Casanova in a Can: Texas Man Gets 45 Years for Inflicting Six Women with AIDS

hivmanPhilippe Padieu, who was described by his own lawyer as a “modern-day Casanova,” has been sentenced by a Texas jury to 45 years in prison for knowingly inflicting six women with the AIDS virus.

Padieu, 53, was convicted on six counts to run concurrently. Notably, the counts charged aggravated assault with a deadly weapon — meaning his bodily fluids. He continued to have unprotected sex after learning that he was HIV positive in 2005.

The verdict may be worrisome for HIV positive individuals — in exposing partners to the disease. Padieu insisted that the women had multiple partners and that there was no way to trace the exposure to him. One woman who has full blown AIDS said that Padieu frequented swinger clubs and may have infected as many as 20 other women.

Texas does not have an HIV law written for such exposure cases.

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