University of California Tells Students “Do Not Allow Others” To Refer To “Chinese Virus”

The Council of Chief Diversity Officers at the University of California has issued a “guidance document” to reject racism, sexism, xenophobia and all hateful or intolerant speech, both in person and online” during this crisis. Specifically, it tells students to stop others from referring to the “Chinese virus” or “Wuhan virus.” The guideline raises renewed questions over the use of diversity rules to restrict or regulate free speech, particularly terms that have strong political or social meaning for students.

UC tells students to “Be an ‘up-stander,’ and discourage others from engaging in such behavior.” It then goes further and states: “Do not use terms such as ‘Chinese Virus’ or other terms which cast either intentional or unintentional projections of hatred toward Asian communities, and do not allow the use of these terms by others.”

I refer to “COVID-19” OR “coronavirus” but it is chilling to see a public university encouraging students to stop others from referring to the “Chinese” or “Wuhan” virus. This remains a point of political debate. Many, including members of Congress continue to use this term because of its origins. Moreover, many object that China has lied about the origins of the virus and arrested scientists who tried to tell the world about its dangers. It is political speech.

We have been discussing the erosion of free speech on campuses with rising speech codes and ambiguous rules barring “microaggressions.”  A small percentage of students and faculty often push for such speech codes and regulation.  However, it is often difficult for students and faculty to object at the risk of being called intolerant or microaggressors.  We discussed previously a Gallup poll confirming that most students feel that they are no longer able to speak freely at college due to this minority of speech intolerant students and faculty. Ninety percent of Pomona students said that they did not feel free to speak openly or freely. It is an indictment of not just Pomona but many of our colleges. Nine out of ten students said that “the campus climate prevents them from saying something others might find offensive.” Nearly two-thirds of faculty feel the same.  Seventy-five percent of conservative and moderate students strongly agree that the school climate hinders their free expression.  Notably, that is “nearly 2.5 times higher than very liberal students.”

The guidelines issued by UC reflects a view that diversity allows for the silencing of others who hold opposing political views. Many view the reference to the Chinese virus as a statement of its origins and no more prejudicial than the Spanish Flu. I have previously stated that I find the use of the Chinese virus to be gratuitous and unscientific. Yet, while I use coronavirus as the term, I agree with others that we need to resist the global effort of China to bury its responsibility in concealing the facts of the outbreak, including barring disclosure during the early critical months of the outbreak.

123 thoughts on “University of California Tells Students “Do Not Allow Others” To Refer To “Chinese Virus””

  1. Constitutional rights and freedoms are not qualified in the Constitution or Bill of Rights and are, therefore, absolute.

    The Council of Chief Diversity Officers at the University of California constitute pure, incendiary and subversive anti-American communism and must be dissolved, fully abrogated and prosecuted along with Comrade General Secretary Napolitano.

    Freedom of thought, speech, belief, religion, communication, press, discrimination, assembly and every other conceivable natural and God-given right and freedom per the 9th Amendment, which do not effect property damage or bodily injury, cause the actions of the communists at the University of Once American, Once Great and Pre-Invasion California to be anti-American, unconstitutional and illegal.

    Comrade General Secretary Mz. Napolitano and the communist administration and cadre at the University of California, which are insidiously denying constitutional rights to citizens and students on a massive scale, must be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, the American Thesis and the Constitution for subversion and insurrection.

    If Americans cannot discriminate, Americans cannot be free.

    People must adapt to the outcomes of freedom. Freedom does not adapt to people, dictatorship does.

    If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

    The inmates have taken over the asylum.


    By Christopher. Lydon Special to The New York Times

    April 7, 1976

    SOUTH BEND, Ind., April 6 — Jimmy Carter said today that the Federal Government should not take the initiative to change the “ethnic purity” of some urban neighborhoods or the economic “homogeneity” of well‐to‐do suburbs.

    ‘If he wins the Presidency, the Georgia Democrat said at a news conference here, “I’m not ‐going to use the Federal Government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods.”

    Similarly, he said, “To build a high‐rise, very low‐cost housing unit in a suburban neighborhood or other neighborhoods with relatively expensive homes, I think, would not he in the best interest of the people. who live in the high‐rise or the suburbs.

    “Any exclusion of a family because of race or ethnic background I would oppose very strongly and aggressively as President,” he said. “But think it’s good to maintain the homogeneity of neighborhoods if they’ve been established that way.”

  2. Trump Praised China In January 

    Back in January, Trump praised China for doing two things that, in hindsight, we know it has not done: 1) keep the spread of the virus under control and 2) be forthright about how many people in the country are infected.

