The Right’s War on Women Continues…at the State Level

Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger

On the National Level

In late January, I wrote a post titled Rape Redefined and Brought to You by the US House of Representatives in which I talked about members of Congress—mostly Republicans—who were attempting to “redefine” what the only REAL kind of rape is—that would be “forcible rape.” (I wasn’t aware there was any other kind of rape.) These Congressmen were proposing legislation that would no longer consider the following types of sexual assault as rape: The rapes of women with limited mental capacity and rapes in which women were drugged or given excessive amounts of alcohol.

Last week, Lawrence Rafferty (rafflaw) wrote a post titled The Right’s War on Women in which he discussed legislation proposed by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) that would eliminate the entire budget for Title X. Lawrence wrote: “Rep. Pence and his fellow Republicans are trying to defund Planned Parenthood because it receives millions from Title X funds to assist women in their family planning and health matters. In order to try to end abortions without testing the strength of Roe v. Wade in the courts, the sponsors and backers of this bill don’t care if low-income women suffer by not getting the health care that they so desperately need. Many of these same legislators also backed the repeal of the Affordable Health Care act which would also assist low-income women get affordable health care.”

And Now from the State of Georgia

Just yesterday, I read about State Rep. Bobby Franklin of Georgia who is introducing legislation in his state that would require proof that a miscarriage—aka a spontaneous abortion—was the result of natural causes. If this legislation passes, there would have to be proof that a woman’s miscarriage was the result of natural causes. If a woman can’t prove that—she might face felony charges!

From a piece in Daily Kos: “Franklin wants to create a Uterus Police to investigate miscarriages, and requires that any time a miscarriage occurs, whether in a hospital or without medical assistance, it must be reported and a fetal death certificate issued. If the cause of death is unknown, it must be investigated. If the woman can’t tell how it happened, then those Uterus Police can ask family members and friends how it happened. Hospitals are required to keep records of anyone who has a spontaneous abortion and report it. Yup, we’ve been waiting for someone to suggest this–and Franklin has.”

Here’s the link to Franklin’s bill:

There are millions and millions of American women who suffer/have suffered miscarriages through no fault of their own. Suffering a miscarriage can be an emotionally wrenching experience for a woman. Imagine losing a much wanted pregnancy–and then having to prove the miscarriage was the result of natural causes. How does a woman do that, Rep. Franklin? Can you explain to the women of Georgia how they should go about gathering evidence to prove that they haven’t committed a felony when they have a miscarriage?

By the way, Rep. Franklin also introduced a bill to change Georgia’s criminal codes so that  victims of rape, stalking, and family violence could only be referred to as “accusers” until defendants have been convicted.


Here are some statistics on miscarriage for you:

From WebMed

Frequency of Miscarriages in the United States

The overall miscarriage rate is reported as 15-20%, which means 15-20% of recognized pregnancies result in miscarriage. The frequency of spontaneous miscarriage increases further with maternal age. With the development of highly sensitive assays for hCG levels, pregnancies can be detected prior to the expected next period. When these highly sensitive hCG assays are used early, the magnitude of pregnancy loss significantly increases to about 60-70%. Late implantation by the conceptus beyond the usual 8-10 days after ovulation also has an increased risk of miscarriage.

About 80% of miscarriages occur within the first trimester. The frequency of miscarriage decreases with increasing gestational age. Recurrent miscarriage, defined as 2-3 pregnancy losses, affects about 1% of all couples.

From American Pregnancy Association

Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Studies reveal that anywhere from 10-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage. Chemical pregnancies may account for 50-75% of all miscarriages. This occurs when a pregnancy is lost shortly after implantation, resulting in bleeding that occurs around the time of her expected period. The woman may not realize that she conceived when she experiences a chemical pregnancy.


