Did The Clinton Campaign Try To Sack Mika Brzezinski?

220px-mika_brzezinskiIt seemed that during the campaign the media could not spend enough time on Donald Trump’s attacks on the media. I thought it was well-earned criticism and I was shocked by Trump’s lashing out at the media. This included accounts from various people who claimed that there were call made to intimidate them. However, Mika Brzezinski has now claimed that not did the Clinton campaign try to pull her off the air but that the brass at MSNBC knew about it and said nothing publicly.

On air, Brzezinski said “I was concerned the campaign was not understanding that perhaps there was an arrogance. They needed to sort of get off their high horse and understand that this isn’t ove. I’ll just say it: NBC got a call from the [Clinton] campaign. Like I had done something that was journalistically inappropriate or something and needed to be pulled off the air.”

Brzezinski was no fan of Trump on the show but apparently crossed the acceptable line with a fairly innocuous observation that Clinton might not have the election all sewn up as suggested by most people in the media. That was enough it appears for her bosses to get calls asking that she be pulled off the air immediately on MSNBC, which was criticized by many as being overwhelmingly anti-Trump and pro-Clinton in its coverage.

This is a very serious allegation but the media has largely ignored it. If Brzezinski is lying, that is important news. She has a good reputation in the industry and there is no evidence of any axe to grind in making such a disclosure. If she is telling the truth, it is even bigger news. First, there is the effort to silence a journalist — something that would have received immediate coverage it the call came from the head of the Trump campaign. Second, it suggests that (while Trump was being hammered for his attacks on the media) MSNBC never disclosed that the Clinton people felt comfortable in demanding the sacking or suspension of a major anchor. As with the failure of the mainstream media to follow up on the Donna Brazile scandal, the question is why there is not interest in this attack on the media.

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