Biden Calls for the Prosecution of Anyone Refusing Subpoenas in the Jan. 6th Riot Investigation

We recently discussed the troubling declaration of guilt made by President Joe Biden at the start of the investigation into border agents allegedly whipping or “strapping” undocumented Haitians trying to enter the country. The statement shattered the integrity of the investigation as well as the reputation of the federal agents. Now, President Biden has called for the Select Committee looking into the Jan. 6th riot to hold those who refuse subpoenas in contempt and for his Department of Justice to prosecute them.

During the Trump Administration, many of us criticized the President for commenting on pending investigations and crossing the line on seeking to influence the Justice Department. A chorus of legal experts declared such public comments to be an attack on the rule of law and the integrity of the Justice Department. Those voices have been largely silent on Biden’s own comments.

Any contempt prosecution would be handled by the Justice Department. I have long been critical of its handling of such cases. However, Biden’s call ignores the fact that most of the Democratic leadership in the House supported the Obama Administration in refusing to even submit contempt cases to grand juries. That was the case with Eric Holder who was in flagrant contempt of House subpoenas in the “Fast and Furious” investigation. If the Democrats seek the prosecution of these Trump officials, they will have to step over a mountain of hypocrisy on such cases.

Of course, such hypocrisy has never been a major obstacle for either party. Indeed, Holder himself seemed immune from the shame of hypocrisy during his calls for total transparency in the Mueller investigation.

Calling for prosecutions as President is always problematic and unwise, particularly given the still unfolding matter before the Select Committee. This is a fairly early stage in such conflicts. There is often some line drawing and then some negotiations on the narrowing of inquiries and the waiver of objections. That may not succeed in this case.  With the 2022 midterms looming, the Democrats are at risk of losing the House and these subpoenas may die on the vine. Yet, it is unlikely that there could be any prosecution decision made before the election anyway without an abnormal and reckless rush by the Garland Justice Department.

This matter has not been resolved in Congress, let alone reached any decision stage at the Justice Department. The President should retract his statement and allow the process to work.


84 thoughts on “Biden Calls for the Prosecution of Anyone Refusing Subpoenas in the Jan. 6th Riot Investigation”

  1. According to Epstein’s Second Law of Democrat behavior, Democrats are terrified that they will lose their death grip on political power. So terrified that they will do anything to maintain that power. Literally anything.

    The latest example? Democrats are petrified that their anointed candidate will lose the Virginia governor’s election. A seat in the heart of the Beltway progressive bubble. A throne that, under their faith, is theirs by divine right.

    They are so terrified that they sent a campaign commercial narrated by Kamala Harris supporting the Democrat candidate to 300 black churches so it could be played at their services. So desperate that they to decided to disregard IRC 501(c)(3), which absolutely prohibits tax exempt charitable organizations from supporting political candidates.

    Actually, the Democrats have good reason not to be terrified, at least about the churches’ tax exempt status. Why? Because they know that there are two sets of laws of this country. Their goal? To grab the Governor’s throne by any means necessary. Then what? They’ll get the party apparatchiks and media sycophants to sort it all out, just like they did for Governor Coonman (he of the blackface, or was he the one in the KKK suit? Either way he sure had a great med school nickname) when they realized that his ouster would lead to the appointment of a Republican governor.

    Equally shocking is that Kamala Harris, she of the devout piety and life-long support for Christian values, threw her support behind this action. As an experienced lawyer, long time prosecutor, and lifetime politician one might have thought that she would have a basic familiarity with these basic requirements. In fairness, maybe she has been busy solving the border crisis, so she might be a little distracted. Either way, Harris should resign.

    1. I wonder how many blacks in Virginia will be dissuaded from voting for the Dems by the Dems’ support of vaccine mandates.

      1. Nothing that can’t be overcome with a little mail-in voting.

    2. “Out of chaos, comes order.”

      – Friedrich Nietzsche

      Democrats (i.e. communists) can’t lose.

      Democrats can only destroy the country.

      That is precisely what they intend to do.

      “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the people discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always

      votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy–to be followed by a dictatorship.”

      – Alexis de Tocqueville/Alexander Fraser Tytler

      Americans are vanishing under a fertility rate in a “death spiral” and democrats (i.e. communists) continue to force-feed the nation with illegal alien and hyphenate (i.e. communist) voters.

      Americans will never win another election and democracy will collapse.

      The dictatorship of the monarchy that the Founders abrogated will soon be replaced by “the dictatorship of the proletariat.”

