Even Bad Times Can Lead To A Rippin’ Good Time

With the widespread depression over the latest scandals involving the loss of privacy and press protections in the United States. I thought some of us could use a laugh and this YouTube video went viral a while back of a baby reacting to his father ripping paper. The best aspect of this video is that the letter is a rejection letter sent to 8-month-old Micah’s Dad.

By the way, I do not know what Dad was shooting for in this job, but he got the better of this deal. In a high-stress career like the law, I have always found my kids to be my salvation. No matter how bad things get in court or at the office, they remind you not to take yourself or your work so seriously that you forget what really matters.

After all, with all of the current scandals, this kid and his penchant for shredding could lead to a number of job offers in Washington.

10 thoughts on “Even Bad Times Can Lead To A Rippin’ Good Time”

  1. he’s laughing cause it sounds like a fart. us guys are easy to amuse.

  2. Hilarious video. My daughter used to love to crinkle paper when she was that age.

  3. This baby should have auditioned for the voice of Esmerelda on the J.P. Patches show.

  4. Can’t top what’s already been said, but I’ll blather on anyway.

    Pure joy. Is a wonderful thing.

    (The world needs to come around. All these wars… fightin’ and hatin’, lust for money and power… greed… We’re on a bad stretch of road.)

    An old song came to mind as I was listening. A young Al Green singin’ about love and happiness.

    Well, here’s to “goodness” this fine June morning:


    Let’s bring it around.

    (Thanks for this “start”, Professor Turley.)

  5. You are so right JT! This was a much needed lightener on a rainy Monday morning after a week of confirmations of governmental overreach.

    A baby’s laughter is a fabulous mood altering drug!

  6. Something’s getting ripped alright….. The pungent aroma abounds….

  7. I love this video. Sometimes I want to ‘shread’ those human who are constantly stealing our privacy. Their act deserves such treatment in my view.

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