Every Teacher in Providence Given Pink Slip Due To Expected Budget Shortfalls

We just saw how Michigan has responded to budget shortfalls by ordering the closure of half of Detroit’s school — pushing the class size to 60 students. Now, Supt. Tom Brady has gone one better: issuing pink slips to all of the teachers in the school system in anticipation of dire budget cuts. I have previously noted the disconnect in these stories as Congress and President Obama continue to gush billions in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. An effort by Ron Paul to force a pull out of the war to save $100 billion a year was roundly rejected this week.

Every one of the 1,926 teachers in Providence will receive the pink slips. Not all will be fired, but it allows the administration to fire as many teachers as necessary to meet the budget cuts.

They were informed by Brady that “We are forced to take this precautionary action by the March 1 deadline given the dire budget outline for the 2011-2012 school year in which we are projecting a near $40 million deficit for the district. Since the full extent of the potential cuts to the school budget have yet to be determined, issuing a dismissal letter to all teachers was necessary to give the mayor, the School Board and the district maximum flexibility to consider every cost savings option, including reductions in staff.”

The city had a $57-million deficit last year and expects a higher deficit this year.

Source: Projo

18 thoughts on “Every Teacher in Providence Given Pink Slip Due To Expected Budget Shortfalls”

  1. I agree that this seems like theatre. One of the things that bothers me is the way politicians try to get you to focus on certain things so that you can’t focus on a bigger picture.
    Right now everyone is focused on Unions with the exceptions of law enforcement and firefighters.
    What I would like to see is our leaders to start leading by example. If we are in such dire straights then they should also look to their own pay and benefits and cut them then the people would see they are taking things more seriously.

  2. Lottakatz,

    “But if it’s a contract that spells out seniority and retention, and the State has a good idea of how many teachers need to be laid off then to give them all a pink slip is a mind-f***. It’s to scare them all in hope of intimidating them and keeping them quiet. It’s supposed to have a chilling effect.”


  3. But if it’s a contract that spells out seniority and retention, and the State has a good idea of how many teachers need to be laid off then to give them all a pink slip is a mind-f***. It’s to scare them all in hope of intimidating them and keeping them quiet. It’s supposed to have a chilling effect.

    If on the other hand the State has no plan except to come up with something later they will just cover all bases now, then they’re just incompetent and probably shouldn’t be holding office.

  4. Anonymously Yours is correct. This does not mean that they actually plan on laying off every teacher in the district, just that they may be laying off some teachers, and they are required to inform them by a certain date.

  5. I can’t help but wonder how much of this is theater, even if it’s only of the absurd variety.

  6. The reason that the pink slips are provided generally is per union contract requiring notice before lay off….

  7. You are correct Woosty!
    I am with you. Draconian cuts in education has a long term ripple effect that will harm Providence and the entire state for years.

  8. The Repuglicans seem to have been successful in their employ of the ‘You break it you bought it’ playbook…

  9. rafflaw,

    One of the primary issues with education are the class sizes, so IMHO, the LAST place budget cuts should hit are education.

    I’m willing to make sacrifices in other areas, but education isn’t one of them.

  10. Stamford,
    You are right about the local real estate taxes. I have always supported the referendums here even when my kids are beyond school age. I understand that the Super has to inform the teachers prior to 3/1 if he intends to fire them so he won’t fire them all, but Providence is probably looking at very large class sizes and that will be painful and unfortunate.

  11. Un-effin-believable.

    And our children fall farther and farther behind. But hey, it saves a few bucks so who cares, right?

    Most of the property taxes pay for my city’s school district. I never have and never will complain about tax increases, even though my daughter is no longer a public school student. Why? Because better educated students make for a better community for ALL.

  12. “Educated voters simply won’t vote against their best interests and support corporatism and the perpetual war machine,” the Koch Brothers complained bitterly.

  13. Gingerbaker
    1, February 23, 2011 at 9:31 am
    Question 1- does Providence need a school superintendent if it has no teachers, or did Mr Brady give himself a pink slip too? ….


    That was my first question.

  14. That is insane! How can he give pink slips to every teacher in Providence? What is to happen to the educational system there? In Detroit class size to 60? That is unworkable for both the teacher and students. I live in Canada and that would never happen here.

  15. Question 1- does Providence need a school superintendent if it has no teachers, or did Mr Brady give himself a pink slip too?

    Question 2 – when does the bloody revolution start? I’m sick of waiting.

  16. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHPSmslIOfc&w=640&h=390] I am for ending the wars like I said yesterday, but I don’t think Ron Paul’s economic policies will ultimately help the teachers or anyone else.

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