    Donald J. Trump


    “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

    Two months later, as the virus infected thousands of people in the United States and China was bragging that it had the virus under control, Trump put the blame on Beijing: “It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier,” he said in a March 19 news conference, adding: “It could have been stopped right where it came from, China,” and, “The world is paying a very big price for what they did.”

    Trump is right that China tried to hide the extent of the problem. But even if he didn’t know the full rate of infection in China, he repeatedly, and wrongly, says that he wasn’t warned that China’s slow response was going to make the virus worse for the rest of the world. “No one saw this coming,” he says regularly.

    But U.S. intelligence officials had been warning in reports to Trump administration officials in January and February about the danger the virus presented to Americans, warnings that largely went unheeded. “The system was blinking red,” a U.S. official said.

    Edited From: “Everyone And Everything Trump Has Blamed For His Coronavirus Response”

    Today’s Washington Post 

    1. EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton was Jeffrey Epstein’s closest ‘celebrity mate’ and a frequent guest at his New Mexico ranch with wife Hillary, staying at the pedophile’s cowboy-themed village, say estate workers
      Bill and Hillary Clinton would stay at Jeffrey Epstein’s New Mexico ranch frequently after they left the White House, former estate workers told DailyMailTV
      The former president was Epstein’s closest ‘celebrity mate’ and the Clintons visited Zorro Ranch ‘a whole bunch of times’, a former contractor who ran the IT system at the property said
      The family never stayed in the main house but bunked down in a special cowboy-themed village created by Epstein, which lies a mile south of his own villa, sources said
      The guest homes are next to other traditional Wild West-style buildings such as an old schoolhouse and saloon bar, which are all near Epstein’s private airstrip, where he arrived on his private planes
      This is all according to security expert Jared Kellogg, who was brought in by long-standing ranch manager Brice Gordon to improve security and set up a camera system at the main house and ‘cowboy village’
      Kellogg said: ‘I was saying how cool the replica houses were. [Gordon] said: ”Yeah, they’re built for guests… It’s really cool the Clintons come out and hang out [with Epstein]”’
      Bill Clinton and Epstein were once friends, and in August DailyMailTV revealed the convicted pedophile had a bizarre portrait of Bill in a dress – worn by Hillary – hanging on the wall of his New York mansion

      – Daily Mail

    2. If I understand your comment correctly, you think Trump should have been immediately suspicious about the information put out by the totalitarian Chinese government.

      It would be nice if the press or a member of either political party at least asked the same question.

  3. Turley Demands That Universities Pander To Culture Wars 

    There are more Asians in California than any other state.  And the University of California system has high ratios of Asian students.  

    Since the pandemic began, Asians in the U.S. have been subjected to hate crimes and verbal abuse regarding Covid-19.  These attacks have been well-documented in mainstream media.  For this reason, Donald Trump has backed-off from using the ‘Chinese Virus’ label (even though he encouraged it).

    With this column Professor Turley argues that Trump supporters have a right to jeopardize the safety of Asians in California by using the ‘Chinese Virus’ label even though Trump has abandoned it.  From a constitutional standpoint, Turley is theoretically correct.

    But why is Turley promoting stupid Culture War issues at this particular moment?  Is Trump’s effort to stigmatize Asians an important fight right now?  This column is symptomatic of everything that’s wrong with Donald Trump’s presidency.  Trump puts the Culture Wars first for purposes of division and no other logical reason.

    The Culture Wars were stupid even in the best of times.  And they’re stupider than ever amid this pandemic.

    1. Turley Demands That Universities Pander To Culture Wars

      How do you ‘pander’ to a metaphor?

  4. Olly, I had a relative attend Boston University. There was a large population of Asian students on campus. There were times when I was on Commonwealth Avenue that I thought I was in China Town. I do not mean that in any disparaging manner. These kids were a large asset to the university. Their family’s played full price to send these kids here. Hard working and well behaved, these kids were a class act.

  5. The Council of chief Diversity officers at the University of California. You want to help cut the cost of higher education? Get rid of useless offices like this.

  6. I think linking the totalitarian regime in China with the name for this pandemic is accurate, helpful, and necessary. My initial reaction to the term “Chinese virus” was that it was shorthand for the “Chinese government’s virus.” Not that it was an anti-Asian label.

    This pandemic is not simply due to “one of those things” or “bad luck”. One has to wonder if the “negligence” (an overly kind term to use here) of the totalitarian Chinese government in this instance can be attached to a violation of international law.

    1. I read somewhere that an investigation will be done and if it is determined that China was negligent, they would be held liable. Which begs the question: how will they be held liable? Kick them out of the WTO?

