Polish Gay Pride Marchers Refuse To Yield To Violent Attacks

It a tremendous show of courage, Polish Gay Pride marchers refused to be deterred by a hostile city government in Lublin and a violent crowd of counter protesters to hold their first parade. Notably, a court rejected the claim of the mayor that he was cancelling the parade because of security concerns. That is the excuse used by universities like DePaul to cancel conservative speakers, but the court found that it was just an excuse to bar the controversial parade.

The roughly 400 marchers refused to be intimidated by violent conservative groups and marchers through a hail of bottles and eggs being thrown at them. Notably, the conservative groups were attacking nonviolent marchers holding signs like “Jesus taught love.” The gay marchers showed the meaning of strength and commitment — traits that have long characterized the Poles in historic struggles.

In addition to overcoming a hostile government, the protesters faced a heightened level of anger after Polish Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski denounced the LGBT movement: “The red plague no longer runs on our land. But a new plague has emerged, neo-Marxist, that wants to seize our souls, hearts and spirits. A plague that is not red but rainbow.”

92 thoughts on “Polish Gay Pride Marchers Refuse To Yield To Violent Attacks”

    1. Mr Kurtz – I finally got a chance to read the few fragments of Lesbos poetry that are available and she was straight as an arrow. She did have groupies, but then who doesn’t when they are famous. It really is sad that more of her work is not available, what I was able to read was exceptional.

  1. Well, I see many people on this blog are ready to participate in Kristallnacht! I love how people who are marching are just supposed to get hit by bottles and eggs! No problem. We have the throwers ready and available on this blog. It’s a true profile in courage I tell you! All authoritarian governments thank you for your obedience to them!

    There’s no courage in throwing objects like glass or eggs or anything else at other people engaged in a peaceful march. If you can”t squarely take on a march with people whom you disagree with your own march, with your own speech, but instead must resort to violence, this doesn’t speak well of you as a human being.

    I can tell that people who feel there’s no issue with hurting others or with others getting physically hurt, have never engaged in a protest against the powerful. Only people who have cowardly hidden behind the anonymity of crowd violence think hurting others is not important and doesn’t matter. Pay attention to what you are advocating. Right now, this and other authoritarian governments will salute you! However, that may not always be the case. Authoritarian governments will turn against anyone if it suits them. You could be next. Don’t think it can’t happen. That is the very essence of authoritarian govt. Rights don’t matter, not anyone’s, including your own.

  2. From the AFP article linked above: In July, a court ordered news magazine Gazeta Polska to stop distributing anti-gay stickers reading “This is an LGBT-free zone”.

    So, a ruling against free speech, hmmm, Turley?

  3. There is Lublin in eastern Poland but there is also Lubin in southwestern Poland.

    1. How about we take climate models out of the hands of government and give them back to the scientists not on the dole? I bet the crisis would clear right up!

      1. Too late mespo. Even the Am Petroleum Institute has recanted their opposition to the scientific consensus on climate science.

    2. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/planetpolicy/2014/05/20/why-the-best-path-to-a-low-carbon-future-is-not-wind-or-solar-power/

      not sure why they say shut down gas entirely. actually gas combined cycle is an advanced type of gas energy that is the most efficient.

      also two important countervailing factors that a lot of these sorts of recommendations dont mention:

      a) building new carbon efficient infrastructure requires more carbon inefficient construction like um concrete and steel. so rapid new infrastructure will mean more consumption short term.

      b) long term problem: as overall energy prices cheapen, all forms of energy are consumed more (jevons paradox — see below )

      so more efficient stuff like hydro can increase aggregate demand and cancel any “carbon savings”

      these thing are not well addressed in popular literature about climate change


  4. The Polish Catholic priests also keep busy fending off to Orthopedic ones to the east. So they keep busy violating the teachings of Jesus.

      1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me thirty-eight citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, after forty-four weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – A good workman never blames his tools, David.

          1. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me thirty-eight citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, after forty-four weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – you are the one defining your own work product.

              1. Your enthalpy is negative and your delta G is negative infinity or worse. You are dead, as if anyone had doubts

              2. David Benson is the God Emperor of Making Stuff Up and owes me thirty-eight citations (one from the OED, one from the town ordinances and two from the Old Testament), an equation and the source of a quotation, after forty-four weeks, and needs to cite all his work from now on. – you are describing your own destiny, David.

