Kitchen Bull Connors: Professor Denounces Cleanliness as Sexist and Racist

Professor Drenten has struck out at a social media trend of posting videos showing off different ways to organize pantries. Where many see neatness, Drenten sees racism and sexism. She notes that these video creators, “predominantly white women,” have created “a new status symbol” to replace the old one of “nice houses,” “nice yards” and “nice neighborhoods.” She wrote:

Cleanliness has historically been used as a cultural gatekeeping mechanism to reinforce status distinctions based on a vague understanding of “niceness”: nice people, with nice yards, in nice houses, make for nice neighborhoods.

What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures.

She warns others not to fall for “pantry porn”:

Magazines like Good Housekeeping were once the brokers of idealized domestic work. Now online pantry porn sets the aspirational standard for becoming an ideal mom, ideal wife and ideal woman. This grew out of a shift toward an intensive mothering ideology that equates being a good mom with time-intensive, labor-intensive, financially expensive care work.

Pantry maintenance is a new area of racism and sexism for Professor Drenten. Before she went after domestic Bull Connors, she blew the whistle on video gaming with papers on “Video Gaming as a Gendered Pursuit” and “More Gamer, Less Girl: Gendered Boundaries, Tokenism, and the Cultural Persistence of Masculine Dominance.”

134 thoughts on “Kitchen Bull Connors: Professor Denounces Cleanliness as Sexist and Racist”

  1. There is no more clear evidence of Joe Biden’s racism than his description of Barack Obama as “clean.”

  2. Well, …another way of saying what this professor is saying here, …is that minorities are slobs.

    I’m not sure this is the message I’d want someone “advocating” on my behalf.

    Although fortunately as an old white man and being quite the slob myself, …in fact I think I subconsciously pride myself on it.. hence based on the logic presented I must not be very racist.

    Whew, …that’s a relief.

  3. “I close, then, as I began, by saying that as a slave [Blacks were] worked, and that as a freeman he must learn to work. There is still doubt in many quarters as to the ability of [Blacks] unguided, unsupported, to hew his own path and put into visible, tangible, indisputable form, products and signs of civilization. This doubt cannot be much affected by abstract arguments, no matter how delicately and convincingly woven together. Patiently, quietly, doggedly, persistently, through summer and winter, sunshine and shadow, by self-sacrifice, by foresight, by honesty and industry, we must re-enforce argument with results. One farm bought, one house built, one home sweetly and intelligently kept, one man who is the largest tax payer or has the largest bank account, one school or church maintained, one factory running successfully, one truck garden profitably cultivated, one patient cured by a [Black] doctor, one sermon well preached, one office well filled, one life cleanly lived– these will tell more in our favor than all the abstract eloquence that can be summoned to plead our cause. Our pathway must be up through the soil, up through swamps, up through forests, up through the streams, the rocks, through commerce, education, and religion.”

    ~Booker T. Washington

    1. The professor would call Booker T. Washington a “racist” for that comment, instead of good advice for anyone.

    2. On January 1, 1863, the Naturalization Act of 1802 was in full force and effect requiring those admitted to become citizens to be “…free white person(s)…,” inversely requiring those who were not “…free white person(s)…” to be expelled, deported and compassionately repatriated.

      The Supreme Court recently acted retroactively by 50 years to correct the illegal, unconstitutional and thoroughly corrupt act of the corrupt Supreme Court of 1973. The Supreme Court must now act retroactively by 150 years to correct the illegal, unconstitutional and thoroughly corrupt act of Abraham Lincoln of 1863, that being egregious dereliction, negligence, abuse of power, usurpation of power, subversion, nullification et al.

      Naturalization Acts of 1790, 1795, 1798 and 1802 (four confirming iterations)

      United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,” March 26, 1790

      Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof

  4. It’s so easy to be an academic these days. All you have to do is line up every positive value on one side and label them “whiteness” (they will, by implication, be racist values) and line up all negative values on the other side and label them “anti-racist.” If society goes along with your anti-racist scheme, we’ll be back to the Dark Ages with all the filth and pestilence that implies. That, according to the Left, will be “progress.”

  5. These barely literate academics are making a case for leftist racism. If values like cleanliness are “white,” then by logical extension, “dirty” belongs to the non-white population. Does this pathetic excuse for a teacher really want to defend that position? This is the garbage universities recycle these days. Our tax dollars at work.

  6. “What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures.”

    I shamefully admit that making my bed and saying “hi” to people oppresses the poor, minorities, and women.

    Is that admission a sufficient “struggle?” Or do I need “reeducation?”

  7. Sooooooo, everything I learned at home and during 30 years of military service makes me racist, sexist, and classist.

    I have a clean house, organized pantry, apparently, that is no longer OK. What about all those minorities with organized pantries and clean houses?

