Mount Holyoke Women’s College Orders Professors Not To Call Students “Women”

downloadWe have previously discussed the national trend in colleges and universities to require faculty to use an increasing number of different pronouns for students. Faculty questioning such alternative pronouns have been subject to discipline or condemnation. There is even a move in states like California to criminalize the failure to use alternative pronouns.  Now, the women’s college Mount Holyoke has ordered faculty to avoid calling its students “women” since some students may identify as non-genders or different genders.

Mount Holyoke College was created by Mary Lyon as an all-women educational institution.  However, the college now maintains that the use of the word “women” will result in “misgendering” students and even warns against such language as  “‘We’re all women here…’”

These new designations have led to an equally elastic list of pronouns.  So at the University of Vermont, students can choose “he,” “she,” “they,” and “ze,” as well as “name only.”  Other options are captures on the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee card given to faculty and students:

What is interesting about Mount Holyoke is how it can maintain its gender-exclusive identity if it rejects gender identification.  If a student born a woman identifies as a male, why shouldn’t a male be allowed to enroll? The school still declares itself to be a “Women’s College” and states “We have remained a women’s college by choice — and, reflecting the College’s commitment to human rights and social justice, we welcome transgender students.”  If gender is now completely a matter of self-identification, why the exclusion of people born as opposed to identified as male?
The school may want in the very least to examine its long-standing slogan:
That our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace — Psalms 144:12
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