The Turley Armada Rules The Waves

dscn0096Fair winds and following seas carried the Turley armada to victory yesterday in the Cub Scout Regata.

While Winston Churchill may have attributed the British tradition and success to “rum, sodomy and the lash,” the Turley navy is based entirely on spray paint, Crazy glue, and the knife.

Aidan (a Tiger scout) won for best in show in his den for his unique Wolf design, including the only vessel ever seen in these parts covered in fur.

Jack (a Bear scout) won for best in show in his den for his Kirby design (which had removable Kirby and chest option but Jack chose to race with full Kirby regalia)

Benjamin (a junior Webelo) won for speed in his den with his English cutter design (with full canon deployment).

While the Turley armada failed to take the later pack-wide competition, no one will soon forget their appearance in the waters off the Potomac. I am fairly certain of this because, after Aidan’s boat raced, there was a line of black fur on the surface of the racing gutters.

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