    1. not a problem in poland it’s mostly all Catholic

      maybe you’re thinking of Ukraine. some drama there along these lines

  5. Promotion of perversion and deviancy.

    Suppression of normalcy and conformity.

    The elimination of free choice.

    The imposition of communist dictatorship.

    “That dudn’t make any sense.”

    – George W. Bush

    People must adapt to the outcomes of freedom.

    Freedom does not adapt to people…dictatorship does.

    1. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

      – William Casey, CIA Director

  6. Anyone remember Obama’s pick for U.S. Secretary of the Army?

    That would be gay guy, Eric Kenneth Fanning. Kenneth said the gay life style “needs to be taught & learned”. As for 2020 presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg did not say who is playing the role of a man or woman in his same sex marriage, or who is top or bottom.

    As Army Secretary Eric Fanning stated, it needs to be “taught & learned”.

  7. “The red plague no longer runs on our land. But a new plague has emerged, neo-Marxist, that wants to seize our souls, hearts and spirits. A plague that is not red but rainbow.” (Polish Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski )

    That guy has it exactly right! Stop the homos now, Poland, or you will be ze’ing it and zer’ing it before you know. Plus, they have nasty drag queens turned loose on your kindergartens!

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    1. “Defense Department computers are among the top distributors of child pornography. An untold number of Department of Defense (DOD) employees and contractors have subscriptions to child pornography websites, and the problem is apparently so pervasive it requires new technical solutions to address it.

      “Hundreds of DoD-affiliated individuals” were recently identified as suspects in child pornography cases, according to an investigation by the Defense Criminal Investigative Service.”


        1. Paul, I don’t know. The abuse of children runs rampant in this and other government(s). This isn’t a recent problem and it isn’t a problem based on political party. Here is a really good documentary on the Franklin abuse of children which occurred in the 80’s. The people who tried to confront it and protect the vulnerable were threatened. Some were killed, along with one of their children. In other words, this exposure isn’t taken lightly by all the powerful people involved in it.

          I think it’s time to speak up anyway, even though it is a real risk, because this cannot be stopped by remaining silent. In this film we see old fashioned conservatives, something we rarely see today, just as we rarely see old fashioned liberals. These people are courageous. They tried really hard.

          Notice that right now, Barr is covering up for Epstein and his associates. They are/were both a child rapist and child procurer for the powerful across the world. Here is the documentary:


      1. That’s been a problem since the 1980s, when computer bulletin boards, online services like CompuServe and America OnLine, and ARPANET (the early version of the Internet available only to college researchers and their assistants) overflowied with pornography.

        Computer networks, unfortunately, have no morals of their own and rely on their users not to misuse them. But if the point of that post is somehow tied to Prof. Turley’s article, it’s aimed at the wrong group.

        Most pedophiles are heterosexuals – the number of gays in that racket are only slightly higher compared to heterosexuals than their incidence in the population at large.

        1. “Most pedophiles are heterosexual”

          Offenders are usually family friends or relatives. It isn’t a situation of a complete stranger suddenly victimizing a person. Additionally statistics are hard to gather since reporting is unreliable and often occurs decades after the event

          1. Which doesn’t shed additional light on who the typical pedophile is. It points to where we lack data, but the published stats are what they are.

    2. I fail to understand how the Book of Matthew can be considered neo-Marxist, especially by a seminarian.

  8. What? A rainbow attacked the Archbishop? OMG! Did it throw bottles and eggs at him? And what is that crap about Jesus teaching love? That’s not in the Archbishop’s doctrine and why should he have to look at a sign that says something so offensive?

    Yes, this did take great courage on the part of the marchers. If you don’t want to be gay, don’t be gay! Otherwise, the idea that people would be violent because gay people are marching down the street is repulsive.

    In general, many people seem incapable of making arguments, or simply making their views known without resorting to violence. This isn’t a sign of intelligence. It’s a sign of ignorance and cruelty. We should do better by each other. In the meantime, I commend the courage of the marchers and I’m glad the judge stood up against intimidation by ignorant and cruel people.

    1. You’re not in a position to admonish others about a failure to make intelligent arguments, Jill.

  9. We need a new topic: How many died in America from: 1. Opioids; 2. Tobacco. 3. Vaping.? How dumb is America?

    1. There’s a common factor in the overwhelming majoriy of gun deaths as was as opioid deaths and vaping deaths – they are almost all self-inflicted.