      The Founders gave Americans the one and only thing they could: Freedom.

      Americans rejected it.

    3. Re: Coonman – he was the one in the KKK outfit. If it was simply the blackface he would have atoned for his wrong and moved on. No atonement for showing up in a KKK outfit.


    Joe Biden intends to prosecute all actual Americans who refuse to support the eminently unconstitutional communist (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs) American welfare state. The American Founders prohibited and protected Americans from dictatorship, be it of the monarchical, communist or despotic variety. The Founders gave Americans the one and only thing they could: Freedom. You rejected it. You opted for “the dictatorship of the proletariat,” for enslavement by a government that “provides” everything – womb to tomb.

    The entire communistic American welfare state is unconstitutional including, but not limited to, matriculation affirmative action, grade-inflation affirmative action, employment affirmative action, quotas, welfare, food stamps, minimum wage, rent control, social services, forced busing, public housing, utility subsidies, WIC, SNAP, TANF, HAMP, HARP, TARP, HHS, HUD, Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Labor, Energy, Obamacare, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, Medicare, Medicaid, “Fair Housing” laws, “Non-Discrimination” laws, etc.

    Article 1, Section 8, provides Congress the power to tax ONLY for “…general Welfare…,” omitting and, thereby, excluding any power to tax for individual welfare, specific welfare, small-group welfare, redistribution of wealth or charity. The same article provides Congress the power to regulate ONLY money, the “flow” of commerce, and land and naval Forces. Additionally, the 5th Amendment right to private property is not qualified by the Constitution and is, therefore, absolute, allowing Congress no power to claim or exercise dominion over private property, the sole exception being the power to “take” private property for public use.

    Government exists, under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to provide maximal freedom to individuals while it is severely limited and restricted to merely facilitating said maximal freedom of individuals through the provision of security and infrastructure.

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    – Declaration of Independence, 1776

    1. Communism did not exist when the Founding Fathers we’re around. Not when the Founding Mother’s were are around either. What the Founders opposed were the Brits, King and Queeny, and Royalty
      Today’s media should quit spending time showing the dumb Royals of England. Harry this and Phillip that

      1. Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto 59 years after the adoption of the Constitution because none of the principles of the Communist Manifesto were in the Constitution.

        Had the principles of the Communist Manifesto been in the Constitution, Karl Marx would have had no reason to write the Communist Manifesto.

        The principles of the Communist Manifesto were not in the Constitution then and the principles of the Communist Manifesto are not in the Constitution now.

        The entire communistic American welfare state is unconstitutional.

  3. OT: Morality in Washington seems not to exist.

    Panorama Education, Co-Founded By U.S. AG Merrick Garland’s Son-In-Law, Contracted With 23,000 Public Schools & Raised $76M From Investors

    Last week, AG Garland sent a memo to the head of the FBI, directing him to work with local law enforcement “to address threats against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff.”–emotional-climate-surveys/?sh=c28fe674e60b

  4. It’s getting so I can’t even get through the entirety of one of Turley’s posts any more, because he has sold his soul to Fox News. Turley: you know damn good and well that if a deponent or someone being asked to produce records has a valid objection, he or she can file an objection and ask a court to decide whether there is privilege or some other valid reason not to comply. That’s not what Steve Bannon did–he just flat-out refused to comply, smirking all the way–and THAT’s the conduct Biden complained of–flipping the bird at a Congressional Committee and just flat refusing to comply. Bannon wasn’t even working for Trump on January 6th because he had been fired, so he can hardly claim privilege.

    But, hey, don’t let the law or facts get in the way of a post in which Turley can attack Biden and/or Democrats. And, the disciples eat it up.

    1. It’s getting so I can’t even get through the entirety of one of Natacha’s posts any more.

      1. Where in Article 1, Section is Congress given power to tax for anything other than “…general Welfare…,” omitting and, thereby, excluding any power to tax for individual welfare, specific welfare, small-group welfare, redistribution of wealth or charity? General Welfare being All Well Proceed as in roads, water, sewer, electricity, telephone, internet, trash collection, post office, railroad, telephone, etc. Where in Article 1, Section 8, is Congress given power to regulate anything other than the value of money, the “flow” of commerce and land and naval Forces? Where in the 5th Amendment is Congress given the power to transform private property into public property “on demand?”

        Answer: Nowhere!

