Rubin’s Sandwich: Another Florida Man Charged with Assault of a Girlfriend Using a Sandwich

Matthew J. Rubin may have a rye sense of humor and easy with the condiments, but he has to learn a bit about throwing food. For the second time in a month, a Florida man has been charged with battery by sandwich on a girlfriend. Rubin, 20, allegedly hurled a sandwich at his 19-year-old girlfriend during an argument over renewing insurance on his car. Port Lucie seems to have had a rash of these sandwich assaults.

His girlfriend says that he also hit the top of her head with his fist in the food fight. He admits to the flying sandwich toss but not the knuckle sandwich.

Last month, again in Port Lucie, Emmanuelle Rodriguez is accused of throwing a sandwich at his girlfriend while she was driving from his mother’s house in Port St. Lucie.

Port Lucie has been a constant source of entries on this blog, here and here — leading to plans for the Turley blog to open a satellite office in the town (near a sandwich shop).

The problem with the current case is that a Rueben sandwich found at the scene could be self-incriminating.

For the full story, click here.

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