  7. When in doubt, follow the money:

    Q: Why is the UC system turning to other countries? Aren’t there tons of Californians who want to get into schools like UCSD?
    A: That’s a sensitive political question that UCSD does not like to discuss.
    Over the past 20 years, the percentage of revenue that the UC gets from the state has dropped by almost 20 points, to about six percent. The Great Recession made things worse. So UC campuses began recruiting more out-of-state and international students. Those students pay about $30,000 a year more that California residents in tuition and fees.

    I get angry emails from people who say that this should not have happened. The reality is that California voters, as a group, did not rise up say, “No, don’t do it” when the state cut the UC’s budget.” They accepted the fact the the UC would increase tuition and seek money in other places to make up for the shortfalls.

  8. Professor said:

    “I refer to “COVID-19” OR “coronavirus” but it is chilling to see a public university encouraging students to stop others from referring to the “Chinese” or “Wuhan” virus. This remains a point of political debate. Many, including members of Congress continue to use this term because of its origins. Moreover, many object that China has lied about the origins of the virus and arrested scientists who tried to tell the world about its dangers. It is political speech.”

    i wholeheartedly agree., Stop policing speech and stop policing political speech most of all.

    it’s worth clarifying that the disease caused is called “covid-19” and the virus itself is most accurately named

    terminology is important but our glorious English language is very facile and lends itself to much naming and shades of expression. the functional vocabulary of English is about twice as large as French for example.

    I am not a big fan of calling it the “Chinese virus” and if I had to pick an origin-name myself I would call it the
    “Wuhan virus.” but I don’t lose any sleep over the expression.

    It helps to understand that the California university system is filled with a large number of Chinese=Americans (and surely Chinese nationals, too) including some of my guanxi. This is a blessing for the California system in general, as they are generally smart, powerful, confident people. Accordingly they’re probably not worrying too much about it either. But there are always sycophants at hand, ready to polish apples!

  9. Patently unconstitutional for a state actor but then again Dims have little use for the Constitution. They want to be our nannies not our leaders. Let’s purge this law-free culture from the public square. It’s virulent and anti-American in an extreme our enemies could never hope to achieve. It’s only tolerated because its proponents are nominally native born. Yeah, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

    So all together let’s say “Wuhan Virus” any damn time we please.

    1. These are guidelines, not mandates or laws or requirements for which you will be punished if you choose not to follow them. It is a person’s right to use the term China Virus. It is also my free speech right to argue that they should not use the term and even call them an idiot, a-hole or anything else I wish if they continue to use it. So you go ahead and say Wuhan Virus as often as you want mespo and I will call you an a-hole everytime for doing so.

      1. Rany E. Pelton:

        You’re about as relevant to me as the University of California system and not quite as bright. Wuhan virus affects the irrelevant too.

        1. What is relevant is that Randy is correct and the guidelines without any teeth are not a violation of the constitution on free speech grounds.

          1. btb:

            “What is relevant is that Randy is correct and the guidelines without any teeth are not a violation of the constitution on free speech grounds.”
            More unlettered claptrap from our resident buffoon. To educate you, a government enacting “guidelines,” seeking snitches and encouraging others to object to comments it doesn’t like thereby discourages free speech and is a classic chilling thereof. Those Maoists ought to face judicial review.

            You really ought to stick to something you understand. Like vituperative commentary or being incessantly wrong about things with bad instincts to boot. You’re Walter Mitty without the charm.

          2. btb:

            Wuhan Virus

            Oh, an in your honor, I’m starting every comment I make for the foreseeable future with “Wuhan Virus.” Sorta of my little homage to Cato and “Carthago delenda est!”

          3. on the contrary book. that is not the law.
            a mere “chilling effect” has been the harm which has been the basis for many a case

              1. WHO repeats its advice not to wear a mask.

                ergo, best to wear a mask

                Hey mespo why are we suddenly seeing these articles today that they scrubbed off parts of the internet a month ago or so?



                funny how news re-emerges at certain times

                maybe it should be named “Wuhan bsl4 lab virus”

                1. Mr. K:

                  Wuhan Virus

                  Must be politically expedient. Maybe gets your mind off Senile Joe.

            1. Good luck with that suit Kurtz. I’m sure the Council of Chief Diversity Officers at the University of California does not include legal review so it should be easy pickings on these oppressive suggested rules for the China/Trump Flu.