  5. Perhaps Turley would have been more comfortable if President Biden had just called for all of his political opponents and the media to be “locked up”. Turley said nothing when the “stable genius” called for “locking them up” and countless Hatch Act violations. Or Trump himself telling his staff and others NOT to testify and basically use obstruction of any review of his administration. For Turley nothing “rose to the level” for Trump, but it seems if President Biden says that people breaking the law should face prosecution then it’s just to much for Turley to bear.

    1. Fishy, it might be more helpful for your health if you were more primal, more visceral, more aggressive with your dyschezia. The pleasantly plump womyn in the first 30 seconds of this video shows you the proper approach for addressing irregularity.

      dyschezia – difficulty in defecating usually as a consequence of continued voluntary suppression of the urge to have a BM.


      1. “This is not a democracy. Everybody doesn’t get to do what they want to do. Everybody doesn’t get to do what they feel like doing.”

        – Nick Saban

        1. Exactly. The founders went out of their way to mitigate the progress of establishing a democratic/dictatorial/fascist regime by constructing a constitutional republic that limited government authority. That said, it’s unfortunate that they could not address slavery, diversity, and foreign entanglements sooner, which allowed the development of a socioeconomic complex that sustains what it purported to resolve.

      2. Dictatorship is what the Founders warned us about.

        Dictatorship is what the Constitution and Bill of Rights precludes and protects us from.

        Dictatorship of monarchs, communists and psychotic parasites is what the American Founders stopped.

        “[We gave you] a republic, if you can keep it.”

        – Ben Franklin

        Ben Franklin’s was a restricted-vote republic, distinctly not a one man, one vote democrazy.

        Franklin et al. engineered an 11.6% turnout in 1788, required citizens to be “…free white person(s)…,” and required voters to be male, European, 21 with 50 lbs. Sterling or 50 acres.

    2. Trump responded to misinformation and disinformation (“handmade tales”) by the media, but only Obama actually stalked and imprisoned his opponents. Trump responded to national occupations, insurrections, violence, and neighborhood invasions (Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter), but it was only Biden who actually called the National Guard to support congressional and Capitol Hill officers’ dereliction of duty and violation of civil rights.

    3. Fishwings — Ummm…what part of this statement didn’t you get? “During the Trump Administration, many of us criticized the President for commenting on pending investigations and crossing the line on seeking to influence the Justice Department.”

  6. Another massive failure by Joe Biden puts him at odds with the Democrat policy agenda as he accidentally unites Americans of all races and classes through music. The new single by rapper Loza Alexander “Let’s Go, Brandon” has gone viral:

    “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fvck things up.”
    -Barack Obama

    1. Yes, the Commie/Nazi DemRinos taught the World to sing in perfect harmony “Let’s Go Brandon” & the adult version “Phk Joe Biden”.

      1. It could be worse. It could be “Plan” Joe Biden. Roe, Roe, Roe your president… parent… baby, violently down the river Styx.

  7. Turley: “The President should retract his statement and allow the process to work.”


    For sure, but to retract the statement he will have to remember he made it.

    1. A probable trespasser, who was unarmed, in a prone position, female, a “burden”, a plausible threat to a man in a different weight class, with superior training and experience. His Choice, and a riot (“disorder”).

  8. Is it going to take an actual, organized leftist army policing us for people to wake up? Do we need literal gestapos for things to register? I still get this soupçon of hope for the Democratic party in the Professor’s writings. Allegiance to them is so unshakeable, how could the rest of us NOT see it as conditioning or brainwashing? They ain’t going to change course of their own volition at this point, that is a fantasy.

    1. As long as one party is seen as always good and the other always evil, then no one will notice the parties are actually playing tug-of-war for power on one end of the rope and the people are on the other end.

  9. “For they are, two things, knowledge and opinion, of which the one makes its possessor really to know, the other to be ignorant.”

  10. “If the Democrats seek the prosecution of these Trump officials, they will have to step over a mountain of hypocrisy on such cases.”….When do you think that will EVER become an obstacle for this administration or the Democrat members of Congress? Better days would be coming if it was an issue to them. We can dream.

  11. JT, you need to realize the normal rules do not apply when fighting for social justice. Heck, the covid virus even gets involved and only infects bigots who want to attend church not those demonstrating for leftist causes.

  12. It is a citizens right to challenge subpoenas. Democrats always ignore the fact, people are sovereign. People do not serve congress, no matter congress considers themselves royal rulers.
    I would ask for immunity. If that was granted, I would plead the 5th. Bannon is smart enough to offer written pleadings, cutting and pasting whole paragraphs from pleadings by Bll Clinton and his wife. Of Course Holder, and a whole slew of Obama administration officials, offer a treasure trove of pleadings written by the DoJ. There is an option to lie. Using the Excuse of Brennen, that he told the lesser aggressive of the lies he wanted to tell. Andrew McCabe lied to investigators and Congress, and he was rewareded by having his pension restored.

