New York Assemblyman Resigns In the Midst Of Sexual Harassment Scandal . . . And Promptly Announces City Council Bid

vito-lopez23New York Democratic Assemblyman Vito Lopez is the latest politician to resign in a scandal, but Lopez has a curious twist. He will now run for a new office. With Antony Weiner now committed to running for mayor, it is the new version of political responsibility. You resign and then run again as a new man.

Lopez resigned after it was revealed that the state secretly paid women (plural) $103,000 to settle sexual harassment claims against the powerful Brooklyn politician. The accounts detailed unwanted advances and contact by the 71-year-old assemblyman.

After Lopez announced his resignation, Gov. Cuomo declared “Vito Lopez should not spend another day in office, let alone a whole month. He should resign effective immediately.” He will resign today and then start his campaign for the City Council.

Donations have poured in to fund his new run for office.

That could result in a Lopez in the city council and a Weiner in the mayor’s office — giving hope to politicians everywhere that there is a place where no scandal is too great to overcome.

By the way, under the arcane rules in New York, Lopez might be able to pick his successor.

13 thoughts on “New York Assemblyman Resigns In the Midst Of Sexual Harassment Scandal . . . And Promptly Announces City Council Bid”

  1. How about the former governor of the Carolina’s…. Now a newly elected senator….. Yeah baby…. Keep em coming….

    Lotta…. And the list go on…..

  2. lotta, Obviously your anser to my question is an emphatic, “No!”

  3. The Speaker is also implicated by brokering the deal to pay off the women instead of reporting the abuse to the ethics committee. Now “he’s sorry” and has no intention of resigning. Some leadership.

  4. Katz, lets go I start with Clinton, Rep. Jackson, mayor Berry, John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, and I haven’t even started digging

  5. In NYC there is an old saying amongst Gentiles. Pork em if ya gottem.

  6. nick spinelli 1, May 20, 2013 at 11:09 am

    Can we … focus on something substantive, like honor and personal responsibility in politics.
    So you like ancient history do you?

  7. Of course he has to return to politics. As an applicant for a normal job he would be too toxic to be considered for employment.

    Maybe he should just retire and rent prostitutes. It would be cheaper than paying out damage claims.

  8. It will be very interesting to watch the election returns. Why do I have this feeling New York fully intends to send the bible belt the proverbial bird that doesn’t catch worms.

  9. Can we stipulate that BOTH members of the duopoly engage in this reprehensible behavior and focus on something substantive, like honor and personal responsibility in politics.

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