      Moral panics over gun deaths, opioid deaths, or the statistically insignificant number of vaping deaths have more to do with the press’s need to make money scaring people than with something we can do a single thing about.

      The lowest number of these deaths, those connected to vaping, were probably the most preventable, because of the utter lack of studies of any damage vaping does to the lung.

      1. the recent deaths were from illegal, bootleg, unlicensed THC cartridges with contaminants

        nearly every one so far as I have heard. let me know if other information definitively appears

        vaping helps people quit the certainly carcinogenic cigarettes and most vapers use nicotine
        vaping devices can vaporize any solution. vaporize vit e you can die. and cyanide and you’ll die too. in fact some of the taint included hydrocyanic acid yeah prussic acid. yes, if you vape zyklon b you will die.



      How dumb is communist dictatorship?

      Please cite the Constitution wherein ingestion is prohibited. Here is the amendment that allows every conceivable, natural and God-given freedom and right not enumerated in the Constitution: The 9th Amendment. Read it some time. You may come to grasp that the American Founders provided maximal freedom to individuals while they severely limited and restricted government to the role of merely facilitating that freedom through the provision of security and infrastructure. Statutes prohibiting property damage and bodily injury notwithstanding, Americans are absolutely and totally free to enjoy every conceivable, natural and God-given right and freedom.

      Karl Marx wrote of governmental dictatorship not the American Founders.

    1. I’m not seeing anything on the video. The thing is, the professor is a professional-managerial class type with like attitudes. Said sort conceives of society composed of orders – not of crown, nobility, clergy, burgesses, and peasants – but of a ranks within a set of mascot groups determined by clerisies of which academics and lawyers are the leading members. At the top of the strata are homosexuals (unless they be obvious paedophiles), next are blacks, next are illegal aliens, next are hispanics, next are the general run of immigrants, and so forth. Parallel to this is the hierarchy of women, who sometimes outrank those in the primary hierarchy. At the top would be lesbians, then professional class women (provided they don’t adopt views which cancel-out their advantages, followed by client populations (e.g. single mothers) &c. Note, members of the clerisy always prefer any population abroad to non-exotic domestic populations.

      For the moderator, that anyone spoke to or of someone at the top of the hierarchy with disrespect is an outrage against the natural order.

        1. TIA x XIV is not only ‘one of the blog’s homophobes’, he or she is also a blowhard.

  10. From the Yahoo! article you link to:

    “In July, a court ordered news magazine Gazeta Polska to stop distributing anti-gay stickers reading “This is an LGBT-free zone”.”

    Among influencers, you are normally one of the strongest opponents of government censorship and their desire to suppress speech they don’t like.

    That’s probably because you correctly understand that unfettered free speech is a universal human right. That free speech is what makes us free. That persuasive speech is how society’s values, norms, and mores evolve peacefully – not by top down dictates, coercion and censorship by government.

    It’s disappointing to see that promoting homosexuality is a higher priority for you than calling out government censorship.

    1. There are properly laws which provide for:

      1. Penalties for contempt of court (and of other sorts of inquiries)

      2. Penalties for disorderly conduct defined as noise, not just contra riot or affray.

      3. Penalties for sedition. As solicitation to commit a crime is commonly an offense, so should be solicitation to riot, provided the solicitation is undertaken in an unsettled public forum.

      4. Court-enforcement of tort suits for defamation.

      5. Penalties for production and trafficking in obscene literature and images, provided these are precisely defined and the penalties are fixed by local authorities in accordance with community standards.


      The problem we have in America is that limits on speech are imposed to prohibit discussion of substantive policy issues because one party cannot defend its position in an explicit way and, in any case, fancies it owns all the public fora. Ben Shapiro giving a talk on a college campus isn’t pornographic and it isn’t an incitement to riot. It’s just that the left fancies he’s trespassing because the campus is theirs and all it’s lecture spaces are theirs. Liberals are like that, which is why they should not be allowed discretion over others.

  11. It’s a predominantly Catholic country. The Church teaches gay sex is a sin. How would you react to a Pedophilia Pride parade? That’s how the Poles feel.

    1. Two old Pollacks sitting in a tree…
      K I S S i n g…
      First came gayness … then came marriage…
      These old artFays seek Christmas carriage.

