The Many Faces of Kevin Morris: “Who is the Real Me?”

Below is my column in The Hill on Kevin Morris and the expanding number of roles that he now claims to be playing from lawyer to producer to donor to friend. The multiplicity of roles could present serious problems for Morris as the Biden corruption scandal continues.*

Here is the column:

“Who was the real me? I can only repeat: I was a man of many faces.”

Those words by author Milan Kundera could well have been written for Kevin Morris, a critical figure in the unfolding Hunter Biden scandal.

Morris was largely unknown to most people until he emerged as the Democratic donor who reportedly paid Hunter Biden millions to handle his unpaid taxes and maintain his lavish lifestyle. The Hollywood lawyer and producer portrayed himself as a good Samaritan on a biblical scale — a good man who simply found a desperate stranger on the road and gave him more than $5 million.

His counsel, Bryan M. Sullivan stated that “Hunter is not only a client of Kevin’s, he is his friend and there is no prohibition against helping a friend in need, despite the inability of these Republican chairmen and their allies to imagine such a thing.”

The statement captures the problem for Morris. It is increasingly hard to determine what Morris was at any given moment: Democratic donor, lawyer, friend. Indeed, that problem that some of us have raised for months.

Lawyers are not supposed to pay the bills of their clients. Specifically, California Bar Rule 1.8.5(a) states that “[a] lawyer shall not directly or indirectly pay or agree to pay, guarantee, or represent that the lawyer or lawyer’s law firm will pay the personal or business expenses of a prospective or existing client.” They are required to maintain clear representational boundaries. This is also now the subject of a new bar complaint filed by a conservative legal group this week.

Friends have described Morris as a “rule-breaker” and admit that his relationship with Hunter raises eyebrows. “Certainly it’s not careful, but he’s a gunslinger,” one told the Los Angeles Times. “This is how he rolls.”

But the legal ethics rules are designed to avoid gunslinging generally and ambiguity specifically.

Hunter calls him both his lawyer and his “brother.” Lead counsel Abbe Lowell observed, “I have never in any of my representations of any other client — other than someone who is an immediate family member of one of my clients — known anyone who is like Kevin.”

When the relationship began, Morris was playing the role of loyal Democratic donor.

He was introduced to Hunter at a 2019 political fundraiser by another producer and Democratic deep pocket, Lanette Phillips. Soon thereafter, Morris was giving Hunter copious amounts of money and legal advice. That would include reportedly paying off Hunter’s long-delinquent taxes before criminal charges were filed. It also included paying for Hunter’s lavish lifestyle.

Morris may be most eager to avoid the label “democratic donor” because these payments could be viewed as an unreported campaign donation. Morris was brought in during Joe Biden’s campaign for president. Then, on February 7, 2020, Morris flagged how the taxes represented a “considerable risk personally and politically.” He seems to have sought to resolve that political liability by paying off the taxes and calling it a “loan.”

Those “loans” would continue, and Morris insists that it was all standard “loan” stuff. Except he is not a bank. He was repeatedly referring to Hunter as his “client.”

It is also important that these millions are treated as loans because, if they are actually gifts, they could create a new tax problem. Hunter has to declare such “gifts.”

Few would view Hunter as a good risk for a loan, given his history of stiffing a wide array of businesses and associates. Indeed, he reportedly even faced a complaint over failure to pay for alleged high-end prostitutes. He was even accused of using a credit card connected to his father to pay off an alleged Russian call-girl. Even the art dealer who recently sold Hunter’s art reportedly testified that Hunter never reimbursed him for the costs of the shows.

That art adds an interesting twist to the mysterious role of Morris. Recently, art dealer Georges Bergès blew away White House claims that Hunter had been barred from knowing the names of purchasers under a comprehensive ethics system. He admitted that Hunter knew the identity of 70 percent of the purchasers.

It was not hard. Despite news reports of buyers flocking to buy the art, it turns out it was largely Morris who bought the art.   Notably, however, Morris only reportedly paid Bergès’ 40 percent commission on the $875,000 purchases. It is not clear whether Morris used the sales to wipe out part of the loan debt.