    I’d never eat at her house.

  8. I can’t help but wonder if people like Drenton, stay up nights thinking about what has not been labeled racist, sexist, male toxicity, etc., etc.
    If they can find something that has not already been covered by one of their other lunatic educators, they win the prize for original thinker of the day. The media have always adored the mad scientists and they seem to also love these made professors. These types of original thinking, are what the media thrive on. Unfortunately, too many in our mad world believe it.

    1. Josua: The old saying that “academics are so vicious because the stakes are so low” can be slightly revised to say “academics are so ludicrous and self-sabotaging because the stakes are low and they need their 10 minutes of fame come hell or high water.”

  9. Professor Drenten “warns others not to fall for ‘pantry porn.'”

    Such are the West’s nihilists. They destroy for the sake of destruction. They are the culture’s drive-by-shooters. They select a value — math, individualism, statues, physical health, beauty. They decimate that value. Then move on to destroy a new target.

    Please do *not* describe them as communists. They are lower than communists. They are destroyers.

    1. “Please do *not* describe them as communists. They are lower than communists. They are destroyers.”

      Actually, she’s j*wish. But I guess I’m just repeating what you wrote.

      They’re destroyers, one and all.

    1. It should be.
      It should be a Babylon Bee headline.
      But it is not.
      This so-called professor is serious.
      There have been a number of things in the past few years that a decade ago, anyone with a degree of common sense would of said, “That is a joke, right?”
      Sadly it is not a joke.

  10. “I close, then, as I began, by saying that as a slave the Negro was worked, and that as a freeman he must learn to work. There is still doubt in many quarters as to the ability of the Negro unguided, unsupported, to hew his own path and put into visible, tangible, indisputable form, products and signs of civilization. This doubt cannot be much affected by abstract arguments, no matter how delicately and convincingly woven together. Patiently, quietly, doggedly, persistently, through summer and winter, sunshine and shadow, by self-sacrifice, by foresight, by honesty and industry, we must re-enforce argument with results. One farm bought, one house built, one home sweetly and intelligently kept, one man who is the largest tax payer or has the largest bank account, one school or church maintained, one factory running successfully, one truck garden profitably cultivated, one patient cured by a Negro doctor, one sermon well preached, one office well filled, one life cleanly lived– these will tell more in our favor than all the abstract eloquence that can be summoned to plead our cause. Our pathway must be up through the soil, up through swamps, up through forests, up through the streams, the rocks, through commerce, education, and religion.”

    Booker T. Washington, Industrial Education for the ___________ (wordpress censors even the great Booker T. Washington)

  11. These people are beyond demented. They should never be put in a room with a student. Personally, I would quarantine them from society but alas I do believe in the Constitution.

  12. Apparently, she is saying that minorities are disorganized slobs. Isn’t that racist? She should not be teaching.

  13. I can’t wait to have a supremist conversation with my wife the next time she complains about my shop.

  14. A organized pantry is racist and sexist?
    She would have a fit if she saw my house on Thursdays (via the USMC, I still do Field Day on Thursdays).
    As we cook a lot at home, the kitchen is always clean.

    1. Same here, every Thursday I Field Day our house, and keep our closets, kitchen and pantry organized. 0311, 0331, 0302.

  15. Let me translate that for you all:

    Work, effort, and planning are all bad and women bear the brunt of it.

    agrarian v. hunter-gatherer with a feminist twist.

  16. Moths took up residence in my pantry triggering an intensive and much needed cleanup effort. I wonder how associating moths, bugs, smell, disorder, health, and dirt in general with non-white races can in any way not be seen as racist? She should be rightly condemned for making such an association. And BRB, gonna go post some pics of my pantry on IG before entropy takes hold again…

  17. This person probably has a mental health disorder and needs intervention now. Not only is she clinically incompetent but she threatens to spread her poison throughout the human polity thereby presenting a public health risk.. She is also totally ignorant of the whole history of public health. As KBigg so nicely put it, the greatest advances in human health came from clean water, safe food, personal hygiene (cleanliness) sterile surgical fields, washing hands and eventually vaccines. Those simple aspects of public health lead to decades of extra life for all humanity. The most modern aspects such as surgery itself, antibiotics, anti cholesterol med, transplants, treatment of hypertension, etc lead to incremental changes in human life.
    One wonders if she just studies kitchens and pantries or whether she actually uses them. I would like to time her on finding a can of chile (Skyline) in her house, kitchen or pantry (gasp).
    I guess she ascribes to the greater use of perfume since it was developed to cover the stench of human bodies that rarely bathed. I would bet she hangs garlic in her pantry for the same reason.
    How pathetic to have an academic life dedicated to the study of pantries and video gaming. That alone makes me wonder about her mental health. There was obviously some deep seated trauma in her early life.

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