    2. So what mespo? The Catholic church also teaches women are inferior to men. They teach that in every nation. That’s the Catholic’s church stance and they have a right to state it. Their believers can try to change that stance, agree with it or leave the church. That has nothing to do with a civil rights march which is a civil action, not a church action. Church members are free to fear rainbows if they wish! What they aren’t free to do is forbid the march or be violent to the marchers.

      I would definitely be out protesting pedophiles. That’s one reason I protest against this govt. which is full of the abuse of children for use in blackmail rings (See Mint Press News on Epstein, author Whitney Webb or if you need a conservative to tell you the same thing, Quoth the Raven is conservative.) But I don’t have the right to be violent towards pedophiles marching in the street.

      1. The Catholic church also teaches women are inferior to men. T

        It doesn’t. You’re a real Dunning-Kruger exemplar.

        1. Jill – at no time in my many years of study under Catholic priests and nuns did they EVER teach that woman were inferior to men.

          1. Paul, of course they did. Women can’t be priests because Jesus was a man. That’s straight from the pope.

            Now Jesus was also a Jew. He was poor. He was a carpenter. So if we really follow the pope’s “thinking” to its logical conclusion– all priests must be Jewish men who are poor carpenters. Yet the pope is only concerned that priests follow one characteristic of Jesus, that he was a man. This contradicts some of the teachings of the bible itself, but heh-no problem, he’s the pope.

            That’s sexism in action. You can read lots of sexism in both the bible and by the popes over the centuries. It’s pretty out front in both cases.

              1. So what if women are discriminated against. We are simply NOT the same as men. That is why we have not been drafted here into the armed forces. Are you going to complain about that?

                Have you ever worked in an office filled with women???

                Squeeky Fromm
                Girl Reporter

            1. Jill – the common translation is carpenter, however a better translation is handyman. And yes, Jesus started a Jewish sect. It later broke off and became it’s own religion. At different points women were priestess and abbess (able to anoint new priests), but that was stopped. I do not agree with that, but as an atheist, I do not have a horse in the race. When you take a solid course in the History of the Catholic Church, you learn way more than you wanted.

              Catholicism has taken a stand on who can be a priest today. I think it is not logical given the historical context of the Jesus sect, however, they are standing behind it.

              You also have to remember that Catholics don’t read the Bible. They own one, but they don’t read it.

              1. Paul,

                We aren’t in disagreement except on one point–many catholics read the bible just as many protestants do. I think there is not much biblical scholarship going on, nor do people reading the bible understand that some books were put in and other were left out. But that doesn’t seem to vary by division of christianity.


                Think as you wish. I don’t try to convince believers. Maybe you could contact the woman who wrote the article and tell her your ideas about her and your own inferiority?

                    1. Squeeky – if it makes you feel any better Ann Coulter thinks we made a mistake when we gave women the right to vote. 😉

                    2. Yes, I am right. 256. Here’s link:

                      “All told, there are exactly 256 distinct forms of categorical syllogism: four kinds of major premise multiplied by four kinds of minor premise multiplied by four kinds of conclusion multiplied by four relative positions of the middle term. Used together, mood and figure provide a unique way of describing the logical structure of each of them. Thus, for example, the argument “Some merchants are pirates, and All merchants are swimmers, so Some swimmers are pirates” is an IAI-3 syllogism, and any AEE-4 syllogism must exhibit the form “All P are M, and No M are S, so No S are P.”


                      Squeeky Fromm
                      Girl Reporter

              2. At different points women were priestess and abbess (able to anoint new priests), but that was stopped. I do not agree with that, but as an atheist, I do not have a horse in the race. When you take a solid course in the History of the Catholic Church, you learn way more than you wanted.

                No, Paul, there were no priestesses. Ever. An abbess is the superior of women in consecrated life, not a dispenser of sacraments.

                There is debate about the use of the term ‘deaconess’ in the epistles, but no indication that it was an ordained ministry on the order of the diaconate and subdiaconate in later period

            2. that’s your errant interpretation of a complicated religion Jill

              you’re not interested in understanding it, so I wont bother

      2. You know what, Jill? Us women, as a group, are inferior to men. As a group, we fall for all sorts of stupid stuff that most men don’t fall for. Just ;look at the least election. Women supported Hillary. Why? She’s a crook, but she promises free stuff, so we, as a group, fall for us. Letting us vote was a horrible decision.

