Single Dad Pulled Before Canadian Human Rights Commission For Asking About Age and Gender Of Babysitter

We have previously discussed some of the more controversial cases coming before Canadian human rights commissions, which enforce vague and ever-expanding rules on hate speech and class-based insults. The latest target of a complaint is Todd, a single Dad who was looking for a babysitter for his boys aged 5 and 8. When he was contacted by an applicant, he asked the applicants age and gender. He is now facing an investigation by the Alberta Human Rights Commission into whether he violated the human rights of the applicant.

Todd posted an ad for a babysitter on Kijiji, a popular classified ad site in Canada, including one from James Crynowski who claimed CPR training and experience. When asked, he said that he was “male and 28 years old.” Todd however said that his dinner plans fell through and he did not hire a babysitter. Instead, he now has a date with the the Alberta Human Rights Commission after Crynowski complained of age and gender discrimination.

This is not the first such complaint by Crynowski. He also filed against a mother of a five-year-old boy seeking “an older lady with experience.” He sought over $1000 in damages but lost the case before the Supreme Court of Canada.

The Human Rights Act states:

Discrimination re employment practices
7(1) No employer shall
(a) refuse to employ or refuse to continue to employ any
person, or
(b) discriminate against any person with regard to employment
or any term or condition of employment, because of the race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation of that person or of any other person.
(2) Subsection (1) as it relates to age and marital status does not
affect the operation of any bona fide retirement or pension plan or
the terms or conditions of any bona fide group or employee
insurance plan.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply with respect to a refusal,
limitation, specification or preference based on a bona fide
occupational requirement

37 thoughts on “Single Dad Pulled Before Canadian Human Rights Commission For Asking About Age and Gender Of Babysitter”

  1. Never mind the crimespeak, this dad is irresponsible if he looks for a babysitter online to mind his children that very evening.

  2. One of the major problems with the human rights commission is in Canada are that the rules of evidence are not strictly followed. A great many wackos on the left use the HRC’s to pursue vendettas.

  3. Mister Trump! Build UP That Wall! The one between us and the Canucks!
    And send all the Canuck migrants back to Alberta.

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