We have been discussing the false statements made by President Joe Biden and White House Press Secretary Jan Psaki to support the boycott of Georgia over its new voting law. Yet, the White House is not the only ones seemingly doubling down on that narrative.  The MLB refused to reconsider its controversial decision to move the gam from Atlanta. It is now sending the game to Denver. It is a move that will only heighten objections. Colorado also requires identification for voting — one of the key points of objection to Georgia. New polling shows that, even after this campaign, Americans continue to overwhelmingly support such mandatory identification rules with almost 75 percent in favor of such rules. Indeed, over 50 percent of Democrats support such voter identification rules. Some polling shows 63 percent of Democrats supporting such mandatory rules.

During an interview on ESPN, Biden repeated his claim that the law is “Jim Crow on steroids” and added: “Imagine passing a law saying you cannot provide water or food for someone standing in line to vote, can’t do that? C’mon! Or you’re going to close a polling place at 5 o’clock when working people just get off?”

As we previously discussed, it is hard to “imagine” because it is not true and the White House knows that it is not true.  I will not repeat the clearly false claim about closing polling places early.  As the Washington Post noted, “the net effect [of the Georgia law] is … to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians, not limit them.”  The use of the provision to suggest a reduction in voting hours was a knowing misrepresentation by those seeking to justify the federalization of election laws in Congress.  Despite being called out on the false statement, President Biden continues to repeat it.

Opponents of the new law have also enraged some Georgians over the move (particularly in moving the game from a city with a black majority to a city with a small black population). There have also been controversial arguments beyond the Biden claims.  That includes the argument of former Clinton lawyer Marc Elias that the Georgia voters cannot not be expected to be locate their driver’s license numbers on their licenses — a claim denounced by critics as racist.

Colorado has some provisions that are more strict and some that are more lenient than Georgia. For example, Georgia allows for 17 days of in-person early voting including two optional Sundays while Colorado only allows 15.

Colorado also requires voter identification for in person voting and a copy with mail-in voting.

Colorado does automatically sends absentee ballots to all registered voters rather than require a request. However, the MLB seemed to struggle to find a venue.  Indeed, Georgia legislators have suggested adopting the laws in New York and Delaware which have some more stringent provisions than Georgia.