    1. There is an option to lie. Using the Excuse of Brennen, that he told the lesser aggressive of the lies he wanted to tell. Andrew McCabe lied to investigators and Congress, and he was rewareded by having his pension restored.

      “To fix upon good government as the only manifestation of Christian charity is giving my business more credit than it deserves…. Don’t place your hope in politics”
      – Justice Antonin Scalia

      James Clapper’s perjury, and why DC made men don’t get charged for lying to Congress

      “In DC, perjury is not simply tolerated, it is rewarded. In a city of made men and women, nothing says loyalty quite as much as lying under oath.”

      Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper is about celebrate one of the most important anniversaries of his life. March 13th will be the fifth anniversary of his commission of open perjury before the Senate Intelligence Committee. More importantly, it also happens to be when the statute of limitations runs out — closing any possibility of prosecution for Clapper. As the clock runs out on the Clapper prosecution, Democrats like Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) have charged that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen committed perjury when she insisted that she could not recall if President Donald Trump called Haiti and African countries a vulgar term. The fact is that perjury is not simply tolerated, it is rewarded, in Washington. In a city of made men and women, nothing says loyalty quite as much as lying under oath.

      Jonathan Turley
      USA Today
      Jan 19, 2018

      1. Turley says:

        “In DC, perjury is not simply tolerated, it is rewarded. In a city of made men and women, nothing says loyalty quite as much as lying under oath.”

        Turley’s abhorrence of liars is why I have always stated that Turley is no Trumpist.

        Trumpists lie, and Turley won’t.

        Turley’s problem is that he overlooks condemning liars who work at his network, Fox News, but to his credit at least, he refrains from repeating those lies himself.

  13. “Prosecution of Anyone Refusing Subpoenas in the Jan. 6th Riot Investigation”

    This must bring joy to the authoritarians on the blog that think fascism is good for the little guy, like ATS

  14. Dear Professor Turley, it’s the law! Why should members of the Trump gang have to testify when served with a subpoena? Oh I forgot they’re are on a mission from god to destroy our democracy.

    1. Turley did not say that those receiving a subpoena should not testify; his position is that the President should stay on the sidelines and not take a position.

  15. Time to admit that the US is now governed by a crypto-fascist regime that recognizes no limits on its power over its subjects. Things like precedents and hypocrisy are quaint ideas of no relevance. It has consolidated power across all relevant institutions and power centers, and it can and will do whatever it wants.

    It is much like what a post-Mussolini Italy might have evolved into but for WW2, except that it loathes rather than reveres its history, which it seeks to repudiate rather than glorify, based on equally false narratives.

    Prof Turley notes the mountain of hypocrisy. Does hypocrisy occur if nobody calls it out? If nobody notices or cares?

    1. Nice comment. I would also note that the consolidation of power includes the slanted national “mainstream media” and American journalism. The good professor pointed out Katie Couric concealing Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s negative comments about colin kaepernick.

    2. I think letting Joe Biden out once a week from his assisted living residence is going a bit too much now. He hang with nurse Jill more often now.

    3. All you guys are missing the point now. Biden’s latest BS blurb is to fully fund our police officers. I think he senses the political winds are a changing. This is something he has done for 50 years. That’s ok, next week he will have to appease his left wing base. So the cops will be villains again.

    4. MHJ, I like the use of the term crypto-fascist which has existed since the time of WW2, but insufficiently used and understood. Good job.

      I hope you don’t mind me using the term crypto-fascist in the future leaning on its later definition rather than the earlier one.

  16. Framing the narrative is what President Biden is doing, it’s what the Democratic Party does with all their propaganda.

    The Democrats want to paint all those refusing to instantly bow to the subpoenas “criminals” and render a guilty verdict from the court of public opinion and then link all those guilty “criminals” to any Republican running in 2022.

    Framing the narrative.

    1. “Let’s Go Brandon”…I was going to attach the link to a rapper’s new song on this, but YouTube has blocked it. Censorship is ruining my fun.

  17. “The President should retract his statement and allow the process to work.” Translation: Susan Rice should record a retraction and place the cassette in the back of Biden’s head and hit “play” at the opportune moment. Reaction: Dream on!

  18. Hypocrisy and mendacity are the elite D’s stock in trade. They have no problem in stepping over their own propaganda

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