              1. I didn’t say it was a worthwhile suit– I just said that there is a sufficient harm under existing law in the form of “chilling effect”

                you stated there was not, but, I am merely informing you of how the concept of a ‘chilling effect” can operate in such a context

                the words first appeared in Wieman v. Updegraff, 344 U.S. 183 (1952)

                hypothetically, if the ACLU were actually interested in free speech, they would be out there filing thousands of lawsuits instead of defending people from nativity scenes and offensive football prayers.

                right now this is the only outfit that seems interested in such things.


              2. Wuhan Virus

                As usual for btb, wrong again but never in doubt. Btw, what’s the record for consecutive blunders?

      2. The “Wuhan Virus” was a biological weapon of last resort released by the Chinese at the behest of their communist allies in America who were facing an historic landslide victory by President Donald J. Trump in November, they having expended all of their “fake” political “dirty tricks” ammunition, from “resistance,” Russia-Dossier, FISA court, Mueller, Christine Ballsey Ford, etc., to formal impeachment by Comrade General Secretary Nanny Pelosi.

        The communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats) called in “danger close” fire support because their position had been overrun, they were facing imminent annihilation and they had nothing to lose.

        That’s my opinion and I’m stickin’ to it.

        “The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.”

        – Leon Trotsky

        1. George, I doubt it was a biological weapon, they are well known to be uncontrollable in effect and bounce back on those who would use them. This was the experience of the Japanese when they tried them out on the Chinese during WWII

          and you can see this has harmed the PRC and the CCP communist party there too. If it was a weapon then they shot themselves in own foot. I just dont see it that way. Same way when they try and say this about the US cooking it up.

          Rather I think the Chinese were tinkering with them for bona fide epidemiological research purposes at the Wuhan bsl4 lab, and possibly one escaped, perhaps through someone (corrupt lab workers) selling tainted animals who were supposed to be destroyed, at the wet market for food instead.

          I cant prove this, it is merely a hypothesis

          it may be that it was just emergent from nature, which was a known risk, and why they have been monkeying around with other coronaviruses in the bsl4 labs in the first place. perhaps we shall never know

          1. MK, either wittingly or unwittingly, by deliberate malicious intent or omission of proper oversight, China released what was or

            effectively was a biological weapon.

            If China committed an act of war, affected nations must respond militarily.

            If China committed a civil offense, China must be sued into insolvency.

            China killed, by some estimates, more than 10,000 in Tienanmen Square alone.

            China won’t provide accurate figures on that event or the recent mass cremations.

            China imposed a one-child policy to eliminate citizens.

            China is a communist dictatorship which is concerned only with the state.

            A few million citizens constitute acceptable losses, perhaps even beneficial losses in the eyes of the President and National

            People’s Congress.

    1. “She’s Virus” it is.

      Oh, and the first one was Chinese too. National Geographic, “Chinese laborers crossed Canada in sealed-door boxcars going on toward the European Front spreading the ‘Spanish Flu,'” which it was termed because neutral Spain was the only source of news among secretive, warring nations.

  10. China lied about the death toll. Crematoriums have been working around the clock.

    Wuhan residents are increasingly skeptical of the Chinese Communist Party’s reported coronavirus death count of approximately 2,500 deaths in the city to date, with most people believing the actual number is at least 40,000.

    A city source added that, based on the aggregation of funeral and cremation numbers, authorities likely know the real number and are keeping it under wraps.

    1. Ha! Lyme resents Block Island because we were the other place where Lyme disease popped up. Pretty much the same time. We skated on the naming process.

  11. Does anyone wonder what is wrong with new adults integrating into the job market society? ‘Wrong’ is what I call bat-s**t crazy. As I continue to say that the Wuhan Coronavirus is a legit name for this and further, it does NOT create either intentional or unintentional projections of hatred toward Asian communities. That consequence has been created by college and university teachers and campus activities who think with their emotions rather than their brain. Be an ‘up-stander’ and don’t allow your emotions become a hate toward ‘oriental’ or Asian people and communities.

  12. I object that my referring to the president as an orange skid mark is frowned upon.

    That said, there is a difference between “Wuhan” virus and “Chinese” virus. One term alludes to a place, the other to a culture/ethnicity.

    Many viruses are named after the place they converged into being monsters. Hell, my mom worked in the lab at Yale that ‘discovered’ Lassa Fever in the ’70’s. A virus named after the place it converged into being a monster. (She was lucky, some in the lab actually got the virus, one died as a result…, my mom didn’t get it.)

    But that also points out viral reality…, they are named after the place where they converge on themselves and become noticed and labeled. It doesn’t mean the virus began there. In fact, by the time it becomes epidemic it’s been around for awhile and could have begun anywhere, but traveled to where it converged into epidemic status. It may have crossed human to human, animal/creature to human, and damn color me curious if at some point to find out if any traveled alien to human at any point.

