Turley To Speak At Utah Valley University

I have the pleasure of speaking today and tomorrow at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah. I will be speaking on Wednesday on “A Crisis of Faith: How Trump Has Changed Journalism in America.” The speech will explore the history and evolution of American journalism as well as the challenges presented in the last two years. While I have been critical of President Donald Trump over his attacks on the media, I also believe that American media has become more partisan and biased in its coverage. The speech will look at the changing standards and economics governing journalism in America.

The speech will take place at the UVU at the Fulton Library (Bingham Gallery).

The Center for Constitutional Studies at the Utah Valley University will hold the conference entitled 2019 First Amendment Conference: Freedom of the Press in Tumultuous Times.

It is another incredible conference by the CCS. I have had the pleasure of watching UVU blossom with the university itself into a major academic center. UVU is truly one of the greatest success stories in academic development and the CCS offers programs that bring together academics from all over the world.

The trip also brings me back to one of my favorite places in the world. As an avid hiker, Utah is an endless adventure of breathtaking sights and gorgeous trails. The national and state parks are experiences that everyone should enjoy at some point in their lives. I am hoping that news in Washington does not force me back prematurely but I brought my gear in the hopes of hitting the trails after my speeches in Orem.

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