Pixie Pills: Pennsylvania Man Charged With Drugging Dog At Competition

For those who loved the comedy Best in Show, they may find a Pennsylvania show interesting. Ralph Ullum, 68, is charging with taking a dog competition a bit too far: allegedly drugging a competitor’s dog. The Siberian Husky named Pixie will recover.

Ullum is accused of feeding Protonix and possibly Benadryl to Pixie. Pixie was competing against Diana, a Siberian husky belonging to Ullum’s girlfriend.

After a pill was found by Pixie’s owner, witnesses came forward and implicated Ullum.

Police found a crumpled paper towel containing a white substance and pieces of pills in the men’s bathroom. While Ullum said he did use the bathroom, he denied the allegations.

He faces charges of misdemeanor cruelty to animals charges and attempted criminal damage to property.

Source: NBC

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