Can You Guess What This Person Was Charged With?

20982047-mmmainTracey Lee Giffin, 45, is accused of stabbing her husband after he drank her last beer. The 59-year-old man had cuts on his neck, chest and stomach.

Griffin allegedly woke up to find that her husband had downed the last beer. He is charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangerment and harassment.

Notably, Giffen is particularly sensitive about food. In 2003, she was arrested after a dispute over barbecue sauce on Christmas Eve. On that occasion, the man was bitten on the nose and hand. Griffin suffered an eye injury. Five years later, Giffen was convicted for repeatedly kicking a pregnant woman in the abdomen.

Obviously this is a disturbed individual with a possible dependency problem. Our criminal justice is reeling from the influx of such troubled individuals.

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