Locked and Loaded: Man Arrested With 30,000 Bullets Claims To Be Target Enthusiast

300px-Bullets_270_Sierra Keni Garcia in Haverhill, New Hampshire really really love target practice. The native of the Dominican Republic told police that he had 30,0000 bullets to fuel his love for target practice.

Garcia was found with 10,000 bullets in his car and had previously been found to have purchased 20,000 bullets (found in his home).

If you fire a round every thirty seconds without stop, it would take just short of 11 days of non-stop sporting.

He is charged with three counts of possession of a high-capacity firearm, illegal possession of ammunition and illegal storage of a firearm. Garcia was supposed to become a U.S. citizen this week, but that might be difficult with this arrest.

Police found weapons and a huge amount of cash in his home They noted that ammunition for .38-caliber, 9 mm and .22-caliber firearms are “like gold in the Dominican Republic,” he said.
Garcia works at a local bakery. His lawyer, Attorney Socrates de la Cruz of Lawrence, insists that he possessed the guns and ammo legally and noted that there is a 60-day grace period to obtain a Massachusetts firearms card.

For the full story, click here.

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