That would be a clever way to treat the money as a loan, if it were used for that purpose. You simply have Hunter crank out dubious pieces of art and arrange for an ally to throw art shows in New York. You then have media allies write how buyers were “floored” by Hunter’s talent.

Finally, you pay the commission on the excessive prices for the art while writing off the value of the art as a type of in-kind payment of the loan. While many mocked at the Pablo Picasso-level pricing of Hunter’s art pieces (some works approached half a million dollars), those inflated prices would be useful to count as direct or indirect payments for the loans.

We still do not know how these purchases or the loans were treated, and whether Morris was acting as a donor, friend, or lawyer. Now, Morris is adding a new role to this pile of identities, reportedly supporting a new movie on Hunter Biden.

Call it “Mr. Biden Goes to Washington,” an effective rewrite of Frank Capra’s classic, only the corrupt establishment apparently wins.

In the movie, a young novice appointed to the U.S. Senate fights the corruption of Washington, where his senior senator has sold access and influence to James Taylor, a wealthy businessman. Taylor scoffs at the notion that the establishment can be challenged. After all, they control the media, and what the public will read and hear. As Taylor assured the senior senator, “I’ll make public opinion out there within five hours! I’ve done it all my life…You leave public opinion to me.”

Morris is still fighting to shape public opinion, and, in Hollywood, movies make reality.

Morris “makes public opinion,” and the media can be expected, again, to assist in those efforts.

Many in Washington believe that Hunter’s stunts in holding a press conference defying his subpoena, and later crashing his own contempt hearing, were literally made-for-television moments. These scenes were captured on film and will no doubt be featured in the new film on his heroic struggle.

The question is the audience for the film. Clearly, in the Beltway, audiences are likely to be sobbing with emotion as Hunter fights against inquiries into influence peddling. They will cheer at Joe Biden’s moment channeling John Wayne, when he declared, “No one f**ks with a Biden.”

However, most audience members would not have felt the same thrill if, at the end of the original movie, the corrupt Sen. Joseph Paine and the wealthy Taylor had emerged as the victors, fighting off the do-gooders and “boy rangers” supporting Jimmy Stewart’s main character.

The question is also who would play Morris — or more accurately, how many would have to play this “man with many faces.”

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School.

*Update: After this column ran, counsel for Morris sent me a letter threatening a possible defamation lawsuit while raising exceptions to the general rule against lawyers paying personal costs of clients. Morris appears to object to my statement that “Lawyers are not supposed to pay the bills of their clients…They are required to maintain clear representational boundaries.” He maintains that he is entirely in compliance with ethics rules, which allow for payments, loans, and business transactions with clients under certain circumstances. He cites exceptions to California Bar Rule 1.8.5(a). I have posted a long analysis of the provisions cited by Morris and why I do not see how they would  ameliorate the alleged payments and loans in this controversy. You can read that analysis here.


96 thoughts on “The Many Faces of Kevin Morris: “Who is the Real Me?””

  1. In this context, ‘Trump’ is a proper noun. Capitalize it, you ”publik skool” libtard! “Engrish 101”.

  2. Small modification to suggest. If Morris’ transfers are gifts, Morris has the reporting requirement, not Hunter. If loans are not documented properly, including a loan agreement with interest payable at least annually at the Applicable Federal Rate, and actual payments made consistent with the agreement, the “loans” could be treated as gifts when made. There is no statute of limitations for unreported gifts. Same issue exists for purported transfers from Hunter to pay personal expenses of Joe.

  3. “Below is my column in The Hill on Kevin Morris and the expanding number of roles that he now claims to be playing from lawyer to producer to donor to friend. The multiplicity of roles could present serious problems for Morris as the Biden corruption scandal continues.”
    I remember that John le Carré’s book, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Crook (allegedly).”

  4. O T
    Triple bad news for Fulton County Prosecutor Fanny B. Willing.
    A Georgia Senate subcommittee is starting an investigation of FannyGate. So is a County Commissioner. Meanwhile, the judge in Nathan Wade’s divorce case is unsealing its records. [1/2/24]
    Ms. Fanny may have nothing to fear from Trump, but she does have a lot to fear from a scorned wife.

    1. That Fani has political and unethical, nay, malicious prosecution written all over it.  

      Fani, your name is Mud.

