Bed, Bath & Beyond Tissue Boxes Found To Be Radioactive

Bed, Bath, & Beyond is recalling its metal tissue boxes after California health officials found a shipment to be radioactive. The boxes made in India appear to have been made from metal irradiated with cobalt-60. The “Dual Ridge Metal Boutique tissue boxes” are not exactly weapons of mass destruction but they do present a health risk.

The hot boxes were discovered when radiation alarms went off around a truck carrying Bed, Bath, & Beyond goods. Officials believe that the metal used in radiation therapy or medical products was mixed in with the metal used by the manufacturer.

The contaminated items are in the Dual Ridge Boutique product line, model number DR9M. They went to 20 different states and were imported through New Jersey. What I find alarming is that we have spent billions on detectors in ports like New Jersey’s but none of those detection devices identified the radioactive shipment.

The press release noted that if a person spent 10 hours within one foot of the holder, he or she would receive a dose equivalent to a single chest x-ray. This would make for a rather intriguing tort lawsuit since most people would be rather peeved to learn that the tissue box sitting on their office desk gave them the equivalent to an unwanted chest x-ray. Yet, there are no measurable damages for recovery.

Customers who believe they may have purchased a tissue box holder from the Dual Ridge Boutique product line should contact Bed, Bath and Beyond at (800) 462-3966.

Source: ABC

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