        I would gladly give up my right to vote if it kept the 60% or more idiotic women in our gender from voting. Look at Christine Ford, or Anita Hill. I hate to admit it but the Muzzies are right – that a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man’s. And look at our own little matriarchy – the inner city black neighborhoods. They are run by women, and they are overwhelmed by stupidity, savagery, and violence.

        Look, personally, I think I am at least as any man, and probably smarter. But that dimply does not hold true for most of my female friends. They are mostly sort of stupid, and fall for all kinds of dumb stuff. Sorry, but reality is reality. I am not sure if it is because of nature, and monthly ebbs and flows of hormones, or nurture. I suspect more nature. Nature does not care if we are crazy because we bear children and mostly raise them and it is a survival trait that we want free stuff, and don’t adhere much to principles.

        Squeeky Fromm
        Girl Reporter

        1. So you say Squeeky. But people who think as you do, get to tell you you are inferior. You don’t get to make the distinction because it suits you. Other people will give reasons why you are inferior and there’s nothing you can do about it because you accept this “logic” but simply exempt yourself on your own say so. Go for it!

            1. Personally Squeeky, I wouldn’t worry about it. I think cultivating courage and good reasoning skills, along with kindness and standing against injustice are worth investing in, even if you believe you are an inferior person to others.

              I see you didn’t answer what you plan to do regarding pedophiles at the pentagon.

              1. I don’t have any kids, so what do I care? BUT, if I did and some SOB molested them, they had better hope the police got to them first.

                And, FWIW, I think child molesters, real ones, not the ones having sex with 16 year olds or something, ought to be executed. I would even go for executing possessors of kiddie porn.

                Squeeky Fromm
                Girl Reporter

                1. So what are you going to do about all the pedophiles at the Pentagon? What is your plan of action?

                    1. So why are you saying you’re going to be violent to pedophiles in a march? Why does having kids matter to you? All children should be protected when they are being abused.

                      I think it’s easy to say you’d go to a march and commit violence. But really, why would you do that? We have a court system. Why would you not speak up at the march and also speak up about the Pentagon? Then let the court system take it from there. Instead you are hiding behind not having kids. Abuse of kids matters whether they are yours or not.

                      Just as you said you’d use the courts for pedophiles at the Pentagon, why wouldn’t you allow the courts to work with pedophiles in marches? So no, you didn’t answer my question!

                    2. Jill,

                      Please re-read what I said. Here it is again:

                      ““But I don’t have the right to be violent towards pedophiles marching in the street.”

                      I am not so sure of that. I think people have the right to protect their children.”

                      There. I DO NOT HAVE ANY CHILDREN.

                      If YOU have children, then I support your right to attack pedophiles marching in the street.

                      Squeeky Fromm
                      Girl Reporter

                  1. DoD computers are huge and these networks are huge. if there is abuse it should be detected and prosecuted

                    what bothers me more are the pedo rings that have had their computer assets seized by FBI which turned around and used them for “investigations” which went on a very long time and circulated a lot of illegal reprehensible smut for a long time


                    “When Daryl Glenn Pawlak logged into a large child pornography website and downloaded images using his work computer, he was charged with receipt and possession of child pornography.

                    The operator of the website that was exploiting children, however, was not arrested.

                    That’s because it was the FBI. And federal prosecutors are defending the agency’s decision to secretly hijack and peddle child porn for two weeks as part of a sting operation.

                    During that time, tens of thousands of images of child pornography were uploaded to the site.

                    “Not only was the government the largest distributor of child pornography … it was also the largest exploiter of children,” Pawlak’s attorney said in a court filing. “This conduct is the essence of outrageousness, and a serious need for deterrence exists.”

                    The case has ignited debate among legal scholars and defense attorneys about internet privacy and the FBI’s decision to keep such a website up and running while more children were harmed.”


                    the use of informants is necessary in law enforcement but there must be safeguards and the pros must outweight the cons, and the overall harm to society considered

        2. I have to agree with Squeeky to some degree. There are, unfortunately, so many vapid, clueless, petty emotional women out there. I think men are biologically wired to be more single-minded. They can obsess over a solution or invention to exclusion of all else. Now I wouldn’t want to date a man who neglects his hygiene and diet and social skills in the single-minded pursuit of an idea or invention, but I’m glad there are men like that because it advances society. It’s always men who forget the baby in the back seat of the car, never women. Women are wired to multi-task, so she can easily keep multiple things in her mind at once, which means she can do multiple things well, but nothing exceptionally well because, at least if she has children, she will not be able to focus exclusively like men can. OTOH, you don’t have the equivalent of the 300 pound mama’s boy living in the basement playing video games all day among the female gender. A young adult female will find a way to get out on her own, whether by employment or shacking up with someone who will support her.