  5. The boozer wanted to show the testimony about Morris was cherry-picked. First, he shows quotes from the Washington Post, which has been wrong on everything involving Trump, though the boozer said WaPo was correct. Now, the boozer wishes to add the Hill, which also has those issues wrong.

    The boozer’s statements were deleted. It’s nice to see liars disappear into thin air. The boozer never gets anything correct, but he is gone and I am here.

    1. “Alan, you can depend on Estovir’s puppets to tell you what you want to hear. Upstate Farmer, Hullbobby, Iowan2, Edward Mahl”

      Boozer none of them are puppets and all the mentioned names provide their perspective based on facts and logic rather than booze. Go back to sleep.

      1. Thanks S. Meyer! Let me state that I am proud to me aligned with Upstate Farmer, Iowan2, Edward Mahl, Estovir, you and a few other folks that add great comments to this site.

          1. Every poster on this site adds their own perspective.

            Some of those perspectives are about as useful as those of a toddler.

            Regardless, this is not an us vs. them thing. I certainly do not agree with everything that you or SM or UF or IA2 post.
            But because you are polite, and offer well reasoned arguments, I listen to and respect what you write, whether I agree or not.

            That is what our discourse should aspire to.

            But free speech is valuable even when many of the speakers contribute nothing but ad hominem.

            We need those on all sides to contribute.

            When what they contribute is fallacy, we can be more confident our own positions hold up to scrutiny.

        1. Thanks, Hullbobby. All of you and some others provide logical and factual information. Our differences are relatively small since we are moral and ethical people. I take note of how the left has disappeared from this blog. What is left is ignorance, hatred, and the wish to hurt others.

        2. As America and freedom are “fundamentally transformed,” sinking irretrievably into communism and the impregnable absolute “dictatorship of the proletariat.”

          Was the acquiescence of milquetoast moderates the resolve of the American Founders?

          Are these the inane things they discussed on late nights in their taverns and inns?

          Supreme Court allows Biden’s wilful dereliction and negligence in protecting Texas from invasion at Shelby Park, Eagle Pass, Texas.

          Article 4, Section 4

          The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature can-not be convened) against domestic Violence.

      2. S. Meyer,
        Yes. It does infuriate him knowing we are all our own individuals, with our own opinions and thoughts.
        He seems to think the good professor is a hypocrite when it comes to free speech, but we see Dennis and Natasha’s comment here somewhat regularly.

        1. Upstate, with this guy, we are either dealing with the booze, lack of it, or long-term effects. Chronic alcoholism can have some nasty consequences. For interest, look up Korsakoff syndrome, the latter half of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. I’m not saying this exists in anyone in particular, but from my youth, I remember the Bowery homeless. Similarities exist.

    2. “Alan’s wisdom should be overwhelmingly clear “

      Thank you for the compliment, boozer, but the overwhelming part is an exaggeration because compared to you a squirrel is a genius.

  6. Turley’s first sentence gives away his agenda: “The multiplicity of roles could present serious problems for Morris as the Biden corruption scandal continues.” Uh, Turley, other than alt right media, including one outlet that pays you to sllime Democrats WHAT CORRUPTION SCANDAL? There’s still NO proof of anything Joe Biden ever did that was wrong, and all there is is lying Republicans, especially Comer, who have come up with squat. When you begin a piece with a partisan lie, there’s no reason to keep on reading, so I didn’t. Trump, his ilk and media enablers have proven one truth: if you keep on lying, lying and lying, the gullibles will believe you. So now, Turley, you’re part of the lie machine, claiming there is a “Biden corruption scandal”, knowing there is no proof of anything. You’ve sold your credibility, Turley, and when America is finally free of Trump, you won’t be able to reclaim it.

    1. Really Gigi ?
      People have given tens of millions of dollars to the Biden’s out of the goodness of their hearts ?

      Regardless, the details and ever growing proof of Biden family corruption has been established many many times.
      I am not going to give you all the details AGAIN – you can look them up yourself.

