wonder if they fall under the EU?

          2. Late4. I thought he was agreeing, too…..but I was tired and couldn’t make sense of it.

            1. I was but was also thinking you are in an enviable position with your sister in law. It was also a tongue in cheek jab at those who opinions are based on opinions based on opinions and none with anything to back them up. Constant repetition does not make an allegation or purportedly into something valid nor opinions into truth unless there are valid sources cited.

              That entire cultural appropriation nonsense is built on nothing but a thin, tissue thin web of repetition by a very small minority of what are known as ‘cultural warriors’ 3% of Evergreen, some Sarah Lawrence and the bulk all few to several of them found in Canada.


              1. Michael…..Thank you so much…..We are having bouts of really bad hay fever here and it makes us foggy headed!
                I totally agree with your sentiments!

                1. Drink enough beer & you’ll never notice the hay fever. LOL:)

                  I think it curbs our bodies immune responses to outside influences.

          3. “FWIW, cultural assimilation is when the people of one culture are *** made*** to stop practicing their culture”

            Cultural assimilation is not necessarily forced.

            1. Here in America, the non-forcible variety of cultural assimilation goes by the name of “melting pot” or “jumbalaya”.

              BTW, Welcome to America, Allan. When did you get off the boat?

              1. Diane, you wrote: ”
                “FWIW, cultural assimilation is when the people of one culture are *** made*** to stop practicing their culture”

                I responded “Cultural assimilation is not necessarily forced.”

                You seemed to drift off in space with essentially a non reply and a taunt. Is that all you have to offer?

        2. Excerpted from the article linked above:

          The legislation of 1554 raised the rhetorical temperature – the Gypsies are now ‘devilish’ as well as ‘outlandish’ – and added punitive weight. The new law called again for their forced removal, imposed fines on facilitators of Gypsy immigration, and death for any Gypsy lingering after a month. Henceforth, it was a felony to be a Gypsy in England, but a proviso offered an exception to ‘any of the said persons commonly called Egyptians’ who ‘shall leave that naughty, idle and ungodly life and company, and be placed in the service of some honest and able inhabitant…or that shall honestly exercise himself in some lawful work or occupation’ – in other words, to cease living as Gypsies. The choice was expulsion, the gallows, or assimilation, providing the law could bring them within reach.

          1. “On the odd chance that you’re interested”….

            nope. we are not interested in your links but these do not stop you from pasting the excerpts anyways in successive posts, do they?

            1. Mika, just scroll. Sometimes it takes several swipes to get past all of her posts.

            1. The Propellerheads featuring Shirley Bassey:

              The word is about
              There’s something evolving
              Whatever may come
              The world keeps revolving
              They say the next big thing is here
              That the revolution’s near
              But to me, it seems quite clear
              That’s it’s all just a little bit of history repeating
              The newspapers shout
              A new style is growing
              But it don’t know
              If it’s coming or going
              There is fashion, there is fad
              Some is good, some is bad
              And the joke is rather sad
              That it’s all just a little bit of history repeating
              And I’ve seen it before
              And I’ll see it again
              Yes, I’ve seen it before
              Just little bits of history repeating
              Some people won’t dance
              If they don’t know who’s singing
              Why ask your head
              It’s your hips that are swinging
              Life’s for us to enjoy
              Woman, man, girl and boy
              Feel the pain, feel the joy
              Aside set the little bits of history repeating
              Just little bits of history repeating
              And I’ve seen it before
              And I’ll see it again
              Yes, I’ve seen it before
              Just little bits of history repeating

      2. Michael….Good morning……Still not quite up to speed about the Cherokee/Creek thing. My sister in law’s family was well off, and other than being proud of their heritage and family, they acted like everybody else and assimilated. They were conservative and still are.

  15. This is an example of the far, far, far left; so far left it has next to nothing if not nothing to do with the left. On the other side is the far, far, far, right; example the white supremacy advocates that have nothing to do with the right.

    The cheapness of the ideology of those that use these nutcases to label what is left or right is the real problem. Are you the problem, Tin? It appears so.

    1. Isaac…….the white supremacists do not have positions of power on mainstream news channels, in the print media, and in political positions! And the Republican party condemns them.
      You need a new analogy, son.

      1. Cindy, A typical isaac response is to take the issue and say it is not the normal view of the left and then deflect by bringing up the right. He does it pretty much on every issue. I bet he could not write about an issue involving Coke without bringing up Pepsi.

  16. The best response to this is to simply wear whatever costume you want, or exactly what the left doesn’t want.

  17. “Cultural appropriation” is nothing more than a power trip. It is an opportunity for the loony left to engage in their favorite activity – lecturing wimpy white people on how they should think and act.

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