Forbidden Love: Florida School Officials Reportedly Call In Police After Seeing Two Teens Kiss

Two teenagers share a passing kiss is viewed by most people as a sign of young love. The assistant principal at Orange River Elementary School, however, viewed it as a matter for immediate police intervention. The teacher called in the Lee County Sheriff to handle the teens. As Oliver Wendell Holmes said “[t]he sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.” That was not even counting the time for arraignment in Florida.

The felonious flirting occurred after two girls who liked a 12-year-old boy more and one decided to walk up and kiss the boy on a dare. The assistant principal first called contacted the Florida Dept. of Children and Families. Amazingly, rather than tell the officer that he or she needs get a life, the department advised a call to local law enforcement. The police showed up and actually took a report. That’s right. In a moment fitting of the Saudi Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, these officers proceeded to interview the children and confirm the occurrence of a passing kiss. They at least found no crime, so there is hope.

That brings up back to the original call. Joe Donzelli, a spokesman for Lee County Public Schools, insists that a more serious incident prompted the telephone call to police. Yet, why would the kiss be mentioned or made the subject of a police report? Moreover, the police say that no such “other serious matter” was conveyed to them. That leads to the question of whether the school first called in the cops on a kiss and then misrepresented the matter to the public.

The “sex crime” witnessed by the assistant principal is part of a trend toward the criminalization of American society, as discussed in past columns and blogs.

Should this go to trial, I advise the teens to challenge intent with the words from Shakespeare’s Henry VI: “I can express no kinder sign of love, than this kind kiss.”

Source: Daily Mail

13 thoughts on “Forbidden Love: Florida School Officials Reportedly Call In Police After Seeing Two Teens Kiss”

  1. To paraphrase an unknown blogger: This principal should be responsible for nothing more important than a cup of jello and a plastic spoon.

  2. He called the cops because the Department of Children and Families told him to. Had he not, and some foul and felonious act followed, his butt would have been on the line. Calling the Department in the first place is the real question. Obviously, the Principal is too frightened to take responsibility and very afraid of any possible kiss repercussions, not matter how ridiculous. It was Florida, right?

  3. This has got pedophaelia written all over it… if not the ‘principal’, than the cop, or both…. I always thought schools were supposed to teach the children, not the cops, but I realize now that school is nothing but a prison without the locks. Stay out of it, kids.

  4. Holy crap. What is happening in Florida? Where are these school administrators being trained? Texas?? And the officers should also be ashamed of themselves to have actually filed a report. Big Brother is getting pretty petty.

  5. One shudders to think what might have happened if the kids had been engaged in a display of affection in the prone position–under the shrubbery.

    With police officer Lt. John Pike on paid administrative leave, what is an administrator to do?

  6. First they came for the priests that kissed the boys,
    and I didn’t speak out because I was not a priest.

    Then they came for the teachers that kissed the boys,
    and I didn’t speak out because I was not a teacher.

    Then they came for the parents that kissed the boys,
    and I didn’t speak out because I was not a parent.

    Then they came for me
    and they found me in Mrs. Randalls’s fifth grade class doing my homework.

  7. The “sex crime” witnessed by the assistant principal is part of a trend toward the criminalization of American society, as discussed in past columns and blogs.

    That is the gravamen of the matter. There is some wholesale madness making its way around our nation.

  8. Well, either you’re closing your eyes
    To a situation you do now wish to acknowledge
    Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
    By the presence of kissing in your community.

    Oh, yes we got lots and lots a’ trouble.
    I’m thinkin’ of the kids in the knickerbockers,
    Shirt-tail young ones, kissin’ in the pool
    Hall window after school, look, folks!
    Right here in River City.
    Trouble with a capital “T”
    And that rhymes with “K” and that stands for Kiss!

  9. Of course that deviate behavior must be stopped at all costs….That dammed Juliet…the temptress….

  10. The nanny state is truly out of control. This is just an illustration of a public official with no sense of judgment exercising perceived power. It is true that common sense is an uncommon virtue, but the school officials involved should be removed from any position of authority. A kiss truly is just a kiss; get a life.

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