      The allegation that Joe Biden used the power of his office to get Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin who was investigating Burisma – who was paying his son Millions has evidence from End to end.
      Shokin was Fired as a a result of VP Biden’s demand.
      Shokin – contra to Sorros funded Atlanic Counsel and Biden managed FBI teams, was not corrupt. There remains todate no evidence Shokin was corrupt.
      The FBI has a report by a trusted confidential source that Zolechevsky Hired the Biden’s to get Shokin fired.
      This report predates Trump’s election as president.
      Funds were paid to the Biden syndicate matching the report of the CHS who was present when the deal was made.

      So when you say there is NO evidence – that is a LIE.

      You can CHOOSE not to beleive the FBI CHS – who todate we do not know who is because the FBI will not provide that information
      But we do know what they reported – in 2015.

      You can choose to beleive Shokin was corrupt – despite a total lack of evidence.

      you can choose to beleive that Hunter was paid by Burisma for his non-existant expertise in the gas industry.

      You can choose to beleive that all the assorted nefarious characters who have paid the Biden – did so entirely out of the kindness of their hearts for the poor poor multimillionair Biden family. Regardless there is todate absolutely no evidence that the Biden family was paid for goods or services that did not involve Joe Biden. As many people have testified Joe Biden was “the Brand”.

    2. You can choose to beleive that there is insufficient evidence that the Biden clan and affiliates are criminals.
      Bujt arguing that they are not corrupt is hillarious.

      At this time there is only weak evidence that Morris participated in any prosecutable crime.
      That does not mean he should not be investigated.
      Nor does it mean that it is not already established that the conduct of the Biden’s and their hanger ons is not corrupt.
      Everything immoral, everything unethical, everything corrupt is not a crime.

      BTW JT is highly credible, You are not.

    3. Gigi The Soviet Democrat Clown Apparatchik puts his Soviet Democrat on center stage with this: So now, Turley, you’re part of the lie machine, claiming there is a “Biden corruption scandal”, knowing there is no proof of anything.

      The ol’ “Our Russia Dossier is real and worth every million dollars we spent to create and spread it…. but there is absolutely nothing to see that is evidence of anything with The Big Guy and Biden Crime Int’l”

      Classic Soviet Democrat: Ensure you claim those who caught you at what you were doing are actually the ones guilty of that action. Like accusing those who caught you in lies of being the ones with the lying machine going full speed.

      If Gigi is nothing other than an early version of AI at work, they really missed up with those first versions. Time for a recall, Gigi.

  7. Megyn Kelly knows the How the News is produced. The; Who, Where, Why, … of American Politics.
    Donald Trump knows, Senior Network News Heads know
    And a full list of Democratic Politicians and those particularly from California know how the Hollywood Machine make the news.
    They ‘Wag the Public’. Once you drink the Hollywood Koolaid, you know that ‘The Show must go On’.

  8. The fact that Morris paid Hunter’s overdue taxes and the DOJ soon thereafter allowed the SOL to run on these masssive defaults suggests that the payment really came about at the direction of the Biden Whitehouse. Morris may have merely served as the bagman, and the money could have been solicited by Team Biden from Hollywood bigwigs.

  9. Questions for tax wonks & movie biz experts:

    When a person invests in a movie or documentary, and the movie / documentary then bombs, or is never completed, causing investor to lose his investment, what are the tax implications for the investor?

    Also, the subject of a documentary, is he or she ever compensated for his/her cooperation?

  10. I am not sure if I’m reading or watching The Godfather, The Divine Comedy, The Iliad and the Odyssey, Pornhub, Lolita, Citizen Kane, Machiavelli’s The Prince, Julius Caesar, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, or Federico Fellini’s Satyricon. I just wish it was all moved out of D.C. and placed on a movie lot in Hollywood where they could burn it all down once they had finished the “project”. Of course that would then bring to mind the Burning of Atlanta in Gone With The Wind and that might cause me to have a tear or 2. Good God what a morass!

