Mountain Don’t: Kentucky Couple Has Meltdown After Being Prevented From Mass Purchase Of Mountain Dew

The video below shows just how intense some panic buying has become in some stores as demonstrated by a Kentucky couple who was prevented from buying 23 cases of Mountain Dew with 552 individual cans.

The man ends up denouncing the cashier (who really does not need this) as a liar for refusing to allow him to load his car. The video shows him yelling “A straight up lie. What a liar! You’re such a liar. … You just told me right now that I could go outside and come back in and get the drinks.”

Another couple in Vancouver succeeded in the early days of the pandemic in buying the entire meat section of their local store — only now to complain of death threats.

Now back to Mountain Dew. The clerk may have protected the couple of certain death — not due to the pandemic but caloric implications. A can of Mountain Dew has 170 calories a pop. Thus, the couples was carting away 93,840 calories with zero nutritional benefits.

If some doctors are correct, the impact on one’s liver is scarier than the obesity danger. Such drinks has also been linked to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

45 thoughts on “Mountain Don’t: Kentucky Couple Has Meltdown After Being Prevented From Mass Purchase Of Mountain Dew”

  1. Did they drink 4 Mountain Dews apiece before coming in? Perhaps they got hopped up on caffeine. And I don’t appreciate the other couple hogging all the meat, pun intended. There are a lot of older people who had nothing available to buy because people lost their minds and cleaned out TP, pasta, meat, eggs…

    My husband had to drop off toilet paper for some of my relatives. I’ve got enough meat in the freezer at any time of year to get by, and we’ve got our hens.

    Waiting until a disaster strikes is a bit late to stock up. People spend years carefully putting food by, stocking up, planting a garden, and using up items before they get old. If you wait until the last second, then you get runs on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and basic food. People aren’t prepared, and trying to make up for years of work in one shopping trip. (And, really, that’s where you’re going to spend you lockdown shopping funds? On soda?) And then those people clean out all the shelves, so that people on a limited income have nothing to buy at the grocery store.

  2. “Man charged after coughing on Wegmans employee, telling her she has coronavirus has history of pro-Trump, racist social media posts”

    “George Falcone faces charges of making terroristic threats, harassment and obstruction of justice”

    By Nikita Biryukov, March 24 2020 6:04 pm

    “The 50-year-old Freehold resident facing charges after coughing on a woman and telling her she now had coronavirus at a Manalapan Wegmans has a history of making pro-Trump comments and parroting Fox News talking points on social media.

    George Falcone, who faces charges of making terroristic threats, harassment and obstruction of justice over the incident, has frequently shared tweets and posts made by conservative talking heads and once posted a meme suggesting Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were terrorists.”

    What a guy.

    1. “Man charged after coughing on Wegmans employee, telling her she has coronavirus has history of pro-Trump, racist social media posts”
      Did he shoot at them on a softball field like the Bernie bro?

  3. Wow, I just watched the videos, ppl are out of control. I have a montage of it.

    My favorite being a guy talking about how WWII wasn’t this bad. @ 4.00 min

    I say, yes, bc we were not as connected with technology then…

    1. Crazy. Did a mother and daughter assault that black lady in order to get all of the toilet paper in the store? Seriously?

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