Can You Guess What This Person Was Charged With?

1481910017878Hint: Edward Moya, 45, is a slow learner and fast driver.

New Mexico State Police say that Moya was arrested Dec. 7th for DWI. The arrest followed his speeding at over 120 miles per hour and eventually backing into a police cruiser. He then curiously admitted to drinking but refused to cooperate with DWI tests. The officer then learned that this is Moya’s 12 DWI arrest.

Moya is now under arrest for DWI, aggravated battery upon a peace officer, driving with a revoked license, aggravated fleeing a law enforcement officer, reckless driving and not having car insurance.

23 thoughts on “Can You Guess What This Person Was Charged With?”

  1. Moya is not that slow a learner. Jail followed by bail, a walk about period in which he plays hide-and-go-seek with the bail bondsmen and process servers. Maybe he’ll just move to Connecticut and get a job stocking shelves. And, in spite of the rigorous punctiliousness of the pronouncements of “No Name to share,” he will be adjudged guilty barring early demise or abscondment.

  2. Permanently unsubscribing from this blog (removing it from my RSS feed). Reasons stated in a comment on previous post. In that post, the accused had been charged with obcensity and the professor clearly considered him guilty and worthy of shame. I wrote in a comment:

    “And so this site continues its online perp walk tradition, whereby it publicly shames and encourages ridicule of people who haven’t been convicted of anything and who probably haven’t yet had a chance to present a defense.

    Isn’t into fun to gawk and giggle and shake our heads at these (alleged) weirdos? (That’s sarcasm.)

    Despite great respect for the professor, I find all of these posts disturbing. Public mocking of the accused isn’t noble and it does not model or teach a laudable approach to criminal law (or any law). Tacking on quotes from an obscenity statute doesn’t make the post professorial or otherwise redeem it. This whole series of derisive posts appeals to base instincts and amounts to toilet humor about people who haven’t been given an opportunity to speak for themselves.

    Have you been accused of an odd or unseemly crime? We’ll spread the news and post your photo so the world can have a good laugh. Oh, you haven’t been convicted? No matter! We’re quite sure you’re a degenerate. (Sarcasm again.)

    All of this encourages contempt for basic principles that should guide and discipline our writing about the criminally accused.

    The professor is so thoughtful and incisive in his other types of posts; I’ll never understand these though.”

  3. In the alcoholic state of Wisconsin, double digit DUI’s are fairly common. Generally, states w/ an alcoholic culture tend to be more lenient w/ guys like this. This ilk are incorrigible. The only way to ensure they don’t drink and drive is to incarcerate them. I’m talking 10, 20 year sentences to protect innocent people who are in danger from people like this sh!tbird.

    1. Nick – I have heard, anecdotally, that alcohol keeps you warm in Wisconsin. So the more alcohol, the warmer you are.

          1. I have accepted the fact that there are more idiots out there who follow a carnival barker than those that will do a little research or even thinking. That only makes it harder to put up with DDT and almost half of the population.

    2. Historically, at least, Wisconsin has taken a boys-wiil-be-boys attitude towards multiple DUI drivers. But every so often one of them takes out a family in a horrible crash, and only then do the authorities seem to be concerned. And, pathetically, the drunks too often survive the crashes, sometimes unscathed.

    3. Living in a deep freeze for six months a year and having anti-freeze on tap at every street corner, Wisconsinites get a pass from this former resident. Besides, with a lineup from stables like Stevens Point Brewery (see below), with Leinenkugel on deck, and Pabst Blue Ribbon in the hole, along with all of the microbreweries, what do you expect, eggs in your beer?

      Point Special Lager
      Point Classic Amber
      Point Cascade Pale Ale
      Point Belgian White Wheat Ale
      Point Onyx Black Ale
      Point Three Kings Kolsh Style Ale
      Point Nude Beach Summer Wheat
      Point Oktoberfest
      Point St. Benedict’s Winter Ale
      Point Drop Dead Blonde
      Point Beyond the Pale IPA
      Whole Hog Raspberry Saison
      Whole Hog Russian Imperial Stout
      Whole Hog Six Hop India Pale Ale (IPA)
      Whole Hog Scotch Ale
      Whole Hog Barley Wine Style Ale
      Whole Hog Pumpkin Ale
      JP Casper White Stout
      JP Yabba Dhabba Chai Tea Porter
      JP Ould Sod Irish Red India Pale Ale (IPA)
      JP Accapella Gluten-Free Pale Ale
      Ciderboys First Press
      Ciderboys Magic Apple
      Ciderboys Peach County
      Ciderboys Raspberry Smash
      Ciderboys Cranberry Road
      Ciderboys Mad Bark

      I remember fishing for Northerns off of Washington Island one morning with a neighbor who enlightened me on the ever-so-palatable Old Style’s version of near-beer at 6:00AM. Now that’s livin’!

  4. Interesting that he backed into the cop car and yet was able to manage a high-speed chase. By backing, did his just tap it or did he mush the cop car? I think they are throwing everything at him hoping for a plea deal.

  5. The defendant is a New Mexican and was born in that state despite looking like a Mexican born south of the border. New Mexicans have a certain appearance.

    1. LOL! You’re full o’ feces on this “observation.” Now, go back to your titty bar.

  6. But if he is here illegally, all charges will be dropped. “Have a nice day, Sir.”

  7. “The arrest followed his speeding at over 120 miles per hour and eventually backing into a police cruiser. ”

    If you think about it, If he managed to say on the road at 120 mile per hour his driving could not have been all that impaired.

    His judgment maybe. But his driving, no, he was doing pretty good with that.

  8. On second thought, maybe the peddle car thing would not be such a good idea. I have a hunch he would still manage to get another DWI and Reckless driving ticket in the peddle car.

  9. He should be restricted to just a peddle car, looks as if he could use some exercise anyway. Plus he should be given special privileges like if he wants to go fast, he is free to peddle as fast as he wants

  10. They should take away his car and sell it at auction. Also he should be forbidden to drive for about ten years.

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