    1. I had breakfast this past Saturday at a local diner after the gym with a young surgeon who also trains at my gym. We chatted briefly between sets of exercises, since we often talk shop when we find ourselves at the gym at the same time, and then to my surprise he waited in the gym lobby for me. He told me he wanted to have breakfast with me and talk. He is finishing his residency, a second career type, getting married, and then moving across a few states to start his career, a family, and pay off his student loans, ~ $500K in debt. I was quite shocked at how the conversation turned towards the end of our meal; I was flattered, humbled and then became gravely serious. It seems he too senses what you do regarding our culture, and he is quite worried. He asked me at one point, as if I had any insight, what was going to happen to the United States after the Nov election. To your point, I referenced Greek and Roman history and literary works. Since he is a committed Christian, I also recounted the Old Testament evidence of the Jews constantly being disloyal and turning their backs to Yahweh and His umpteen prophets, to St Augustine’s recounting of the fall of the Roman Empire in his magnum opus, City of God, and the fall of each of the aforementioned empires/cultures. I never answered directly his question but instead led him to his answer by using the above texts. In each and very example, the cultures collapsed, war ensued, unrest emerged, and elimination of civilizations and people resulted.

      That Ron DeSantis dropped out of the Presidential race, is evidence he is reading the culture in the way many of us are: Democrats will cheat again in this Nov 2024 election much like in 2020, and Americans want revenge against Obama/Biden’s puppet presidency. If Trump should win the Nov 2024 election against Biden, the 2016-2020 surge in violence, lawlessness, Deep State interference and machinations, and the Democrat brown shirts (BLM, ANTIFA, Woke warriors, anti-semitic Leftist Neo-Nazis) will try to do what they did last time. However, this time it will be different as they will meet the armed citizenry of America. Since Americans are armed to the teeth, I see America following a grave civil war to the death, and if Obama/Biden’s Deep State should win, a see the trajectory of an armed totalitarian state, where the people (like me) will be forced to take a knee, be silenced, and if we refuse, subjected to torture, firing squads and our lives forever changed. Thus your comical (?) movie scenario of America would be a welcome outcome but I see things very very differently.

      As Upstate Farmer has said many times, buy chickens and ammo, and most importantly of all, be fit if you wish to survive. Biden/Obama’s Deep State will not allow America to run in any direction unless if it is there direction. Indeed, this is not hyperbole. I fear for America but I fear more for the approximately 2/3 of Americans who are not fit. Some are well versed in ad hominem on-line and vitriol. But we know that life is not on-line, and when it all comes down to it, the principles of evolution apply. He with the greatest strength overcomes his adversary and survives.

      1. Estovir, I am fit…as fit as a 70 year old person can be, but that will not save me against a group of 20 somethings if they come after me. So what I did was I moved to a RED area where the police actually defend the innocent, arrest the guilty and respond in as timely a fashion as possible. If you close a highway in my area you will not get away with it.

        Let the liberals live in BLUE states where the fascists close down streets, attack people in their cars, rob stores into bankruptcy and destroy all that is good. I used to live in MA and just last week Walgreens (I think it was) closed up shop in the poorest section of Boston due to crime etc and what happened…Squad member Ayanna Pressley, senators Warren and Markey DEMANDED that they remain open because it is causing a shopping desert. I have to laugh at the insanity (not the poor innocent folks being harmed by liberal insanity) of people whining after being held accountable for their actions.

        BLUE states and cities are dying and will continue getting worse and worse as their tax base erodes and their welfare clientele grows. Earners leave and illegals come in to get the benefits promised under sanctuary status.

        1. PS. Estovir, your comment was one of the most erudite comments I have seen on this site, but it was too dark to be enjoyable.

          1. Thanks hullbobby. I have stated many times that I am the eternal optimist when it comes to the individual. Society as a whole, not so much. Each and every one of us has the same potential as the next person. Where deficits exist, compensatory mechanisms offset. Whether individuals choose to strive is a matter of free will. Since our society has turned its back, much as the citizens of the Roman Empire did, on our rich intellectual, virtuous and moral living, these destine our nation to the same fate as other fallen empires. This is strictly an academic exercise. Yet, as the troll Gigi (Svelaz, Peter Shill, bug, Wally, Bob, et al) below shows, having intellectual rigor is not in abundant supply today.

            1. Estovir, sadly our culture is taking the individual out of the equation and leaving us with a movement towards collectivism, a proven prescription for ruin. We will have more equality of suffering and less chance for advancement due to one’s own skill level, initiative, perseverance and moral clarity. In short…we are doomed.

