Saudi Princess Found Guilty Of Attack On French Worker . . . In Absentia

We previously discussed how Princess Hassa bint Salman Al Saud, the sister of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is the latest Saudi royal accused of brutal violence against individuals outside of their country. The Princess was found guilty of the beating of  a local craftsman who was renovating her luxury Paris apartment three years ago. However, once again, she will escape any real punishment just as her brother has escaped any repercussions for the savage murder of a journalist in Turkey.

The Princess was allowed to flee the country and has now been convicted in absentia and given a 10-month suspended sentence and fined €10,000 ($11,000). In other words, she ordered a bodyguard to beat Ashraf Eid, an Egyptian-born French national, and the French court just shrugged and hit her with a fine that is less than an evening out on the town for the Princess.

Eid said that she ordered her bodyguard to beat him after she accused him of taking photos and videos of her in September 2016.

Her bodyguard was also given a suspended eight-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay a €5,000 ($5,600) fine. Chump change but we are the chumps. The Saudi Royal family has shown once again that law, even laws against murdering people, have little relevance to them.

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