Another Children’s Product From China Recalled

Another Chinese product has been recalled due to harmful contaminants. Children’s jewelry sold to pre-teen girls in stores like Justice and Limited Too have been found to have high levels of cadmium.

Dangerous levels of cadmium were also found in January with children’s jewelry sold at Walmart stores as well as 12 million “Shrek” movie-themed drinking glasses distributed by McDonald’s restaurants. The latest recall deals with trinkets in the shape of hearts, butterflies, cupcakes, peace signs and crowns.

Source: Macleans

13 thoughts on “Another Children’s Product From China Recalled”

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  2. Does anyone else think there are too many instances of Chinese products poisioning US citizens to be a coincidence? Especially when the guy responsible is expected to commit suicide or be executed?

  3. W=C, That article pulls the entire commercial ‘shrimping’ saga together artfully. It also explains why I haven’t eaten shrimp in about 20 years; they’re either nasty and potentially poisonous or how they’re harvested is a crime against nature.

  4. ‘..Fujinaga envisioned a world where capitalism and altruism could coexist in the “vast and boundless marshes, swamps, or jungles in the tropics.” Shrimp farms, he predicted, “will greatly contribute toward the increased supply of animal protein to the human race.”

    One year after his speech, a group of Japanese businessmen bought Fujinaga’s technology, won a U.S. patent, and approached DuPont for money.

    Supported by USAID, World Bank loans, and willing developing-world officials, corporate giants United Fruit, Armour, Conagra, and Ralston Purina launched shrimp farms in Honduras, Brazil, Panama, and Ecuador… Learning as they went, the farmed-shrimp industry laid waste to mangroves, fishing communities, and ecosystems…

    A shrimp farm is a saltwater feedlot. There can be as many as 170,000 shrimp larvae in a 1-acre pond that is 1 to 2 meters deep…Because of this density, the waste they swim in, and their susceptibility to disease, most farmed shrimp are treated with antibiotics, only some of them legal in the U.S. A wide array of poisons is used to kill unwanted sea life and cleanse ponds for reuse, creating what Public Citizen calls a “chemical cocktail.” In random sampling of imported shrimp, health officials in the U.S., Japan, and the European Union have found chloramphenicol, a dangerous antibiotic banned in food.

    Today, 90 percent of our shrimp—more than 1 billion pounds a year—come from foreign farms.

  5. ‘The sea stopped giving in the 1980s. Catches flattened worldwide. There were, in fact, only so many shrimp in the sea. And because of overfishing for half a century, the average shrimp size caught in the Gulf had shrunk from “50” to “75.”…

    There was also growing dismay that shrimpers wasted more than they caught. Down below, in the channel made famous by Union Admiral Farragut’s cry, “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead,” was a kind of “fishing” that was nothing short of marine clearcutting.

    In the gold-rush days, before Joe and Mike were born, shrimpers killed ten pounds of sea life for every pound of harvested shrimp—waste that reached one billion pounds a year in the Gulf. ‘

    goodbye little shrimp thanks for all the tasty meals…

  6. I really like the fact the product is named “bracelet JUSTICE”.

    That’s just perversely funny.

  7. Most shrimp currently sold in this country are farm raised shrimp from China or Thailand. Most shrimp sold in restaurants are farm raised as is most of the salmon. It is much cheaper but it does not have the flavor. Whole Foods probably has seven types of shrimp. One is farm raised from Thailand. They also have a shrimp farm in Texas. That leaves about five varieties of wild shrimp. Some come from the Texas gulf and some from Florida.

  8. With the gulf oil spill more and more shrimp consumed in the United States will be imported.

    It’s common to see farmed shrimp from Thailand sold in stores like Whole Foods. Not common today is shrimp from China, the largest producer in the world. Something to watch.

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