              Upstate, I agree with the need to being mentally fit as well as physically fit, but as a guy who grew up more or less in city settings it is too late for me to get into the chicken game. I also have no idea what PMs are. But I am guessing that you will be fine come he** or high water.

                1. hmmm. Here I thought it meant “plenty of money”. That or “patriot missile”.


                  hullbobby, we are not doomed. I’ve been fairly clear that the individual has every opportunity to survive most adverse circumstances. Our cells demonstrate the aforementioned hour by hour. And UF is right: fitness is not just physical but also mental. Evolution favors those individuals who can overcome adverse situations. Follow the science™

            2. Argentina has a much stronger left wing culture than the US given the half century or Peronist rot. Yet they just elected a man to try to clean up the leftist rot. I’ve said from the beginning the Left will do to him what they did to Trump and indict him on a bunch of bogus charges. We’ll see. But at least enough of the voters there want change. Europeans seem to be waking up, too. Farmers in Norway, Germany, Ireland are fed up with the “green” policies. What the media laughably calls “far right” political parties are gaining in strength.

              In America, the Democrat coalition is crumbling before our eyes. Rich Jewish Democrats now see there is a sizeable and loud wing of the Democrat Party that openly supports the Hamas terrorists who massacred several hundred innocent Israeli Jews and who want to wipe Israel and Jews off the map. We’ll see if they keep donating and supporting the Democrat Party.

              Mayors in Chicago and NYC are getting loud about the invaders coming to their cities. Surely, the reason why we hear from them almost weekly is because they are getting earfuls from mostly black Democrat constituents upset that the illegal invaders are contributing to overcrowding, increased rents, and sucking up taxpayer resources that should be going to Chicago and NYC voters who elected them. Of course, because those mayors are Democrats their only schtick is to blame Republican governors for Biden’s failed immigration policies, but even the least informed see through their lies.

              There are reasons to be hopeful.

      2. Estovir, HullBobby,
        As I have stated more than a few times on the good professor’s blog, civil war must be avoided at all costs. Such a thing would disrupt our supply chain system to the point where people would die having never heard a shot taken in anger.
        But I do fear it is coming.
        Yes, do invest in chickens, PMs, ammo, and your own health.
        I would also add, know your neighbors.

        1. P.S.
          I would also add, it is not only physical strength but mental strength of those whom survive adversity.

      3. Egad! are you deep into it. I’m really beginning to get worried about people like you running around loose. DeSantis dropped out because he ran out of money and had no clear message that resonated with any substantial number of people. He tried to out-Trump by being a younger version of Trump and flopped badly. He has NO likeable personality, he is petty and arrogant, and his little wifey demanded to go along and had to always fly on private jets, which are costly. The money dried up. Pure and simple. To take from these facts some convoluted claim that Democrats cheated in 2020 and will do so again in 2024, is wrongheaded at best and most likely delusional. The only PROVEN 2020 election cheater is DJT–he tried to bully Secretaries of State to falsify election totals by awarding him votes he knows didn’t get, just like all the polls predicted and got people to falsify Electoral College Certificates–and, there’s no such thing as “contingent” Electoral College documents–so stop telling this lie. The only valid Electoral College documents are those that spell out which candidate won. Despite all of the investigations following 2020, the only evidence of a serious issue was that Biden got cheated out of 4,000 votes in Virginia due to human error. That’s it. so why do people like you continue to believe Trump was cheated out of his imaginary ? When he couldn’t bully the VP into taking action that is not allowed, he sicced his poor, stupid followers onto the Capitol. He lies about offering 10,000 troops. Didn’t happen. One of his devotees lost her life as a result. Capitol Police were battered and beaten. The only Neo-Nazis we have in this country, as a proven fact, are Trump supporters–they are the ones who were at Charlottesville and at Washington on Jan 6th, proudly displaying their hateful ignorance–e.g. “Camp Auschwitz” t shirts. So, you think there will be an “armed citizenry of America” who are going to try to force the rest of us to accept the pig you worship as leader? The pig who destroyed the successful economy he inherited from our first black President, the pig who started a trade war with China, the pig who doesn’t know that Obama isn’t president any more (something you also are confused about) and who confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi? The pig who took BK 6 times because he can’t even manage his own finances and who just can’t stop lying and can’t stop defaming a woman he raped? The pig who botched the pandemic, resulting unnecessary deaths and illnesses, and who was clueless on how to lead in a crisis? Not gonna happen. I believe God loves America too much to allow this.

