The Booger Diet: New Study Shows Medical Benefits of Mucus

Mucus_cellsFirst there was that warning that our faces would “freeze like that” when we made grotesque grimaces.  Then there was the thing about an apple a day keeping the doctor away.  Then there was the warning that if you keep putting your finger up your nose, your finger is going to get stuck up there.  Some maternal warnings are debatable from a medical science perspective and it appears that another one has just fallen.  Remember Mom telling you to take your finger out of your noses and not to eat snot?  Scientists at Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say that eating boogers is actually good for your teeth and health.

It turns out that snot is “a rich reservoir of good bacteria.”  Thus, it can prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth and even improve respiratory infections, stomach ulcers and even HIV.

Austrian lung specialist Professor Friedrich Bischinger also noted that the research shows that people who pick their noses are healthy and happier . . . and presumably stickier.

The researchers published their results in the journal of the American Society for Microbiology.  They are even trying to create a synthetic mucus toothpaste and chewing gum.  I have been trying to work on marketing for booger gum.  Boogie Yummy? Booglets instead of Chiclets?  Somehow Juicy Boogies instead of Juicy Fruit seems a market loser.

What do you think?


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