Report: Hunter Biden Sought Millions To Help Unfreeze Libyan Assets While His Father Was Vice President

Recently, Politico finally conceded that the emails on the Hunter Biden laptop are indeed authentic. The story went largely without mention by others in the mainstream media where the laptop has been subject to an effective blackout since before the election when stories were actually banned by Twitter. Before the election, Politico and every major newspaper ran stories that the laptop and the embarrassing emails were likely Russian disinformation according to over 50 “former intelligence experts” including former CIA directors John Brennan, Leon Panetta, and Gen. Michael Hayden. Despite the clear evidence that the emails are real, the media has steadfastly refused to address the raw and open influence peddling by the Biden family in those emails. That now includes new emails showing an alleged effort by Hunter Biden to shake down the Libyan government for $2 million a year in order to use his access to his father to unfreeze assets held by the U.S. government.

We recently discussed emails showing that Hunter Biden admitted that one of his laptops was stolen by Russians and was likely being used for blackmail purposes.  The fact that the President’s son admitted that Russians may have intentionally seized one of his laptops during a drug binge to blackmail him was not considered news by the media.

Moreover, while some begrudgingly admit that the laptop is probably authentic, the media is not dealing with the extensive emails detailing an influence peddling scheme by Hunter, President Biden’s brother and others. There is also no interest in going back to those over 50 intelligence officials (who are still widely cited in stories) to address the fact that they made such an erroneous claim of Russian disinformation right before an election.

The most recent disclosures is par for the course.

Business Insider reported that Biden sought an annual $2 million retainer to aid in the recovery of Libyan assets frozen by the administration of President Barack Obama and his father. What is interesting is that The Insider report is not based on the same hard drive as the other emails. Instead, the site is publishing two emails from January 28, 2015, from Democratic donor Sam Jauhari to Sheikh Mohammed al-Rahbani, an Obama donor.

Jauhari writes “Per phone conversation I met with #2 son, he wants $2 per year retainer… his dad is deciding to run or not.”  He then forwards Hunters bona fides for the millions in retainers including being the chairman of the UN World Food Program and being a business partner of “SOS J. Forbes K.’s son”. The reference is to John Forbes Kerry and his son-in-law Christopher Heinz who has repeatedly been mentioned in these influence peddling schemes.

In this case, the emails suggest that Hunter was trying to shake down Libyans for access to the $15 billion in assets during Muammar Gaddafi’s rule. The paper quotes the emails as stating “Since he travels with dad he is connected everywhere in Europe and Asia where M.Q. [Gaddafi, also spelled Qaddafi] and LIA [Libya Investment Authority] had money frozen. He said he has access to highest level in PRC [China], he can help there.”

As in past stories, there is no denial from Hunter Biden or the White House. There is no need to do so since few in the media are asking for answers. As with the various influence peddling schemes detailed on the laptop worth millions, this is only a scandal if the media reports it. It is therefore not a scandal by general consensus in Washington.

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