        Your post displays some serious concerns about your mental heatlh. You DO need help, not just because you believe lies, but because your comments can be construed as threatening some kind of civil war if the election doesn’t turn out the way you hope, and, for the sake of America, we hope that is the case. What will happen to America under 4 more years of Biden’s leadership? The economy will continue to grow, just like it has, after Biden turned around the disaster Trump left him to deal with, with COVID out of control, restaurants, businesses and schools closed, no leisure travel, costs of goods going up due to shortages of computer chips and goods from China, alienation of our EU and NATO allies. Our infrastructure will be rebuilt. We will be less dependent on fossil fuel. Inflation will continue to go down. Unemployment will continue its downward trend.
        Consumer confidence will continue to grow as will American’s reputation overseas. You speak of ancient cultures that went under as some kind of predictor for America under Biden–you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. The biggest existential threat to America right now is the risk that DJT could somehow get back into power. In addition to being stupid and not understanding the basics of government and being NO patriot and a malignant narcissist, he lacks the moral integrity to lead this country. He will demand loyalty pledges to him as a condition for working in the federal government, being fully ignorant of necessity of checks and balaces. He has pledge to use the DOJ and government for “revenge” because Americans voted him out in 2020. He will continue to lie and insult the leaders of other countries. He will, once again, kow tow to Putin and try to defund Ukraine because Putin wants to take it over. He will, once again, screw up the economy, with more tax cuts for the wealthy–the first time around, the national debt hit a record, which is helping to drive inflation. Republicans are trying to defund the IRS, which more than pays for itself with increased tax revenues. so the national debt would go up. He will try to take Obamacare away from tens of millions of Americans who depend on it. All of this is just for starters.

        If Biden was going to create a totalitarian state, then WHY hasn’t this happened instead of Biden priortizing inclusion of all Americans and bipartisanship solutions? Trump is actually pushing Republicans NOT to agree to any solution to the border crisis–to deny Biden another bipartisan “win”. The only one pushing for a totalitarian state is Trump–pushing for full immunity for his multiple felonies, for stealing classified documents, lying about returning and declassifying them and starting an insurrection. Trump has serious mental health issues-malignant narcissism, delusions of grandeur and a need for vengeance. as a salve to his delicate ego. And, here’s a real inconvenient truth–Trump KNOWS, deep down inside, that he’s not very bright, not very accomplished (his businesses are all for show–they hemorrhage money–he mainly lives on inheritances from his father), not patriotic (calls service members “suckers and losers”), and that Biden is superior intellectually, morally and as a leader–fear of this truth being revealed is what’s behind the bluff and bluster. What’s unbelievable is that people like you are so blind to this reality.

        1. He paid for breakfast. 😀 He thanked me for tying together the references to the Old Testament, Roman Empire and the US Founding Fathers, and their application to our world today. This morning at the gym he approached me to chit/chat. so it went well.

          JAFO, I was harsh on you the other day. I apologize for that.


          1. I accept, thank you, although no apology needed…nothing you said was taken personally. I’m very lucky…I don’t get offended easily. On the contrary, I try to ‘find the humor’ more often than anything else; even in the most serious-furious discussions of the day. If there’s none to be found, no biggie either.

            I also find it refreshing when people in younger generations seek our advice and give that advice serious thought and consideration rather than dismiss it as irrelevant, ‘old person’ nonsense. I still ask questions of my elders and cherish their perspective and memories. They most certainly lived through far more trying times, circumstances, and history than I can possibly appreciate.

            May your new young friend provide years of good conversation together and cheers to you, too. 😊

      4. “I also recounted the Old Testament evidence of the Jews constantly being disloyal and turning their backs to Yahweh ”

        Yet the Jewish people kept moving forward despite false prophets, the loudmouths, and those predicting their demise. The Torah remains and is revered by three major religions. Losing faith and regaining it is part of humanity. The process is recognized by continuous advancement. No one except a fool is perfect in their own eyes, and they remain at a standstill.

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