Parking in Pink: Korea Experiments With Women-Only Parking Spots

This may be a benefit that women want to pass by. It appears that in some parts of South Korea women are being given special pink painted parking spots. That might not be so bad except for the reason: the space are wider to give extra assistance to female drivers.

The treatment of female drivers as handicapped would result in hundreds of torched cars and riots in the street in this country. There does not appear to be much of a squabble in South Korea, however. The spots are 2.5 meters wide rather than the standard 2.3 — purportedly to accommodate the difficulty women have with parallel parking, here.

In the meantime, Seoul is working on special parking spaces near handicapped spaces for women — on the premise that women wear high-heels and thus need closer spots, here. Notably, women in “sensible shoes” are still allowed to use the close spots.This would seem to raise a problem of sexism in the other direction. Why should women be given preference over men due to their clothing styles. What if some of us are willing to wear stiletto heels for a close spot? How about women only driving lanes?

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