The Best Government Money Can Buy: A Video and A Verse

A Lobbying I’ll Go: A D. C. Ditty
by Elaine Magliaro

A lobbying I’ll go, a lobbying I’ll go,
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.
I’ve got a corporate stash.
I’ll take a wad of cash.
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.
I’ll drive into D. C.
Oh, how they’ll welcome me!
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.
The senators all know
I’m like Santa Claus. Ho, ho!
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.
With my roll of bills unwound
I’ll pass the wealth around.
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.
There’s a congressman of note!
Hey, I’ll go and buy a vote.
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.
This town Washington’s for sale.
We lobbyists prevail.
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.
I love the work I do.
I make LOTS of money too!
Heigh ho the CEO, a lobbying I’ll go.

Lobbying Database from Open Secrets (Center for Responsive Politics)

– Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

10 thoughts on “The Best Government Money Can Buy: A Video and A Verse”

  1. Elaine M.
    1, November 1, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    Anyone can find my email address at the blog I mentioned in my previous comment–or at the two children’s literature blogs that I write for–Wild Rose Reader and Blue Rose Girls (a group blog).

    Good … take note Ms. Maddow (I’m tryin’ to get us a lunch with her and your verse just might get our foot in the door!)

  2. Blouise,

    Anyone can find my email address at the blog I mentioned in my previous comment–or at the two children’s literature blogs that I write for–Wild Rose Reader and Blue Rose Girls (a group blog).

  3. Blouise,

    You’ve got me chuckling here! Not sure anyone would want to put my poem to music.

    I originally posted that poem at my blog Political Verses. At the top of the blog I have the following message: All content (c) 2009-2010 Elaine Magliaro. All rights reserved. I hope that covers me. If not, I hope some lawyer who reads this blog can give me some free advice.

  4. Byron,

    I’m not suggesting it’s news. I happen to think that important issues in this country are often forgotten about, ignored, not addressed. Lobbying wouldn’t be a problem if there weren’t any money involved. Money talks. Why should corporations/businesses have a bigger say than regular citizens because they have deep pockets?

    Regarding regulation of businesses: If we could trust all companies to provide their workers with safe working conditions, to not pollute the environment, to treat all workers fairly, etc., we wouldn’t need so many regulations–just like we wouldn’t need criminal laws if no one committed crimes.

  5. Elaine,

    Do you have rights to that verse … let’s say Maddow wanted to use it set to music as an intro to one of her on-going segments … could they contact you?

  6. This is not news, it has been going on for over 100 years and needs to be shut down. If the only part that gets shut down is that an association or similar entity may not write legislation or have anything at all to do with that process it would be a good start.

    However congress does overstep it’s bounds in regulating business, so how do you prevent the pendulum from swinging to the other extreme where business is so overly regulated and taxed it cannot produce new opportunities? What is the “sweet spot” or the “golden mean”?

  7. BTW:
    Talking about money and what it was suppose to buy:

    Madoff Firm Trustee Says $26.9 Million Spent, $849,000 Found For Victims
    By Bob Van Voris – Nov 1, 2010 12:01 AM ET

    Irving Picard, the trustee overseeing the Madoff bankruptcy.
    Madoff Victim Claims Exceed Available SIPC Funds

    The trustee overseeing the bankruptcy of Bernard Madoff’s investment firm spent $26.9 million in the six months ended Sept. 30 while recovering $849,000 over the same period for victims of the money manager’s Ponzi scheme, according to a report filed in Manhattan federal court.

  8. Well, It looks like they are buying republicans this year. They were Obama’s fair weather friends. I hope he realizes it now. It is too bad he didn’t value his progressive democratic friends a little more. Just a little health care reform and a few financial regulations scared them back to their natural friends, the republicans. There will be no campaign financial reform in the near future. The Koch brothers tea party will take care of that.

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