Court Orders The Belated Release Of Gianforte Mugshot

DL4toDGUEAEgsVAWe often debate how to take the best mugshot. Rep. Greg Gianforte (Mont.) went with the smile option and the results are pretty good. Nevertheless, Gianforte fought mightily to block the release of the mugshot after he assaulted a reporter.  He lost this week and a court ordered its release. This is the mugshot.


Gianforte was convicted in June and argued earlier that the court lacked authority to order the fingerprinting and mugshot of the congressman since he was charged with a misdemeanor rather than a felony.  There is no record however of his objecting to the belated release of the mugshot sought by the media.

As mugshots go, this is a remarkably good shot for the congressman.  If you know that a mugshot is likely to appear throughout your next campaign, you might as well make it presentable.

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