Daily Kos

Huffington Post

Washington Monthly (Political Animal)

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee

262 thoughts on “The Right’s War on Women Continues…at the State Level”

  1. Elaine,

    Superb discussion in your last video posting … Republicans are nuts if they think they are going to able to keep women like those we watched down on the farm taking care of the chickens.

    I swear, these republicans are looking more and more like the Taliban. I think it’s time to take a stick to ’em.

  2. Buddha,

    We have a thousands like Madeleine Albright and one of them is going to make it to the White House … we will help her get there.

    I have two daughters and Elaine has a daughter … trust me Buddha, the young women coming behind us are an amazing bunch fully deserving of our sacrifices and our support.

    Thanks for the link … and I laughed long and hard at her quip about those who think only women should run the world having forgotten what high school was like.

    One can understand why Republicans have declared war on women but, as usual, they are a day late and a dollar short.

  3. Elaine, after you post the link cut off the “[youtube ” and it seems to work.

    MikeS., Good work. Absolutely correct. How can one not see the blood on ones own hands?

  4. Elaine,
    Great job and a great Monty Python link! that is one of their funniest clips. I think Double Chuck may be recreating himself.
    Mike S,
    Wow! You are on fire tonight!

  5. Elaine/Blouise,

    This is OT, but I thought I would share it with you anyway. I was over at TED amusing myself (thanks again, mespo! man I love that site) and I stumbled upon this talk. I think it illustrates what a strong intelligent woman can add to politics as a contrasts to Madness of Michelle Bachmann and the poseur antics of Caribou Barbie who don’t do anything substantive to aid women’s rights and in fact hurt women. It’s titled “Madeleine Albright: On being a woman and a diplomat”. If we had 1000 like Maddie, the Right wouldn’t stand a chance.

  6. Mike S.,

    Thanks for all your comments on this thread. You probably noticed that chuck didn’t respond to the questions that I addressed to him. I’ll repost them here for your convenience:

    chuck Charles,

    Did you read my post? Do you have any response to what I wrote about?

  7. Chuck:

    Dont be messing with their human sacrifice, they need it to make Scott Walker cave on collective bargaining.

  8. Buddha,
    As you well know some people don’t deserve discussion, just disgust.

  9. Wow, Mike.

    That was some thumpin’ you just administered.

    Truly, impressive.

    I’m not even related to the guy and it made me dizzy.

  10. “A doctor who ran a “house of horrors” abortion clinic has been charged in the deaths of one woman and seven babies who prosecutors say were born alive then killed with scissors.”


    These deaths are to be laid at the doorstep of you and the people who believe as you do. You are responsible because you all have in your misguided zeal made abortion and birth control harder for women to procure. Murderer!

  11. “Oh please people, stop the dramatics. No one is interested in a 4 weeks pregnancy.”


    Do you realize what nonsense you’re spouting. This issue is about all abortions and birth control. The proponents say that themselves. Judging by you compassion for and understanding of women.

    “Please, please, please, the hubris and arrogance of women, protesting reasonable safeguards for unborn babies is UNBELIEVABLE!! UNBELIEVABLE!!”

    I would say given you’re outlook you’re either lousy in bed, or gay. I would go with the former, since most gay men understand and sympathize with women more than you do.

  12. “I have always thought that the men leading the assault on women’s health and reproductive rights were abusers.”


    On target as usual, it’s about control. In the same way and with equivalence to the fact that rape isn’t about sex.

  13. “Maryland Republicans ended all county money for a low-income kids’ preschool program. Why? No need, they said. Women should really be home with the kids, not out working.

    7) And at the federal level, Republicans want to cut that same program, Head Start, by $1 billion. That means over 200,000 kids could lose their spots in preschool.”


    your hits keep coming. Bravo!

    Considering how many married women there are in the workforce, who rely on child care, these positions are suicidal. They will either destroy the Republican Party, or destroy the country. I’m betting on the former. This doesn’t mean that overall the Democratic Party is appreciably better these days, just that they’re smart enough not to take these losing positions.

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