Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav Sentenced To Seven Years for Rape

Israel’s former President Moshe Katsav has been sentenced to seven years in prison for rape and sexual misconduct.

Notably, Katsav, 65, had earlier agreed to a plea bargain for sexual misconduct in exchange for a light sentence. When he backed out of the plea, the prosecutors threw the book at him — resulting in this sentence for a rape in the 1990s and sexual misconduct involving various women.

When sentenced Katsav broke down in tears and yelled “You made a mistake. It is a lie. The girls know it is a lie.”

Source: BBC

10 thoughts on “Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav Sentenced To Seven Years for Rape”

  1. Diogenes,

    I think your lamp flickers. The point is he was convicted at all. Not like Bush and Cheney here.

  2. 1. Well, pay attention to the photo: like almost any criminal standing trial, he wears a ‘skullcap’ to indicate that the he accepts God as his saviour. This is purported to promote leniency of the court / judges…

    2. This man is vacuous, empty, zilch. He climbed up the rungs only because he agreed to be a minority (Sephardic) poster boy by the Ashkenazy ruling class, to show the nation that even Sephardic people can reach and climb up and up.
    He thus ‘servced’ as an insignificant minister of Tourism (!) etc. It was an open secret that he used to sexually abused women employed under him, including plain rapes.

    3. It is the Israely Knesset (Parliament) which is to be blamed, by voting this Katzav into the Presidency with the FULL KNOWLEDGE that he is a ‘sex maniac’, after all, the Talmud states that it is not the mouse which stole the cheese, but rather the hole (in the wall) that enabled entry to the mouse.

    4. For those who are sorry for this predator, take heart: The Israeli Prison system has an elaborate system of vacation, enabling prisoners to have weekend vacations. I’m sure that in no time he’ll join other rapists and heinous murderers doing their ‘Vacance’ at the beach.
    Like them, he will get “a 3rd. off” and with the recommendations of the Prison’s Rabbi, he will get his incarceration period shortened further, because he “has seen the Lord” etc. etc. as is overtly practiced there. wink wink….

  3. Nice to see a country is willing to send the message that no one is above the law. I never thought I would envy Israel.

  4. Mike,

    I’m simply quietly happy that justice was found when the criminal in question was a state official. For as much as I have said “bad on Israel” for their foreign policy, I do have to admit this is a case where they deserve a “good on Israel” for their actions. Now if we could only get some of that flavor of equity and justice here . . .

  5. “When he backed out of the plea, the prosecutors threw the book at him — resulting in this sentence for a rape in the 1990s and sexual misconduct involving various women.”

    While I think seven years is light, I’m glad the prosecutors showed him he is not above the law. I’m sure he backed out thinking he would never have to do time.

    “When sentenced Katsav broke down in tears and yelled “You made a mistake. It is a lie. The girls know it is a lie.””

    The guilty usually do proclaim their innocence and insist they are the wronged party, thus victimizing the victim. Again.

  6. It is strange that there are so few comments on this, considering the many made regarding America’s inability to prosecute its’ high
    level miscreants and those on the thread of the shot Apple. Double
    standard anyone? Incidentally, just in case someone may think I am
    suggesting anti-Jewish prejudice, they would be wrong. However, when Israel is accused of being a leading perpetrator of atrocities in the world, considering the behavior of its’ neighbors, I do think a rather narrow perspective is being employed.

  7. I’m just stunned that a country can actually hold its former President responsible for his crimes. Living in America I just thought that was impossible – you know “look forward not backward”

  8. Its a lie….wow…denial….blaming….How about some personal responsibility…..

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