Res Ipsa Loquitur

Eta CarinaeBy Gene Howington, Guest Blogger

“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss
“Everything that has a beginning has an end.“ – Buddha
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca

Perception is a funny thing. So I’m going to make a statement and then address the perceptions.

After many years of writing columns for this blog and participating in its forums, I am taking my leave.

Some might think this is about one thing and really it is about another. Although related to, let us say, miscommunication about how this place operates and a fundamental disagreement about the principles of rule construction, the reason I am leaving is beyond simply the scope of that disagreement. What more, I will not say, but for reasons entirely my own – based in both principle and circumstance – I find that I cannot continue posting or writing columns here at the present time. I have set up a temporary blog (still under construction as of this farewell) at where I have archived some of my writings from here and will post new columns as time allows. Any of the fine people I have met here over the years are encouraged to visit there as you like. Tell your friends. Bring your neighbors. The parameters for commenting there will be similar to here although slightly different. The topics? Many in common, I’m still interested in our systemic dysfunctions and how to possibly mitigate their harms, but some topics of a more eclectic nature are bound to appear. I have varied interests.

As for the rest? I think the following clip says it all. Tonight, I’ll be playing the part of Groucho as Capt. Spalding, but you can figure out who the rest of the cast is on your own.

The road is uncertain and as physicist Niels Bohr once noted, “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.” Travel well, Blog Peoples. Until we meet again . . .

~submitted by Gene Howington, Guest Blogger, Signing Off

38 thoughts on “Res Ipsa Loquitur”

  1. I have been too busy the past few months to enjoy the blog and I finally had time to catch up and see that Mike S. and Gene are leaving. Farewell. I have always enjoyed your posts.

  2. GeneH,

    You Basstard 🙂

    If I was to want to start an argument you’d be the 1st guy I threw a rock through his window with a note attached: Come out & fight like a man, & of course at least double the cash attached to the rock more then enough to pay for the window.

    I’m glad I come to know you a bit, you’re a real human being & I like you.

    Thank you for cleaning up my bad post & I’d be proud to allow you to hold my beer any time.

    Everyone is making changes this time of year, myself included. Seems most everywhere now understand my rants Wallst Banks/Insur…… 15 years ago, not so much.

    I think I’m done with that now, they know.

    I might catch you on your other site when the dust settles.

    Best to you & yours!

  3. Good luck, Gene. I’ve always enjoyed your posts, even though at times we disagreed, but is that not the nature of rational discourse? I’m on my way to check out your new effort right now.

  4. Gene,

    See you, and hopefully others, there. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to rule of law, fairness, and humanistic tradition.

  5. Oh no, not another one of my favorite GBers. I think it will be very difficult to find two similar men to fill the void.

  6. When through one man
    A little more love and goodness,
    A little more light and truth
    Come into the world,
    Then, that man’s life has had meaning.

    (Alfred Delp)

  7. I’ve enjoyed your insights over the years as a faithful reader of this site. Thank you for your time and contributions. You will be missed. Frank

  8. Gene,

    Both you and Mike will be sorely missed. You have always helped to provide the blog with animated discussions and great insight. I am so happy that you have set up your own blog where I can come visit and talk with friends–both old and new–and express my thoughts on varied topics. Best of luck to you!

  9. Bron,

    “Not at all, in a society of cannibals, the vegeterian is rejected.’

    Not true, he’s usually the entree!


    1. Elaine,

      I’m a vegetarian by proxy….. I like my steaks rare….

  10. Gene H:

    “If it is an abhorrent position that causes recoil and/or social rejection, then the problem lies with the position first and the holder as consequence.”

    Not at all, in a society of cannibals, the vegeterian is rejected.

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