          But there are men who, like women, are emotional and petty. A gay man is the worst boss a woman can have. He will be petty, catty, personalize everything, judge your appearance, but at the same time have all the sense of power and privilege of a man, so he will be more aggressive in his actions. Women bosses don’t have that sense of entitlement; they feel more insecure in their positions, so they engage in sneaky subterfuge.

          I suppose the biggest impediment to women’s advancement is men. Because a female can marry to avoid the hard work of developing a career, there will always be women who are vapid airheads who spend their time on clothes and make-up, desperately trying to retain sexual attractiveness rather than doing something worthwhile with their lives.

          1. True, but somebody has to have 2.2+ kids or civilization goes kerplop. Then, somebody has to change diapers and get up at 2:00AM to feed them, and then teach them to ride bikes, do homework, and learn how to behave. Which, mostly the only men who care to help are fathers, or grandfathers. And since it takes 20+ years to raise one, you need long term marriages, and NOT a bunch of freaks doing perv homo stuff for their own pleasure.

            Plus, I agree about gay men secretly hating women and being snarky. They are jealous that most men don’t want to have sex with them. Frankly, they are full of hate, and most don’t even bother to get HIV tested or wear condoms because it might interfere with their pleasure. I think gay men are a sick bunch!

            Squeeky Fromm
            Girl Reporter

        1. Will you be storming the Pentagon then? “Defense Department computers are among the top distributors of child pornography. An untold number of Department of Defense (DOD) employees and contractors have subscriptions to child pornography websites, and the problem is apparently so pervasive it requires new technical solutions to address it.

          “Hundreds of DoD-affiliated individuals” were recently identified as suspects in child pornography cases, according to an investigation by the Defense Criminal Investigative Service.”


          I think the DOD should be confronted. I don’t use violent confrontation but I think this needs to be confronted. Do you?

          1. same article says:

            “To prevent such widespread abuse going forward, the “End National Defense Network Abuse Act” would “crack down on this activity by upgrading the training and technical capacity of military criminal investigative organizations to confront the misuse of DoD computers, facilities, and equipment,” according to a press release. It would also arrange for DOD authorities to work more closely with civilian law enforcement on these cases.

            “The notion that the Department of Defense’s network and Pentagon-issued computers may be used to view, create, or circulate such horrifying images is a shameful disgrace, and one we must fight head on,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D–Va.), who co-sponsored the bill with Rep. Mark Meadows (R–N.C.).

            A companion bill in the senate has been introduced by Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R–Alaska) and Brian Schatz (D–Hawaii).”

        2. Alas David Brock screwed many of them and now they are deranged forever. Thankfully they are liburturds

      3. wrong. different, not inferior. and guess what? men and women are different in many important ways


  12. In addition to overcoming a hostile government, the protesters faced a heightened level of anger after Polish Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski denounced the LGBT movement: “The red plague no longer runs on our land. But a new plague has emerged, neo-Marxist, that wants to seize our souls, hearts and spirits. A plague that is not red but rainbow.”

    Many years ago, the writer Leon Wieseltier huffed and puffed in print about some theological point the Pope had made. This provoked a response from Henry Fairlie (himself a rather louche character): “I cannot see how a Catholic could believe otherwise”. What do you expect a Catholic bishop to say?

    Your problem, really, is that you pay no attention to anyone who wouldn’t nestle comfortably in your social circle. Anyone observing how public life has been distorted and disfigured in one occidental country after another by the gay lobby is going to be sympathetic to efforts to resist its incursions into public life where they are not already established. Throwing things at them can be dealt with as needs be by the municipal courts. That having been said, these sorts of parades often feature elements which violate ordinances contra obscene behavior in public places.

    You don’t utter nonsense judgments like ‘It a tremendous show of courage,’ if you don’t favor what they’re advocating, and you’re not going to persuade anyone that your objection to the counterdemonstrators is limited to their use of eggs and bottles (however many were thrown).


    Here’s the video. I doubt the eggs and the bottles were much of a problem.

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