Turley To Appear On CBS Face The Nation [Updated]

download-2I will appear on Sunday as a guest on CBS Face The Nation with moderator Margaret Brennan .  While I have done the show previously, this appearance holds special meaning because it will be the final Sunday for the show at its old location at 2020 M St. N.W.  CBS has been moving into its new building next door and then this long-standing CBS bureau will be torn down.  Despite being my birthday, I wanted to see the old girl one last time on M St. Update: It turns out that a second former student, Kelly Anne Conway, was also on Face the Nation, making this a thoroughly GW saturated line up.  Here is the clip: Face the Nation.  Conway was in my class in the first year of my teaching at GW and was always a standout in her class — as was Michael Avenatti in his class.

Also appearing on Face The Nation will be my former research assistant Michael Avenatti, counsel to Stormy Daniels. It is a point of tremendous pride to appear on a Sunday show with a former student who has done so well in his career.  Recently, Avenatti and Conway, appeared at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

I was previously under contract with CBS News during the Dan Rather period.  I had tremendous respect for Rather.

The old building was never a looker or particularly comfortable.  However, it had a lot of history for one of the greatest news organizations in history.  The deal with Tishman Speyer was ten years in the making and will give CBS a stellar new facility.  I am particularly glad to be on the final show in the old building.  We both have aged, not necessarily gracefully but well.

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