    But mostly I’m just bumbed out I can’t call the president a rat pelted douche tractor without people freaking out.

  13. “Countries reject Chinese-made equipment”

    A number of European governments have rejected Chinese-made equipment designed to combat the coronavirus outbreak.

    Thousands of testing kits and medical masks are below standard or defective, according to authorities in Spain, Turkey and the Netherlands.

    On Saturday, the Dutch health ministry announced it had recalled 600,000 face masks. The equipment had arrived from a Chinese manufacturer on 21 March, and had already been distributed to front-line medical teams.
    Dutch officials said that the masks did not fit and that their filters did not work as intended, even though they had a quality certificate,

    “The rest of the shipment was immediately put on hold and has not been distributed,” a statement read. “Now it has been decided not to use any of this shipment.”

    Spain’s government encountered similar problems with testing kits ordered from a Chinese company.
    It announced it had bought hundreds of thousands of tests to combat the virus, but revealed in the following days that nearly 60,000 could not accurately determine if a patient had the virus.

    The Chinese embassy in Spain tweeted that the company behind the kits, Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology, did not have an official license from Chinese medical authorities to sell its products.

    It clarified that separate material donated by the Chinese government and technology and retail group Alibaba did not include products from Shenzhen Bioeasy.

    Turkey also announced that it had found some testing kits ordered from Chinese companies were not sufficiently accurate, although it said that some 350,000 of the tests worked well.

    Allegations of defective equipment come after critics warned China could be using the coronavirus outbreak to further its influence.

    In a blog post last week, EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell warned that there is “a geo-political component including a struggle for influence through spinning and the ‘politics of generosity’.”

    “China is aggressively pushing the message that, unlike the US, it is a responsible and reliable partner,” he wrote. “Armed with facts, we need to defend Europe against its detractors.”

    1. So, where is the outrage from University of California about defective masks and test kits? Would the University of California prefer we not talk about that also? Just how STUPID does it get?

    2. “The Chinese embassy in Spain tweeted that the company behind the kits, Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology, did not have an official license from Chinese medical authorities to sell its products.

      It clarified that separate material donated by the Chinese government and technology and retail group Alibaba did not include products from Shenzhen Bioeasy.”



      full disclosure: I am long on BABA shares

  14. You only have to remember who is in charge of UC, Janet Napolitano, former Obama operative.

    1. That’s just indicative of the degree to which higher education, the media, and the Democratic Party are all part of the same crooked nexus.

      There shouldn’t be anyone ‘in charge of’ the entire system. The operations of each institution should be regulated by the board of regents and its subsidiary commissions (and, in modest degree, by a federal agency charged with consumer protection functions). In harmony with the state constitution, each institution should as a corporation be compelled to respect the terms of the enabling legislation which provides for them. They should be financed by a set of state funds which in turn are supplied by a dedicated special income levy. However, each 4 year institution should be governed by a board of trustees elected by a postal ballot of alumni lawfully registered to vote in the State of California. Each two year institution should be governed by a set of trustees drawn from each of the local school boards in it’s catchment.

  15. It’s sort of grossly amusing that people get paid for this sort of thing. In higher education, you find redoubts which are admirable, but much of it is a stew of corruption, self-dealing, and general silliness.

    1. in california supposedly 2/3 more than the rest of the country.. about $130,000 or so see the link

      “diversity managers” that is,-California

      nothing more than the political correctness commissars

      but understand why– the why of it, is to keep the natives suppressed in favor of immigrant talent coming on board to help with corporate profits.

      in the land of “Silicon valley” that explains why most of them are Democrats. rich ones!

  16. JT writes:

    “…while I use coronavirus as the term, I agree with others that we need to resist the global effort of China to bury its responsibility in concealing the facts of the outbreak, including barring disclosure during the early critical months of the outbreak.”

    By that reasoning (China is guilty of putting PR above health concerns) JT shouldn’t object to calling the virus the China/Trump flu.

      1. Chuck Todd already ran with that one but he will probably run it again, and again, and again

        Biden is already dead so Andrew Cuomo might have to step up, after burying his ex-girlfriend, live-in chef of 20+ years, but I digress


        1. sandra lee, pretty lady, looks like a more filled out and feminine version of anne coulter, sort of

    1. By that reasoning (China is guilty of putting PR above health concerns) JT shouldn’t object to calling the virus the China/Trump flu.

      Thanks for the malicious libel. We can always count on you.

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